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Teddy KGB

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Everything posted by Teddy KGB

  1. That you think it’s a legit thread to put in DT is hilarious. You banned me for basically making the same post as another poster earlier in the thread but slanted the other direction, fucking fascist.
  2. @blacklab is banning posters for shitposting in a shitpost thread.
  3. Kindly go fuck yourself miserable twat
  4. I think I get it now, you think I'm ADHD?
  5. Well, go on, why are you so butthurt?
  6. Oh hmmm, I wonder how someone who created their account less than a day ago would know about arbitrary banning rules around trolling? Why are you so butthurt?
  7. @Horn Under a Bad Sign is being a bitch and negging every post of mine he can find right now.
  8. Isn't it strange how nearly everyone in the Trump orbit looks like they were cast for the role they are in? It's clear that appearances are more important to him than actually knowing stuff.
  9. I think it would be extremely hard to prove that Cohen "wanted" a job in the WH. He can just say that he changed his mind after initially pursuing a position.
  10. Just ignore him, the trolling rules on surly are extremely arbitrary, to put it nicely.
  11. Cohen and Donny Deutsch, who both personally know Trump, say he is capable of this. The GOP has shown 0 willingness to stand up to him. You're a fucking fool if you don't think this is a possibility, but yeah roll your eyes.
  12. Stinks of coastal elitism, the Hillary approach to fundraising.
  13. Trump and MAGA morons aren't conservatives.
  14. Why not both?
  15. Yes. How does Trumps dick taste?
  16. So you think it's plausible that ISIS or AQ had the capabilities to pull off that attack? Fucking laughable.
  17. DOTUS has basically accepted NK as a nuclear power, and the MAGA idiots will cheer him on.
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