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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Felix

  1. I'm fine with the incidental contact but he walked.
  2. It's no wonder we can't get any free throws. Mark was hacked. Kent was hacked. It's ridiculous.
  3. I think the point of the movie was to show the perspective of each of the three involved. The husband, the accused rapist, and the wife/alleged victim. It was based on an actual historical event and from my understanding the perspectives shown were based on the testimony of each and how it lead to the last trial by combat recorded in history because of the he said/he said/she said thing.
  4. They only have 3 fouls. Sure, sute
  5. Don't leave your kids alone with this guy.
  6. Watched Gardens of Stone for the first time in a while and forgot what a good movie it was. As someone who served in the Army a few years later, the technical advisers on this movie did a great job. The army stuff is really good. Very underrated movie IMO. A good look at how Vietnam divided the army in much the same way as the rest of the country, but mainly just some excellent performances from James Caan, James Earl Jones, etc.
  7. So I guess that wasn't goal tending?
  8. I would have I'd Bruce up on that just because.
  9. Then dumbfuck has to foul with 1 second left as if the loss wasn't embarrassing enough.
  10. Just quoting this one as being on topic for the topic, not particularly responding to this, but it's also relevant. My Dad worked his way up from Accountant I to Director of Accounting at Texas Health and Human Services Dept. In the 30 years he worked there the state shifted from Dem run to Rep run. Once the Reps came in, every few years they'd try to bring in a private contractor to, allegedly, make things more efficient. None of them lasted very long because they didn't understand the scope of work and inevitably under bid the project because they didn't realize that most of the inefficiencies were written in the law and, thus, couldn't just be streamlined. Each time they would come to him and say "Why do we have to do it this way?" Every single time the answer was "Because the legislature made this law because some private company found a loophole in the law and corn holed the tax payers out of millions of dollars." Do you know why it takes three forms and three levels of approval to buy a pencil? Because, some outside business found a hole the rules so that they could charge $5 for a $ .20 pencil and bilked the state for millions before it was discovered. They also didn't grasp the size of the budget or the services they would be required to provide, and thus were incredibly understaffed and inefficient because they thought providing hundreds of thousands of people services costing billions of dollars would be easy if they could just get their MBA asses on the job and find all the alleged bloat. Then they found out there wasn't nearly as much bloat as they thought. In fact, considering what they provided, it's a miracle they can do it with what they have.
  11. Madi channeling Scott Sterling had me losing it over here.
  12. Agreed. Shed has too many mental lapses. It's like he's a step slow and it's not physical he just doesn't seem to be an instinctual player and it hinders the pick and roll we run fairly well because he just doesn't seem to grasp the timing.
  13. Offensive movement is noticeably better tonight.
  14. A classic example is the hands to the face call. They couldn't see the holding next to it, but they saw that. Ironically if you look at one of the ones where they called holding on us, in the frame is a Georgia guy with his hand up under, I think, Goolsby's facemask just like that. Somehow they didn't see that one.
  15. The SEC is just going to love us.
  16. Maybe Big Trouble in Little China?
  17. It's good to see one thing hasn't changed from last year. Lot's of y'all are still little bitches
  18. The fuck temperature they cook that bread at? My hands hurt just watching him do it.
  19. Voted Thursday with my wife, sister-in-law, and my three daughters. No pics. Youngest was voting for the first time. We made a big deal of it. No wait at all. Got there at just the right time because when we left the line was forming. The womenfolk were fired up to vote.
  20. Just in case this is serious, the poster was only attached at the top so he could slip under it.
  21. Yeah it IS weird! Especially when you consider that 100 years ago they only hit Blue states. Hmmmm.
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