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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Felix

  1. Rage
  2. Those guys will make deals.
  3. Seems like a flaw in the barrier if a stray tire can climb it. I always wondered if I saw something like that if I could maneuver so as to knock the tire over without fucking up my truck, but I can't see any way to do it safely.
  4. Nothing changes. I saw it 20+ times while I was in. Maybe 2 lasted and they had issues. Fast forward to my friends kids enlisting and lather, rinse, repeat. One kid is on his 3rd marriage at 27.
  5. My Dad always said if the chickens were alive when they arrived at Popeye's they'd probably take over the place.
  6. You are correct, sir, I meant to type "excluding". Sorry about that.
  7. If any part of the ball touches any part of the strike zone it's a strike. Thus if the ball crosses any part of the plate (black included) while between the bottom of the knee and 6 inches or so above the belt buckle it should be called a strike.
  8. That's big talk from a guy that the Duck Dynasty dude kept on the bench for 2 years.
  9. Felix: Why is there a $200 charge at the vet? W: Flea meds for the dogs. F: Remember last night when I told you to just get a prescription and I can order them from Costco for less than half the vet price? W. I do now. I'll return them. F: I doubt it. W: They won't take them back. F: You don't say? In her defense she actually apologized profusely and said "I hate it when I do stupid shit like that." I almost died trying to keep my mouth shut.
  10. I've always though that, depending on the industry of course, that most employers would rather an otherwise qualified employee pass the test. I work in healthcare and I can guarantee that a good percentage of both clinical and non-clinical folks are relaxing at home with a toke or two. Of course they actually understand why MJ being illegal is incredibly stupid. Doctors in particular get a little riled up about it. Now if you're on opioids that's a way different story.
  11. I'm sure you've done more research on it than I have so I'll defer to your knowledge. That was based on some things I had read in the past and anecdotes so very well could be wrong.
  12. My understanding is those drug store tests are actually much more sensitive than the ones most testing centers use. I've known several people that pissed hot on the home tests and then passed an employment test a few days later. They all figured they'd fail but all passed. They had all been abstaining for at least a couple of weeks and still failed the home test. I know it can stay in your system up to a month but most studies find that you're clean enough to pass most tests in fewer than fourteen days. Even for chronic users of the chronic.
  13. Low cost, my ass. Unless you find a real old school vet.
  14. Felix

    Shit my co-worker said

    A guy on my team said he he got into an argument that almost resulted in fisty cups.
  15. In Korea back in the late 80's early 90's we still loaded Beehive rounds on our tanks. You could dial in the range on the round and then fire it from the main gun. 100 meters before the designated range it would come apart and release a shitload of fleshettes. I can't remember the number but I seem to recall 1500. Muzzle velocity was 1000 meters per second and max range was 2000 meters. Path of destruction was supposed to be around 50 meters wide at the designated range. Never saw one fired live but fuck being on the other end of that.
  16. Hey Champ, I'll be in town Saturday. Looking forward to hitting you up. I see you're moving so but not this weekend right?
  17. Paco won't brag on himself but his ribs got 1st place at the Horn Bash cookoff this weekend at Buck's Backyard. If the peoples choice contest hadn't washed away in Onion Creek on Friday night we would have won that too for my Dads Bubba Balls. Team Secondhand Smokers was on point!
  18. Probably my favorite steak in Austin. Was there a few weeks ago and it's still top notch. Best creme brule in town too.
  19. Those are such beautiful snakes too. Bad ass and good looking, just like me.
  20. Helps when you get 3 free outs.
  21. I remember watching that live. I was a golfer at the time and it was pretty annoying to see a 5 year old that was way way better than I was. Of course I was only a few years older than he was.
  22. I go even farther. I tell them I will gladly let them leave them on for 1-3 years if hey will take $1000-$3000 off the price. I call it my fee to market their dealership.
  23. You're not getting that net back.
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