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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Felix

  1. I agree for the most part, but I coached girls basketball for a while and had some lower division college players as assistants each year from a nearby small college and a high school varsity level man is going to dominate them, but Joe Average pickup game guy is going to have his hands full. The small ball has it's advantages for sure, but most of those girls at that level can play just as well with the mens ball. They know how to use their bodies to establish position and, while not nearly as physically powerful or fast as male athletes they handle the ball very well and understand the game better than they get credit for. But yeah, any good male basketball player in decent shape is going to win one on one fairly easily.
  2. Which ball are we using? You're going to be more athletic than her, probably quicker, and certainly more explosive, but she'll probably shoot you out of the gym.
  3. Anybody see that ridiculous shot Tiger hit from under the bush on 10, I think it was? LOL
  4. Genie is out of the bottle. Might as well get used to it.
  5. Too many. One is too many, but there have been a hell of lot more than that.
  6. Bullshit, and that's just the most recent one.
  7. Nevada a bunch of dirty bastards. Sent from my SM-G930V using Tapatalk
  8. She just gets them there. She sure as hell doesn't use them.
  9. Glad I got mine weeks ago. My wife works for the company that does the porto-johns and other sanitation stuff out there. When Tiger committed they called and asked to add 2 attendants just to follow Tigers group around the course and clean and restock the shitters after they pass.
  10. Legend in his own time. I guess I'll be reading Dead Solid Perfect again and laughing my ass off. Gonna hoist a whiskey or six for him tonight.
  11. I think that's a load bearing wall, but I'm not sure.
  12. Linda Carter in her prime was the perfect woman. Hell, she looks damned good now!
  13. Fight Club.
  14. I'll say a prayer for him.
  15. Gee some one from Philly is a piece of shit. Who could have guessed?
  16. Anybody planning on going to the Dell Match Play on Friday 3/29? I'll be there an wondered if any other Surl's would be there. I hope Tiger plays, but we'll see. If he does you best have a ticket before he commits.
  17. It's a little better but not enough IMO.
  18. When outlook says I have an unread email in my inbox and I don't.
  19. Could be worse!
  20. Come to think of it, that might cause CTE/Dementia.
  21. I have a jar. My bro has been working out of state for a while so pickin's are slim right now. I'm hoarding it.
  22. I call it trolling.
  23. Were you born stupid or did you have some sort of head trauma?
  24. I bet Earl doesn't have a job for much longer.
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