I had the distinct displeasure of training Armor Officers at the Armor School at Ft. Knox when I was in. I can tell you without reservation that 99% of 2nd Lieutenants are shitbirds. Most are capable of learning and once they do, many turn into fine officers. Aggy was, without question, the biggest pain in the ass of all. Entitled, cocky, stupid, and lazy. Every single one I dealt with had to be yelled at by their OIC at least once due to thinking they were above doing some task.
They always made sure to let everyone know they were aggy, in word and deed. They generated more eye rolls from everyone involved in training them than all other groups combined.
I gave everyone a chance to prove themselves during the "10 day war" field exercise at the end of the cycle. When it came time to bring the tanks in and do cleaning and maintenance, we had an unspoken policy among the training NCOs to give the biggest assholes the shittiest jobs, like greasing the torsion arms and road wheels. I did 8 training cycles., and aggy won shithead of the cycle every time I had one on my crew. The rate was similar on every tank in the Troop.
I would have career Sergeant's First Class who knew I was from Texas come ask me, wtf was the deal with these people. I had no answer other than "aggy".