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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Felix

  1. Disu did the same rope-a-dope when he got called for his 3rd. Should have been a travel
  2. I reffed football and basketball for a few years. I know it's hard. I also know that competence comes second to politics and the good ol' boy network in advancing. That's why I have very little respect for most of them
  3. Games like this is why I get so frustrated watching NCAA hoops. These officials are clowns.
  4. The two weeks I worked in fast food was way worse than the two summers I worked as a plumbers laborer.
  5. You guys never fail and I applaud you. nineliveslost = B- tbone_ = A because I'm a tranditionalist
  6. Yeah I hate it when that happens.
  7. Probably not the answer you're looking for but I work in healthcare IT and work with radiology and cardio imaging, and we found that if we didn't do confirmations a few days prior to appointments our no-show rate was insane. I'm talking 50% or greater. It played hell with staffing, revenue, and satisfaction numbers. Once we implemented a program to reach out by phone or electronically our no show rates dropped below 10%. So, in short, it's because if we don't remind people they don't show up and have to be rescheduled and the clinical staff sits around getting paid to do nothing half the day.
  8. Mine are all homebodies and introverts. I think the oldest was around 14 when left for a night, but she had younger sisters. My parents and brother live within 1/4 mile of my house so they had someone to call if needed but they never did. I think 13-14 if they aren't idiots and you have a phone tracker on them.
  9. He can answer for himself but I believe he drives for Amazon so I assume it's at each delivery.
  10. I enjoyed it very much. Agree that it's a different experience than the original but I found it very thought provoking and the performances were top notch.
  11. More money, that's why. Extra $150K. Just soaking the rich guy for more money.
  12. Growing up playing with my Dad, I retrieved his driver for him on average twice a round. He was always nice enough to rifle it 30 or 40 yards down the fairway so I could usually just lean out of the cart and snag it on the way. I was never much of a club thrower but I might have hammered a few tees into the ground like John Henry after a railroad spike.
  13. There is a great book I recently listened to. The Admirals by Walter Borneman. Focuses on the Five Star Admirals and their careers up to and including WWII. King was the right man for the job.
  14. It's a damned shame. I, too, hope it wasn't arson. @Paco was stationed at Tustin when it was MCAS Tustin. He has some great stories about that hangar.
  15. I've gotten the "this is the dems fault" comment a few times. I eventually settled on "you should look up the word "majority" in the dictionary."
  16. She's appeared in the "Stupid things wives do" thread so I felt compelled to tell her so that she would think twice in the future. She lives in fear of making that thread again so it helps me in the long run.
  17. For a bunch of assholes, this group kicks ass. As soon as I found out she was coming to us I told my wife (no pics) "Once we get her cleared by the vet I'll put her up on Surly and I'll bet she'll be in a good home in a couple of days". Surly proved me right.
  18. I wish I could rep this twice. Lot's of allergies over here for some reason.
  19. @irishtexan just picked her up to take her to her new forever home. We'll miss her, but I know she'll live her best life with his fam!
  20. I'm not worried in the least. July.
  21. She and Rocco are going to be best buds and she's going to be get all the love she needs from @irishtexan and his beautiful family. We'll miss her but this is the best outcome we could hope for!
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