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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Felix

  1. My wife stepped on one when and got hit on the ankle. She's got a pretty high pain tolerance and it was clear she was in agony. For future reference, the hospital filled a bucket with hot ass water, like 120 F and put her foot in it and it was instantaneous relief. The heat breaks the toxin down. If you get stung get whatever is stung in some hot water and you're good.
  2. You've clearly made up your mind on this so I'll leave you your illusions. Let's just say that the vast majority of people who study this for a living don't agree with you.
  3. Dude, no one is saying we can control the climate, only that for all of history biological organisms have changed the climate. We are doing that right now. It is actually changing right now and we are doing it. It's going to cause widespread changes to the rest of the ecosystem. It already is. Most organisms aren't as adaptable as we are so many are dying because they can't adapt fast enough. Humans are doing it, just like the algae pumped the atmosphere full of oxygen and changed it millions of years ago. No one is saying other things don't also affect the climate, they do. It's a complex system. No shit. If you don't think organic life is one of those factors I don't know what to tell you. It's not an issue of control it's an issue of damage mitigation.
  4. You do know why we have an oxygen rich atmosphere right? Because extremely successful organisms (like us) made it that way. It also resulted in large extinctions and changed life on earth. "Control" is not the issue. The issue is tipping the balance and changing the ecosystem that we all rely on to survive. It's happening even as we speak and you're lying to yourself if you don't think we are doing to ourselves.
  5. Sure. Just keep telling yourself that.
  6. And we'd do it all at night when we can see better than they can in the daytime.
  7. I'm normally pretty sanguine about regular season games, but I saw a lot of loser baseball last night. Too many lazy plays.
  8. If it were my call I would have put the runner back on 3rd and made them earn it. It was obstruction but I don't think I could say for sure she would have scored.
  9. Watched ever minute of it this year. Been a while since I did that, but needed a break from in-laws in town for graduation. It never gets old. Incredible what those men did and how Hanks and Spielberg delivered the goods. Cried like a baby at least three times and thanked God yet again that I was never called to go into combat. That shit changes you and rarely for the better.
  10. One of my favorite examples of how the US Military operates was a story about a written exam given to Lieutenants in a leadership school. The only question was something like this: You are ordered to put up a new flag pole. Resources available: 1. 40 foot flag pole. 2. pre dug 5 foot hole of appropriate diameter. 3. 2 lengths of 50 foot rope. 4. 1 Sergeant and 5 Privates. Describe your actions to raise the pole. Most would go into incredible details in how they would erect the pole. The correct answer was "Sergeant, put up that flagpole".
  11. Let's just say I'm glad Make em eat Taco Bell is not in charge.
  12. Keep your head on a swivel, kid.
  13. I didn't look it up or anything but I'll bet the East team has twice as many people as the West team.
  14. Like the Big 10 would even take them. Talk about a culture clash.
  15. those images look degraded to me. I'll bet we didn't want them to see our true capabilities. In 1992 I could pick out individual soldiers walking through a wood line at 1500 meters through a fog that limited visual sight to 100 meters. It's even better at night when the ground cools. I'll bet it's way better now. Those images look like they are probably from the early 80s.
  16. My German Sisters-in-Law say "Schwacher Penis" which, according to them means "soft penis". I've started using that in place of pussy, cunt, etc. You have to pronounce it right though. Google translate is your friend here.
  17. That dude is the epitome of a combat leader.
  18. I usually stick to birthday cakes, hearts, flowers, that sort of thing, but I know what I'm doing next Valentines Day. Sadly with my drawing skills it will probably take her a little while to figure out what it is. Maybe I'll just draw the organs as that would be easier to decipher.
  19. Nasty Girls shouldn't be trusted with anything but a mop and only under supervision.
  20. My wife sleeps late so on occasions requiring a card I get up at my usual time and, using a piece of copy paper and colored pencils, I make a card with whatever the appropriate markings for the occasion. I'm a terrible artist but a decent writer so I usually come up with something that works and amuses her with it's childlike whimsy. I'll be damned if I'm spending $8 on a damned card or going to pick one out.
  21. Dude, I like you as a poster but you're seriously bitching out in this thread. Smoke a bowl or something and relax. If it's still shitty in a month then you can lose your shit.
  22. Unless he putts better than he ever has in his life, I doubt it. It's the only thing holding him back IMO.
  23. Felix

    Rodney Terry

    The players also aren't game planning and scouting. To me the coaching staff have done an excellent job in that regard.
  24. When I was at Ft. Knox in the early 90s the orientation for incoming troops included warning to the black soldiers as to which towns they should not go to. They weren't strictly off limits but it was made very clear that bad should would very likely happen to you if you went there at any time of day. The one I remember was Shelbyville.
  25. The first book is slow go get going but once the Cacafuego situation manifests it gets much better. I'd say try to finish it and then make a call. Like any series it takes a while to develop the characters and hit it's stride.
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