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Everything posted by RaylanGivens

  1. His thumb is covering up the price...
  2. SB selects I've run across lately are KCSB, EC, RR, and FRSB. Dare I ask where you found it ? 😎
  3. Uhhhhh, care to share the details of this nirvana? I have no idea what you're talking about, but I want to go to there. https://g.co/kgs/yAhmZf Hopefully the link works It does appear that all the VIP tickets are sold out.
  4. Uhhhhh, care to share the details of this nirvana? I have no idea what you're talking about, but I want to go to there. https://g.co/kgs/yAhmZf Hopefully the link works
  5. Hopefully, at very least, she now understands the the gravity of the offense she committed ...
  6. Keeping my eyes out for one of those jewels in the Houston area Bill, any ideas?
  7. The sad thing, at least where I've looked around Houston, (W & NW) it can't be found in every store anymore, many stores sold out, others pushing prices past $35, if they have it. One store had 6 bottles at $39.99. Some are calling it allocated
  8. Trust me, when Fred published his piece on HM10 winning Double gold, he became the enemy.
  9. Supposedly WT101 is a blend of 6,7 and 8 yr old bourbons...or at least that's the word on the webs
  10. Weller Antique?, and you said it was dry out there
  11. Specs had Stagg Jr.? and for $44 Christmas in March!...
  12. I guess the 3 different locations I have visited were on the better side, that or it was just a good day.
  13. TW in Houston has 1792 full proof barrel picks...if anyone is looking 😎
  14. Thinking maybe my tastebuds need retuning...cause what from I've had, IMHO Rudy's puts out some pretty decent Que. Not slap your momma level, but good. Course, it is a chain, so there's that
  15. Thanks Bill, will give em look. On a side note, a colleague did run across two bottles that the proprietor of the store was extremely proud of...@ 249.99 each! 💰
  16. Talk about a train going off the rails...
  17. FIL asked me if I could find him some Blanton's, told him I haven't seen it around Houston for about 3 months. 🚫. Anyone have better luck, anywhere?
  18. You don't have to drink it until you get home I think you're on to something.
  19. Looking at the Steinhart line of watches, anyone purchased from them?
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