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Everything posted by Rougarou

  1. 1 observation and 1 question: 1) Bad_Teammate is loving how close this is and would find some value in a Trump 2nd term, as it would only help his cause and invigorate the far left and continue to give them a focused enemy and keep a tight aperture on their focus and goal. This isn't horrible for a far leftie. Question: Who is the new Trump lady? Smokeythebear?
  2. Wow, Jerry Jones is getting testy. Seems like every interview he's getting ugly with the press, more than I can ever remember. This disaster we are all watching must really be wearing on him privately and internally.
  3. It pains me to say, but I think you are right. The dismal tide is not just a fun quotable from that one movie; it's the inevitable change made up of the critical mass, and when you are part of the rock at which the wave is incessantly crashing into, and which will eventually be overcome and toppled, you should not ignore what's right in front of you. There are two main, undeniable truths as I see them today: -Demographics in America have and will remain changed, in a way that is not positive for a lot of folks who have found some privilege and comfort playing by the old rules, to the detriment of those now emboldened with numbers and allies. -Mainstream culture and the zeitgeist of America has changed with the above demographics, and will continue to do so, thus changing the rules. So my reasoning is to simply learn the rules of the new game and work towards finding something you can live with. Hanging on to an old model of thinking and living is fine-- it will make for some great parties and the art will be delicious (as creative things, like spiritual things, usually thrive in the margins), as well as the exclusivity will be charming as time continues to march forward-- but one must rid themselves of the mindset of "ought and should" and not be resentful or upset when things don't align to their worldview. It's a necessity if you want to avoid being eaten up with negative emotions and ugliness like you see from the likes of some on this site. The challenge, and it's more important now more than ever, to be of a growth mindset. Find what good you can with this new wave and try to adapt and find pockets within these people and these new ideas that you can be comfortable living with. And above all take comfort that from this progressive revolution, as it normalizes and becomes mainstream, there will be opportunities. Human beings are human beings, and life--corrupt judges and politicians-- will, uh, find, uh, a way.
  4. The story goes, a passerby in Manhattan recognized and shouted out to ole J.P., "Hey Johnny-- what's the stock market gonna do?", to which he replied, "It will fluctuate.". And that's about what the MBA class "Advanced Finance Management" is all about. Don't let them tell you that you didn't use the pandemic to get smarter.
  5. Voted! Didn't vote in 2016 but pulled ye olde lever for democracy this year.
  6. Trump survived Covid-19? Ah well, nevertheless. Time to vote 🗳
  7. An interesting think-tank email expounded on some very interesting (read: real, not us messagboard dorks riffing opinions) commentary around Disney+ and Soul, etc. One of the more interesting artifacts was the actual vertical/horizontal integration map that Walt Disney himself drew which highlights his original vision:
  8. Will Smith is responsible for the worst movie I've ever seen called "Focus". That alone means Martin lives and Smith dies.
  9. This. Disney is *NOT* going to buy a movie theatre chain. The friend mentioned upthread at Alamo HQ seems to be enjoying some industry-specific gossip that is undoubtedly keeping those guys entertained and busy during this very horrible time for the industry. Disney+ is the lone bright spot in a portfolio being decimated by covid-19. Lucky it launched in 2019, really.
  10. This thread is salve to the wounds that is the spread of the infection of SJW cancel culture-itis
  11. What I mean is, if he wins and decides to open up the arms race that is packing the courts and jumping them up every 4 years to try and mute the influence of the previous administration, is that okay and cool as a political maneuver, since we are talking about it being cool if Biden wins election? Granted his winning the election is like a 12.5% chance at this point so probably just a thought exercise at this point with less than 30 days to election.
  12. If somehow Trump improbably wins, what if he also packs the court?
  13. "Sit down next to me and take your talkin' to" was so hilariously condescending and dismissive and powerful. I can see how people got stabbed in the guts by this guy.
  14. This guy was trained in the dojo's of MBB; he's an amazing and dominant orator.
  15. I have, but only stayed in Westin's with creature comforts to avoid the "Delhi Belly" and when in the Middle East, it is plenty lux (e.g. Dubai, Oman, etc.)
  16. I mean, protesting, looting, Nipsy Hustle dying, Lakers winning...LA gonna LA and all we can do is smoke an ounce to this and bounce to this.
  17. Do you recommend...wiping your butt with a wipe...and then putting the poop wipe in a trashcan to fester?
  18. Agree!
  19. This is why you don't pay the QB you aren't sure about for the long-term, a ton of money in guaranteed money. This is just the reality of the sport. Even before this injury I thought the best outcome would be a trade for draft picks and get another QB in the draft and now I'm not even sure you get anything juicy for him.
  20. Yuck. I tuned in today and Brady's pushing 42. And there is brown tobacco stains all down his chin. To me he's one of the heroes of this league. So why is he dressed up like them old men. Losing track of the downs, and playing moon and 42.
  21. Everytime I think "Uh oh-- could today be the 'Rona?", I go and eat something or drink something with distinct taste and make sure I can register it. Then it's anxiety-free mediocre health, baby.
  22. Kumons and Mathnasiums are booming. Should have invested in one 6 months ago
  23. Wow that is hilarious. Any screaming weird lady call-back is a A+ in my book.
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