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Everything posted by Rougarou

  1. Agree. We need our leaders to reverse engineer a strategy by going backwards from March 2021 to October 2020 (realistic timeline for implementing any strategy). That's the 6 month, last mile, of this thing (if vaccine news is to be trusted) and you get people singing off the same sheet of music as we head into holiday season where there will not be social distancing from November-January 2nd.
  2. I forget which poster it was, so forgive me for not giving you the credit, but I agree that the playbook has been written. Virus is out of control; everyone pull it back in and masks and closures, etc. It starts to get better, people get more lax and it gets bad again. This will be the cycle until Feb/March when a non-Chinese vaccine is ready.
  3. And these aren’t just the poor; this lady was in first class. I fly 100,000 miles a year minimum....and I get first class maybe 60-70% of the time. So this lady isn’t some Spirit Airlines poor person. Ostensibly she has her life together in other respects (financial, career, etc.). You just think why would someone die on the hill of a mask when you can just smile, nod put the mask on and then pull it down maybe 10 or 15 minutes later.
  4. Speaking of Las Vegas and homeless guy, I'm at the Cadillac dealership getting my oil changed and I'm watching USA networks great show LAS VEGAS, starring James Caan and the episode (2004) involves a homelesss man and Mark McCrath. What a time to be alive 2004 must have been.
  5. I just simply don't understand how people can't just put a mask on and deal with it and then take it off as soon as you are out. I saw a video of a lady being kicked off a flight-- a first class seat-- because she couldn't begrudgingly put on a mask for a 30 minutes. I don't understand the whole "die on the hill" mentality of anything.
  6. I agree and think most people would not react or comment the way this guy did. BUT, I’m super impressed and encouraged that his different opinion and belief is being supported by his coach and ostensibly peers. A team is the sum of a group of individuals with disparate backgrounds, beliefs and ideas. I just love seeing that baseball is seemingly supportive and open-minded.
  7. “Yesterday, Intel's stock slid more than 16% after it said it would delay the rollout of its 7-nanometer chip technology by a year. Intel is moving forward with its 10-nanometer process...but in this highly competitive industry, tens of billions in market value go to those who can make the next generation of smaller and more efficient transistors. That’s where AMD comes in. Shares of the Intel rival gained nearly 15% yesterday, pushed along by Intel’s sour announcement. It’s already making 7nm chips for laptops, and eclipsed more than 17% market share in personal computer CPUs in Q1, per Mercury Research.”
  8. A whole mood! https://www.foxnews.com/sports/giants-sam-coonrod-kneel-black-lives-matter-faith-christian#:~:text=San Francisco Giants pitcher Sam,kneel before anything besides God.”
  9. "You get 4 President's with the price of 1-- art of the deal. Tremendous deal."
  10. The money is in the Bay Area because the talent (Stanford) is in the Bay Area and the culture and best-practices/COE for innovation and the start-up playbook for America is ingrained in those folks. Just like, secondarily, the money is in NYC/Boston, because the talent is in NYC/Boston. What I'm saying is the money follows the talent, not the other way around. You can argue Chicken or egg, but I think it's pretty clear. Anyways, this conversation got derailed because homeboy misunderstood/misread my original comment-- so back to the topic at hand-- China sucks (but they do have some strong tech)
  11. I actually think the last two pages have been a very solid and fair discussion. I think this is what people mean when they say "we should think Homesickhorn for forcing us to have the conversation".
  12. What about calling women fat whales or otherwise commenting on their physical appearance (along with sometimes using misogynist adjectives)? I'd be curious how Bama squares that circle because she used to do it with the lady who was former spokesperson, Sarah Huckabee.
  13. Sure. But my point to the blurb you responded to was more, the minds in bleeding edge of tech (Stanford, MIT, etc.) who live and breathe the Silicon Valley ecosystem, can figure out the China problem (by and large winning the cyber war) for those of us rubes and Luddites outside of the coasts. To your point, I agree with you and I am also encouraged that remote jobs seem to be trending and normalizing. I've worked from home/remote for most of my career and have done my job in a variety of states and countries, and just as long as I'm on my calls nobody cares. Scaling that out, hopefully you see a dissemination or diaspora of Bay Area tech geniuses (genuii?). Savvy ones will for sure leave just to make their money stretch further via lower taxes and cost of living/real estate/rent, but I've already heard some companies are mulling fighting back with paying the same people/roles different pay grades depending on their location and the fair market value/rate, which would be a bummer.
  14. This thread took a weird turn. I'm with Anastasis. I don't like AOC, I don't like her ideas or ideals, and I don't agree with her on almost anything. But she's impressive and deserves to be where she is by virtue of her people. Good for her, I say. Further, the language Yoho used was beyond inappropriate and he deserves every ounce of blowback he's getting.
  15. I mean...it's kinda funny in a silly and foolish way. Which means it's appropriate for someone to post on a messageboard but not relevant or appropriate for a congressperson to do it.
  16. I watched Ray Allen hit the 3 pointer in Game 6 versus the Spurs at Christie's and was literally the only one cheering. Heat went on to win in 7. YOU'RE WELCOME!
  17. Are you a big drinker and/or big The Quarter fan or something? hmmm
  18. I think the cultural question we need to ask ourselves as a people, was succinctly worded in "Do we really need all that crap sold at 5 and Below?"
  19. Right? Not sure he's getting enough credit for the post. I read a lot of blogs and articles and have yet to see something so effectively distilled and reasonable. InkaUtexas for local public office (lol).
  20. Just Google "Great Firewall" and you can spend days reading about how "just pump internet into China" is a glib and/or ignorant statement. Heck, if anything, China is about to kick Facebook completely out of Hong Kong and China, and we all know how allegedly complicit GOOG has been with CCP...
  21. This seems like a bad/wrong opinion to me.
  22. Such a great post. I was going to say, to your 5th point, that is a very true issue and something we have to be careful about not being racist/insensitive about too. The fact is, UT as a school is miles ahead of where it was when I graduated having mostly to do with foreign students the last two or three decades, with Indian and Chinese being the majority of them. All the California system schools (especially UCLA and UC-Irvine) are the same way. And the etc. Administration and University's aren't going to want to limit their applicant pools, pipeline of strong students and revenue so this will be a fight.
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