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Everything posted by Rougarou

  1. 'Encouraging' lower case count: Dallas County announced 734 new COVID-19 cases Tuesday after more than two weeks with at least 1,000 each day
  2. I read that AstraZeneca was entering phase 2 of a vaccination testing (there are only 3 phases) after getting good immune responses in phase 1 with a test group of 1000+ folks. If things go well, perfect/happy-path, we are looking at something being available in October-ish timeframe. There is a $1.2bn contract for 300mm doses of a vaccination for whomever gets there first. Come fall/winter/early spring of 2021, there will be a drastic change. Come this time next year, all those lucky enough not to have been personally affected (death, family, jobs, wealth, etc.) will view all this as a faint memory. Oceans rise; empires fall...
  3. + rep for the “Unmitigated gall” - Jim Carrey’s The Grinch
  4. I have a small amount of money in Acorns as well and am curious to the answers. I just have it as a petty cash thing and not a primary, secondary or tertiary investment strategy, and my thinking is just keeping it there. Also, does it matter if it's only like $6k in there.
  5. https://www.huffpost.com/entry/rv-costs-expensive-travel_l_5f16259dc5b615860bb6384e
  6. You chose to live there. Don't act like this is Force majeure. This is a reasonable expectation for someone who chooses to live in Portland. We have no sympathy for you here, my friend.
  7. Haha. I'm just saying, I have no sympathy for people who choose to live somewhere with a population/culture that is antithetical to their own, and then complain and gripe about having to deal with the consequences of living there. Vote with your caravan, like our ancestors did, I say.
  8. Because you choose to live in a horrible place.
  9. Here has been my observation and experience: I think for the casual, everyday laymen there is a disconnect between the BLM as a distinctive political machine and movement and BLM as it pertains to an idea or ideal of being anti-racist, pro-equality, diversity and inclusion and being a black-american ally, without a structure that's been created/maintained by people with all sorts of agendas. At least for me and my family, we had no idea there was a distinction until George Floyd murder and subsequent protests. We came to find out that it's actually an organization, etc.
  10. Our school is still opening in August for face-to-face instruction-- offering an online for 4 weeks until late September as well, but will have to be rigorous and the school has made it clear they expect the online kids to keep up with the face-to-face instruction and there are no tuition discounts for choosing online. At pick-up and drop-off (obviously no buses) kids have temperature checks both in the AM and PM, Mandatory masks, no sharing of learning tools, toys, games, etc., no cafeteria food (must bring brown bag lunch), mandatory social distancing, and a souped up hygienic schedule for both facilities and baked in times for kids to wash/sanitize every hour. The classes already have an 8-10 student to teacher ratio in normal times. I expect it to be smaller in the fall, though my wife thinks there might be a run on parents getting their kids into moderately priced private schools like ours, which would be horrible for social distancing and keeping the low ratio, as they fall outside of the jurisdiction as AG Ken Paxton ruled. Let's see.
  11. This is a good post with great insight. I'll only add that, well, you know what? No. Our old friend Denny Green said it best. Trump is who we thought he was. If you want to crown him? Crown his ass. But he is who we think he is. And we'd better not let him off the hook.
  12. 808 & Heartbreak is haunting. I love it (though I know it wasn't everyone's favorite). Definitely not trash though, came out in 2008. MBDTF was great, I thought, as well. Watch the Throne was doing it for the culture and then Kanye West Presents: Cruel Summer was the rap record of the year in 2012 for my money. Jesus is King is the best album of his career to my sensibilities and tastes, just ahead of College Dropout. Nas is probably the best living legend/living rapper though I'm not familiar with anything he's done in the better part of a decade.
  13. It's 5p, I'm punching the clock and putting my hard hat up. God bless you all.
  14. Fair enough. Do with your pre-adolescent and adolescent kids as you will. For me and mine? We are Johnson & Johnson; that's tear free, baby. Onward, onward.
  15. I have no idea. Are you asking me to come up off the cuff with a strategy that beguiled MLK, etc., or else using children as the marches did was morally right? Like I said, I think there is room for disagreement on tactics and x's and o's, while still having the same overall and overarching ideals.
  16. The ideal/ends to which they were organized to achieve, was morally right. The SCLC Children's Crusade was morally wrong, in my opinion. You clearly think that the ends justifies the means and that using adolescents, as young as 7, as political chess pieces is above board. That's cool-- reasonable minds can disagree. I think that is not something that is okay in my book; in my morals and ethics. Guess what? MLK himself was divided upon it. Also, it was a controversial topic. And yes, the strategy worked and children were hurt and jailed, but it got the national attention and ultimately the morally right conclusion was had. That said, you can read the below and see just how manipulative the adults were in planning this (e.g. kids could use peer pressure to attract more kids; kids can go to jail without missing work, etc.). So it is either dramatic overstatement and exaggeration on your part to act like your impassioned views on children being used by jackboot thugs to get national attention is unanimous or you are falling for revisionist history.
  17. Can't make an omelette without some broken eggs, eh? Sheesh. I'mma go ahead and bow out here by saying, I don't understand some of you, but that doesn't mean you guys aren't valuable, good people, probably. I hope it all works out in Portland and elsewhere. Good luck everyone!
  18. ^^ This is the messageboard version of the game of telephone and is a microcosm of the communication problems we have as a people. Brisket originally posted a picture of 8 and 9 year olds, in an impassioned appeal to bring them to a protest-cum-riot, and have them been roughed up with a bit of ultraviolence from the jackboot thugs, but somehow we get the above post after getting a couple of pages of arguing about getting posters who don't like each other into a car together and driving to Portland to protest and TikTok it or something?
  19. What is it with the obsession with being smart. Did I wander upon the incel-investmentbank-finance-nerd board where being smart or perceived as smart is the goal for every single post? It's like every other post is about "you aren't smart" or "you think you are smart" and "but you are really a moron / idiot / dummy / unintelligent person". We all went to the same school and probably all have a pretty small standard deviation between us regarding our cognitive abilities, except for those who were really slumming it up among us. Further, we all went to the same school back in the 80's/90's before a lot of the rigid guardrails for admittance were put in place, so nobody is likely to be a rocket surgeon, unless you guys are Gen Z, c/o 2011-2020 when UT got all world class on us. Anyways, just find it odd that we are resorting to the ole "you think you are smart but you really not smart" lines when there are way more and better personal insults to lob at each other, if you are trying to make people actually feel insulted.
  20. The folks you describe remind me of that scene in Cold Mountain when the South found out they were going to war and they were hootin' and hollerin' "Woo we got our war finally!" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZNsKtiLYrw0
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