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Everything posted by Rougarou

  1. I thought he was awesome as Lafayette but didn’t do it for me (maybe too cartoonish?) as Jefferson. A great casting call— I was surprised that Gad played the King as well as he did, I expected a big fat caricature (like Herod in JCS)— and either Olaf lost weight or he was never a big round great big fat person like I assumed he was. I thought he was perfectly cast as George, his numbers were great, sung great and funny. Also perfectly cast was George Washington and to a lesser extent Madison. Really couldn’t have picked a better GW. The lyrics were great, would even agree if you said exceptional, but I think Lin wasn’t the perfect Hamilton. He was good enough, and technology companies have a similar issue in “founders dilemma” and you can’t really tell the guy “look— you wrote this awesome musical, did all the lyrics and story and pitched it but you are a B+ Hamilton and we should get a marginally better one for an A+”, so I get it. I’d like to see the musical with another lead and compare. All that said, not sure it spoke to me as it did most people. Wasn’t life changing or profound and moving as masterpiece or art. I thought the most exhilarating part and the part that reached the closest to greatness for me was the end of Act 1 when bits of all the previous music came together for a few moments and layered perfectly into a crescendo, elevating Hamilton to NY. Also, the lyrics and rhyming dialogue were amazing.
  2. Good questions and I’m not sure, but I think the private school is small enough that it is up to the task (and can legally do some things that public’s can’t, like demand parents drop off pick up instead of rely on busses in your questions and demand parents pack a lunch, demand temp checks and demand social distancing, demand wearing masks in classrooms etc.) that we deem it an appropriate risk versus having them stay at home and play Minecraft or watch Disney+ all day because mommy and daddy are working. And if the adults/teachers catch ill or it spreads at the school then I guess we will have to try our best to homeschool with what we got. I think everyone is worried about kids falling behind academically, but I’m just not sure If this should be a mild concern (kids are resilient, etc.) or a deeper one and studies and data will bear this out in 20 years ex post facto. Also there are questions if another year at home is going to have disabling affects on future income and opportunity potential for those affected by covid for 1-3 years of schooling (across the board/ages, from elementary to college), and we know minority communities are being hit the hardest, then we have to work to make sure we are helping a people who already are behind the eight ball with systematic racism, to not be hit hard by covid-19 too. These are reasons I think we should put a bias to opening schools in the fall, in safe/considerate and creative ways (see: NBA Orlando)
  3. Not sure if they can legally do this with public schools, but my kids private schools are a) forcing a brown bag/bring your own lunch policy b) mandatory spacing of desks (already a small teacher:student) and c) doing temperature checks/scans every morning. wouldn’t be surprised or opposed if they wanted to make masks mandatory, my elementary aged kids are used to them by now. And I stocked up and have 3 cloth masks in the truck and will be using the dashboard back to 100% remember now thanks!
  4. Well that post didn't go well! I didn't mean SJW to be pejorative, and definitely not to mean any normal, reasonable, liberal (or conservative) people e.g. all of us on this website who are people who don't yell and scream at people in public, regardless of the situation or reason. SJW was meant to mean the type of person who would walk up to someone without a mask on and scream at them, which no reasonable person would do no matter what political striped animal you are, unless you were in need of mental help.
  5. Like I said, I rarely get out and about. Home Depot is my main destination. Like I said it was sparsely populated this AM, but this weekend it was a mad house and you would never have known there was a pandemic. We are entering earnings call season with lots of analysts watching to see what big/blue chips are doing and I'm honestly really curious to see Home Depot / Lowe's performance during the pandemic. They definitely seem to be doing just as well by the eyeball test (I'm sure there is bias in that though).
  6. Sorry, I should know better than to use acronyms in mixed company. That acronym means social justice warrior. In this instance I was referring to someone who would aggressively try to engage me or yell at me or something, because they are warriors.
  7. I agree with you 100%. If it wasn't so early and sparsely populated I would have sunk the time and walked back out and got the mask and agree that I should have done so anyways. I guess my overarching point is that it's still not muscle memory for me (I don't get out too very much) and that despite everything going on, it's still so easy to get lost in your own mental headspace and autopilot your body into stores without a mask. The more things change...
  8. I went to Home Depot at 7am this morning to pick up some paving stones in the garden section. Maybe because I was still groggy/sleepy, I completely forgot my mask in the truck and by the time I was loading up the stones on the cart I remembered. I was nervous walking through the Home Depot some SJW was going to turn their GalaxyNote9000 and yell at me for not wearing a mask and I'd just be timidly apologizing and trying to explain the honest mistake, but luckily I was able to check out and get out before only 5 or 6 folks saw me and nobody said anything. Probably just cursed me in their minds.
  9. I don't know about you guys, but I just bought a bunch of Goya beans from my local Target today.
  10. Worms are apparently in all salmon (I googled, I don't suggest you do) but it's apparently not a big deal if they are dead; " But experts say the worms are unwittingly eaten by plenty of seafood lovers and only pose a health risk if alive. The parasites, anisakid nematodes, sometimes called herring worms or cod worms, are among the most common parasites found in fish and the majority of wild salmon are infected, said Michael Gänzle, Canada Research Chair in food microbiology and probiotics at the University of Alberta."
  11. Salmon creeps me out because I’ve never heard of a more worm-infested species of fish outside of maybe Amberjack from off the coast of Texas.
  12. Believe it or not, at least in my experience, a lot of Finance and Africa’s M&A activity pretty much runs through Nigeria, specifically Lagos. But yea, keep discriminating against Krawfish for Shrimp as if Shrimp aren’t bugs.
  13. I’ve seen a dead bloated body in a Nigerian delta. Some poor guy drowned while bathing; apparently it happens two or three times a year/ anyways, the only thing that would eat the bloated, green remains of what once was a dark black man, were the shrimp that gathered around him en masse. Every other sea creature would leave him alone but not Shrimp the Human Being predator. Ive never eaten or looked at Shrimp the same since. And this wasn’t like ancient Nigeria— this was in like 2001.
  14. No angle. I loved it as a kid, would also always get the calendar a day as stocking stuffers, even had the anthology/Far Side book. And maybe that’s the answer— it really resonates with boy/young men and we love the nostalgia and the memories of that part of our life?
  15. I heard PP was selling aborted body parts a few years ago, from a guy at work who is super alt-right. He claimed there was video evidence of it, but whether true or untrue I’ve always had that image/thought in my mind when I hear PP.
  16. Vanlife and RV living people, who do it on purpose not because they are displaced and poor. I am a creature of comfort and need my suburban sprawl and A/C and plumbing. i don’t understand the desire/urge to live in the Bay Area. Pre-covid I had to be in San Jose and SF once a month and I know folks who live there and I just don’t see the appeal, at all. Don’t take this as a swipe at Cali in general, because San Diego I can definitely see the appeal and I get it. I don’t understand the Dave Ramsey types or people who only use cash. Do you really have so little income or so little trust in your ability to not overspend and be reckless that you leave so much money on the table by not charging everything and then paying it off and getting rewarded? I’m no spankyhorn, but I haven’t paid for a plane ticket for family vacations in the better part of a decade on a real plane not named Frontier or Spirit as just one small example.
  17. I hate to admit it but I kinda think MaC is right. It was fresh and awesome but hasn't aged well in the sense that it's just not that clever and novel anymore. The world caught up. I guess when you look at it from a 50,000 foot view, he wasn't really ever saying anything either.
  18. Okay, sorry if I offended, I can see where it's insensitive now. I was using the word like how we used it in the 90's informally, if it has a more problematic/racist meaning now I apologize seriously. Replace that slang/slur with "poor and undesirable, but not that there is anything wrong with that and it doesn't mean you are less than or deserve less dignity". Thanks for holding me accountable! We are all in this together!
  19. Do we or do we not realize that the argument for funding schools in middle or lower economic parts of town, if true, is the reason that defunding police is a bad idea that will only accelerate the race to the bottom by encouraging the people of means to flee a la white flight? I'm not saying anyone on this thread is doing it, but I've seen it done where someone will literally argue for the funding of ghetto schools in the ghetto because we need more people to want to go there and encourage people of means to stick around to feed the ecosystem until it's healthy (e.g. reduction in crime, jobs in the area, healthy tax base/sales tax/consuming) and also advocate for the defunding of police in the same breath, which would only drive out the folks of means who value a safe and comfortable place for their family over a culturally immersive or diverse experience.
  20. I mean, I think it's a winning campaign message, but I might just be one voice in the minority. Let me preface by saying, I don't care at all in a practical sense. I pay my taxes and will continue to do so without much thought about it and I pay private school tuition because I have made that decision. I'm just saying if we want to talk about idealism, this how I would look at it: I think there should be some sort of sliding scale or varying degrees of what gets paid in. You have 5 kids and they all are going to be schooled by public schools? That's your choice ad you should pay the max. You are a gay couple and will never have kids, or you send your kids to private school, you pay the minimum or % whatever that works out to be, etc. That's how I'd think a winning compromise would look like.
  21. I don't understand why you can't ask for an exemption to not pay for public education if you decide you want to pay for your kids to go to private school. Even if it's "you have to pay a minimum of $X but not the whole thing, like you would if your kids were going to public schools", and you could offer that to all the DINKs and Private Schoolers in the neighborhoods. I think if you did that you'd have a more robust private school ecosystem and more private schools in the $10-15k tuition range a year to serve the middle class/mid-market, versus the current situation of $25k+/year and a few options lower than that in weird areas of town.
  22. Both parties are horrible. Both sides. I'm writing in my vote for Kanye West. Diversity, Inclusion, Black Lives Matter and he's a creative genius. What could go wrong?
  23. But, again to OP's benefit, it's supposed to be an English-first country (due to EU). My experience is it's 50/50.
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