If you are a white man, I would take a hard look at Warsaw or Krakow, Poland. There is a reason that all the consulting firms, the Big 4, and big Tech (Google, facebook, etc.) are all offshoring there. It's decently educated and it's far enough eastern europe that it's super cheap, but still gets you G7/EU protections and normalcy (Western culture, laws, etc.). I've been over there half of the year for the last 2 years and still conduct business on EST. It's not very diverse (Trump and Trumpers would love it here), but it's safe and white and cheap (and the fastest growing BPO geo along with....Lithuania???).
Otherwise, I know a guy who spends half his time in Curacao which is a Netherlands territory and he has a house on a resort property there that he loves. I'd look into that, apparently pretty easy. Also Netherlands has some oil rigs and concerns out there in the caribbean off of Curacao and considers it strategic so you get the weight/support of the Netherlands military there so it's pretty safe.