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Everything posted by Rougarou

  1. There is a pierogi place in the Jewish district that is the best restaurant on earth I've ever eaten. That alone would make me think hard on a relo.
  2. If you are a white man, I would take a hard look at Warsaw or Krakow, Poland. There is a reason that all the consulting firms, the Big 4, and big Tech (Google, facebook, etc.) are all offshoring there. It's decently educated and it's far enough eastern europe that it's super cheap, but still gets you G7/EU protections and normalcy (Western culture, laws, etc.). I've been over there half of the year for the last 2 years and still conduct business on EST. It's not very diverse (Trump and Trumpers would love it here), but it's safe and white and cheap (and the fastest growing BPO geo along with....Lithuania???). Otherwise, I know a guy who spends half his time in Curacao which is a Netherlands territory and he has a house on a resort property there that he loves. I'd look into that, apparently pretty easy. Also Netherlands has some oil rigs and concerns out there in the caribbean off of Curacao and considers it strategic so you get the weight/support of the Netherlands military there so it's pretty safe.
  3. I'm phoning it; took two weeks off the hang with the family and to noodle on my big bet for Q3 and H2 that I want to get in proposal by 8/1. I've hit my Q2 (we are off a month, the SFDC fiscal year model) and over 100% for H1 even with the covid impact. That puts me in rarefied air internally and externally, apparently, as the recruiters have been phoning off the hook. Lots of super interesting Series B and C, $50-100mm funding type plays out there are hiring like crazy, as well as the major majors (MSFT, SFDC, GOOG, etc.)
  4. I think Chicago immediately defects to 3 and then the whole region immediately folds. In short order there are three regions, 1, 3 and 5.
  5. What you got ain’t nothing new. This country’s always been hard on people. It ain’t all waiting on you. That’s vanity.
  6. One of the greatest scenes ever. As most know, Leo actually sliced his hand super bad on accident and improv'ed the wiping blood on the slave girl's face.
  7. I got the phone call and VM too. Not sure why they thought I'd call back.
  8. I stopped wearing a mask for about 3 weeks but started again everytime I'm out of the house this weekend. Chalk me up as someone who thought the worst was over...
  9. Regarding your wave 2 comments, I read this earlier today and thought it was impactful. We have had professionals and people go on TV and say it's okay to protest (from the perspective of covid) or that the risks of covid are outweighed by the purpose of the protests (Debatable), but now that the professionals have done this we are faced with an interesting prospect for the wave 2, if it happens or not. To quote:
  10. As a benefit my work offers: https://www.gympass.com/us where you can pick and choose a network of gyms. This has been rad. Even if it's not free for you from work, it's only $39 a month for LifetimeFitness, previously I was paying $150/mo for LifeTime only access...maybe this should go to the gym thread.
  11. I agree 100% with you here (rare, I know), but if you want to attack the symptoms and not the heart of the matter, here is the hot take... I would argue that to the tax base who make up the 80%, the cops are doing a good job. The Karen's and Chad's or Greg's or whatever we call the male Karen equivalent, are appreciative of cops who are friendly to them but harass the poor and scary people. If you want to break the wheel great, but this is America. So after the sugar rush and high of protesting wears off, there had better be money in it for most folks or else it ain't going anywhere. See Exhibit A: Occupy Wall Street. For you Sir Brisket of Texas:
  12. Do you or do you not understand that defunding the police or dismantling the police is going to drive the inequality gap which admittedly already exists to be larger? It will encourage white flight to areas that have the police function that the upper middle class desire and leave the lower funded areas to a vicious cycle, much like the defunding of public education has done. This is because you aren't treating the cause, just the symptom. Change the hearts and minds of folks to want to live next and among poor people (regardless of color, but factually black in disproportionate numbers) and be TOLERANT of them and their cultural differences (with an understanding that these differences are because of systemic racism and privileges, depending on which side of the divide you were lucky enough to be born on). That is the job. Not defunding police or trying to reform it to make it more friendly.
  13. https://gfile.thedispatch.com/p/the-treason-of-epidemiologists The Treason of Epidemiologists They erode the public trust when they tell people to stay home from church but encourage protests for a cause with which they agree.
  14. "Whatever Trump does or says, no matter what depravities he indulges in, the real issue, the real controversy, the real outrage is that anybody has a problem with it."
  15. The rental car company Hertz gained 115% yesterday, erasing all its losses since it filed for bankruptcy just a few weeks ago.
  16. Nobody knows what's going on until after this is over and we can data mine and tell the story backwards. As of now, just do your best. I'm comfortable again doing things. Went to Lifetime fitness, took the kids to the community pool, we've been eating out in restaurants again and we are planning a summer vacation. We will wear masks where appropriate (like when getting a hair cut or indoors where ventilation is poor or we might have to be within 10 feet of someone, but otherwise it looks like we might be alright if we can get a vaccine by the Chinese New Year.
  17. In Dallas no new deaths and the speculation is that the uptick in cases was because of ramped up testing in nursing homes and generally. Tests seem readily available at every CVS across the metroplex now... Clay Jenkins ✔@JudgeClayJ .@DCHHS reports 254 cases. Today’s numbers are a slight decrease from yesterday. We’re hopeful that the increase that we saw over the last few days was due to population testing in nursing homes and other factors and not the beginning of a spike in cases.
  18. Link me something, big dog, because I can't find it (and have not been engaged in but maybe 1% of this thread)
  19. The way he responded made me believe there was another thread with adult conversation and maybe some sound reporting and pieces that thoroughly discussed. If it's just photos and gifs.
  20. Defund the Police origin story and canon aside, I'd like to hear your opinion on defunding the police. Just this policy or idea in a vacuum (e.g. not coupled with other reform or mandates, like fair housing, etc.) Specifically: are you for it? Do you think it's wise? Ultimately, is it a positive or negative (e.g. my hypothesis is it will actually create more inequality between neighborhoods and POC)? Honestly curious because my take on you is that you actually want public goods to have MORE funding, not less or none.
  21. Where? Serious question because I'd like to read whatever you can link me to because this is baffling to me still and I want to believe that there is higher order thinking that is managing the results and the outcomes that the brute force demonstrating from the top of the funnel is creating, and it's not just going to devolve into mass mob hysteria. But when I see the Mayor of MSP, who is the exact persona I would expect for a progressive, millennial, forward-thinking and diversity and inclusion kind of guy get chewed up and spat out because he's not radical enough, it's confusing without having read about it addressed thoroughly.
  22. Plus, people of means want a friendly police force. Police are friendly to the upper-middle class and wealthy of all colors if you live in the tony zip code, versus the poor (of mostly color, due to systemic and generational racism). I equate it to private school in a way. If I don't want my kids going to sub-par public school, I have to move to a good school district that is free or pay for them to go to private school. If you don't want the basic/entry level police offering (due to defunding), you can either a) move to a good city that will provide what you want in police or b) pay for it yourself, which currently doesn't exist. I wonder if there would be a market for a quasi-private police force that either a city or HOA or Co-Op can contract with-- that might be a business idea.
  23. I thought I read that the original guy who hid this was this guy who "found" the treasure, he went and retrieved it because nobody found it (and possibly because people were dying). That alone is suspicious under the "was it ever really hidden" file. Also, he claimed he will keep it anonymous-- strike 2. Lastly the kicker and strike 3, on why this seems like a stupid scam is because his whole point was to "encourage people to see the outdoors". Sounds like a grifter trying to get free publicity for his art dealing and relics dealing.
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