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Everything posted by Rougarou

  1. I'm all for defunding police but if the school analogy is even close to accurate, you are going to have white flight into neighborhoods/cities that will fund the police and leave the defunded cities in a doom loop or vicious cycle. The only difference is those that want the police defunded would have to be okay with that and not cry for a Robin Hood law giving some of Plano's police money to Dallas or something, because it's unfair and discriminatory that the crime is unequal due to police resources.
  2. Poor guy, that mayor MSP was doing his best and saying all the right things and is super liberal and progressive and yet it's not enough. They want full anarchy or else it's "SHAME!" chanting. It's like there are no adults in the room.
  3. This is me too. I had a few committed and forecasted deals stall with the overnight aspect of covid and just the general FUD that came with it and led to a missed Q1 (we are on the SFDC fiscal year), but hit my Q2 quota in first month (May) and am on pace to cover my delta from Q1 and be in accelerators for H1. Thank God.
  4. This is me to be honest, I'm increasingly forgetting/being lazy. When getting a haircut or doing something where I have to interact with someone I will wear, but just running into the QuikTrip while pumping gas or something I haven't been as vigilant.
  5. Over $1000, let's keep it going!
  6. I agree with you more than I don't, for sure. Your communication style is just histrionic and obnoxious, is all. Be an adult and have conversations with other adults instead of flailing about like you are 17 all the time. It's really distracting in all these threads where real discussion is needed and is happening, in my opinion, hence the eye roll.
  7. Thanks for the response. I responded to Brisket's post just this-- your point 2 is going to be the initial problem that is a counter-intuitive way to think about fixing the police. If you do the 2nd, you are necessarily going to incur more costs and risk exposure to crime. But I also think you are going to cut down on the inherent/systemic racism because you aren't going to be cracking down on the lowest hanging fruit anymore (poor, black people who are incarcerated at the highest probabilities because legal issues are like compounding interest. A common example is the one where someone gets one charge then you get a second because you gotta get the money to beat the first charge, and then you get a third because you were just speeding and all of a sudden your first two bite you in the butt, etc. into the vicious cycle). Also cops know who to profile for the path of least resistance for low hanging fruit arrests and harassment which is usually racist. The hope and the sociological hypothesis and eventual abstract in a paper for my idea on fixing this, is that sometime in the future, crime actually is lower because you are more lenient on it. It's a crazy idea, but it's a Ted Talk in the making if someone can do it and it works 😛 Thanks for your response. I would argue that private prisons did not start from a place of radical transformation and disruption, but from a place to financially benefit private shareholders at the expense of chattel (from their POV). They were broken and ill-conceived from the word go as a corrupt/unethical/immoral way to make a lot of money on the underbelly of society. It's like how we sell our garbage to Malaysia under the guise of Recycling. Society doesn't know the difference, we feel good about it, out of sight and out of mind, but it's pure profit play and out of sight out of mind. Only the garbage in the private prison folks business model, are felons.
  8. You could have at least read what I wrote before responding. Private prisons don't work great for us obviously and it's because of the way that practice was organized and the governance. I've stated twice, that you do it completely opposite the private prisons model. Because of a complete rehaul of the model in point one, your incentives are not to arrest or do anything to . You may even have a cliff, that I've seen some organizations do, to stave off corruption/sand-bagging. E.g. Ideal metrics are X, if you are 80%-120% of X, then great. If you are 79%> or >121% of X, we have a problem. There will absolutely still be corruption just like in anything else, private, public, etc. Look at how corruption is dealt with in the private sector versus public; it's not ideal but there is at least accountability and jail time with egregious private sector corruption (Enron, Tyco, etc.) versus Thin Blue Line, kept in the dark because public good union protects and is above the law. When you add a for-profit wrinkle, you open up a whole new can of worms for accountability. Everything you do wrong is now securities fraud. The model I'm talking about actually has problems/errors/risks that are it is TOO lenient on crime and errs on the side of caution of being TOO lenient on your civil rights. The advocacy and service model would look more like The Citizen is Always Right with respect to benefit of the doubt than it would be You are guilty until proven innocent. White middle class folks would HATE this model because there would be some spoilage and low level, petty criminality that takes advantage of these margins (e.g. essentially decriminalizing drug possession, drug dealing, petty theft $50<, etc.). Your last sentence is akin to "We can't do that because we've always done it this way!". You either lack the creativity that true disruption and transformation needs or you have not gone through sufficient pain with the status quo to be desperate to try a radical change.
  9. I would challenge this. And I would preface with saying I get where you are coming from and I think it's an intuitive stance based on what we know of a) human history b) the human condition and c) the conflation of an idea of private police with private prisons (not saying this is you, but it struck me as an obstacle to overcome in the hearts and minds of folks). I think there could be an argument made that public police is worse for black people than any forecasted model of what private police would look like, if approached from the ground up and transformational way I generally spoke about.
  10. Here is how I see the blueprint/path forward for fixing the police. You have to get an outside billionaire who sees a profit and prestige/legacy angle who can build an LEO/Police organization from the ground up. This is controversial because people are going to knee jerk to "oh you can't have a profit motive or incentive for services/service work" but I would argue a) it can't be worse than what we have now and b) look at what Elon Musk did with space travel and how private enterprise has worked WITH government/NASA to advance something that was historically good and of the government but degraded and eroded over time to become inefficient, insufficient and too costly (timely, topical analogy etc.) and let's look at how an Elon Musk could revamp the police organization in a private way: Let's call it, PoliceX Like SpaceX did, this will be bankrolled by VC or Billionaires and will be a private entity. It will also work in conjunction with the government (supplementing, funding, etc.) as SpaceX works with NASA there is a give-and-take. This is called symbiosis and it's a good thing. Here are some back of the napkin notes on what this would look like: You build the private police function from the ground up. Whole entirely new vision and mission statements. It's not a quasi-military, blue-collar, salt-of-the-earth, white male middle class, ex-military, ex-HSfootball player haven. The role of LEO is now more of a skilled professional one-- more white collar where you need some polish and poise. Maybe it's a Masters Degree preferred? You need to have been certified in conflict management, negotiations, and arbitration or something. Maybe a JD preferred? This needs to be role that is perceived as valuable and important and prestigious with a career path and advancement-- not a union job you get once and languish in forever until you retire with a pension. Sell it as, you want to literally change the world? Here is your chance. Be a part of the team that is transforming LEO in American forever. It's elite folks needed, not your average Joe. Eventually your politicians will see this as pre-req to running for higher office and this would be a good thing. Also, make it to where HBS or GSB sees this on a resume as a silver bullet. You have to be physically fit of course, still, but the emphasis more on EQ and Soft Skills. Anyone can be taught proficiency with a fire arm. Not anyone can be taught empathy and higher order thinking. Doing this automatically diversifies the talent pool and employee profiles. Will still skew white male, but there will be more POC and women. It will look more like the tech industry (which still needs work of course and isn't there yet with diversity and inclusion) than the 5th batallion of Ft. Bragg. MBO's (management by objectives)/OKR's (objectives and key results) are going to be tied to being an advocate for the people and the communities in your territory and jurisdiction. There will be a benefit of the doubt first posture and approach. Will crime go up in the short term? Maybe. But long term, LEO transformation is the goal. Any transformation is going to have organizational change management (OCM) pains and debt that you incur upfront, but you will gain the efficiencies and ROI in years 2, 3, 5, beyond. have the MBO's/OKR's tie into a) incentives/bonuses and b)keeping your job. If your NPS score (or whatever is identified as the best tool to judge effectiveness) for the community you patrol is a detractor, you are put on a plan, etc. Anyways, those are some starting points. I know a lot of people get pulled offsides by the mere thought of adding some business/corporate best practices to things and knee jerk to it being stupid and corrupt, but our best non-corporate thinking has us destroying our cities like 25 low-level hurricanes all at once (and in the NASA example, stagnated and bloated waste while we get out-innovated and performed), and some radical, entrepreneurial ideas might help cure what ails us.
  11. The economic impact is going to be big, so in that sense the looters and rioters and even the third party anarchists are actually being really effective. Just look at the markets and by the time it’s said and done the damage and toll will rival a medium sized hurricane.
  12. Former F500 CEO's are generally pretty good about coherent, cohesive responses and leadership/crisis management though.
  13. Say what you want about the blandness of living in exurbia and suburbia, but I'm sure glad to not be worried about my neighborhood or vehicles going up in flames these last few days. I can't even imagine and hope people have good insurance living in urban city centers.
  14. I pretty much agree with everything you've said-- and I'm exasperated that the extent of our ability to punish China is little to none. We've allowed the upper hand to erode over many years to now we are the point where we are effectively afraid of calling out or punishing China for their culpability in the 100k+ deaths of Americans, because China is at equal standing (or better) in matters of money, technology, war machines, etc. and there is a mutually assured destruction in place. It's a shame and every American should be upset about it, in my opinion.
  15. Just sad someone threw a brick through the Neiman Marcus downtown and the Perot Museum
  16. Rougarou

    I'm tired.

    Yep, I'll be honest and vulnerable here, since Pancho is-- my wife and I asked ourselves this last year when our young daughter showed interest/thought her friend in grade school was cute. My wife was a lot more ambivalent than I was initially, to put it politely. Unconscious bias and privilege and false ideals of control and protectionism.
  17. Except in Atlanta which Killer Mike notes when he says “Guys let’s don’t get violent here, if we lose our city on the hill, what do we have?”
  18. Rougarou

    I'm tired.

    I think we should all admit to ourselves and others that in our worst moments, we are all prejudiced (and for some that means can be racist). We should evaluate the worst moments and understand why that is. I think it will boil down to fear. Seriously, do some cognitive behavioral therapy around why we act the way we do in our ugliest and darkest of mental times and you’ll see that it boils down to fear. Fear. A few points to build a premise and then a few questions we should ask ourselves (we being, white people with good homes and private schools making $300k a year).I feel like some questions to ask: First: keep things in the perspective of the behavior chain. Think of how our micro and macro triggers, thoughts and actions lead us to results. * Trigger -> Thinking -> Actions -> Results/consequences Next: Understand that because of the country we’ve architected, economically and politically, we necessarily live in a zero-sum game where there must be economic inequality. If we want equality we need to have a revolution. Either that or sell people on being okay with just being middle class, for the sake of everyone’s good (egalitarianism). Our society has had the well poisoned to lust for comfort and violent delights, and as we’ve heard in the HBO thread, “violent delights have violent ends”. Lastly: We have to be honest that to help those who need it most, takes actual sacrifice and not just lip service. It takes action. It means not fleeing en masse when diversity measures bring poorer black folks into the neighborhood because you are afraid. Or feeling schools and leaving them to deteriorate because of fear. Or not accepting/voting for higher taxes on yourself to help others because you don’t want to sacrifice. If we are honest and sincere about helping then it’s that last word: sacrifice. So the questions I think we have to ask: - Is our pain and empathy so much for our black brothers and sisters we are willing to sacrifice? If so, then sacrifice how much? And what is the tipping point? We don’t need everyone, but enough to swing the pendulum. What number is that? -Individually: Is your comfort and privilege so great that you are scared to lose it? Is your comfort and privilege worth having another be in discomfort and pain? Pancho, others feel free to tell me to kick rocks if I’m off base here but these are my thoughts and conversations I’ve had with my family in response to George’s murder. His death is not in vain; people are communicating. He’s not being ignored, at the very least. Now, will that remain the case, I don’t know. Someone else mentioned we tend to have short memories and fall back to our emotional and material comforts in a hurry, the upper rungs of society.
  19. Also KM understands that Atlanta is basically the HQ for civil rights and the capital of black people in the US. It’s the safest and best place to be a black person (e.g. Key and Peele skit, “Negroland”), and it’s the city on the hill and the best chance to keep progressing civil rights so to burn it down is 10 steps backwards (“if we burn Atlanta what else do we got” he says). Also, makes complete sense that MSP is being tore up by outside agitators. I had the thought it doesn’t pass the smell test that super progressive MSP is as violent and filled with black rage like Memphis or Little Rock or something.
  20. I appreciated the thumbing of the nose at China today via WHO. I’ve been on record that we should do something or say something, and take a stand, against China and their wet market disease that has killed 100k Americans. That said, I read a fantastic write up on the Taiwan chip plant being built in AZ and am glad to see some diversification away from making such sensitive and supply chain intensive products so close and easy to strike with middles from China.
  21. Hahaha, but through it all, sense of humor will prevail. Humor must be the most powerful positive force in the world, huh?
  22. Aren't allowed to protest peacefully? Who isn't allowing it? Aren't you the king of posting "Free speech doesnt mean free from consequencez guyz!!111". You have the right to protest peacefully (legally) and be scorned for it. If you are decrying that peaceful protest isn't effective or that people aren't going to be quiet and not complain, then I think you've completely lost it. Otherwise, the main difference between peaceful protest and rioting is the issue of legality. You've gone on record (again, and again, and again, and...) that the rule of law has been thrown out the window and is no more...so I guess rioting protest isn't illegal. I myself like a good ole fashioned riot and mayhem so I'm rooting for them to get their catharsis and show Best Buy and Target, and by proxy all the Karen's and white folks, a thing or two! Let's. Go.
  23. Barnaby Jones is just going to blame the black people who got in the way of his gravy train by having the gall to die on camera and then set a Target on fire (but the Target is partly to blame, let's not forget, for the insanity on the left too), and it will doom-loop the entire problem and they crack down harder on poor black folk.
  24. "The law of the jungle only applies if you are poor. And that's because poor people are animals." Donald Trump, 2021
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