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Everything posted by Rougarou

  1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2QWA2xovrC4&t=1m17s
  2. I actually went through the exercise of trying to buy a working VCR-- you would be surprised at how hard to find they are. Pawn shops told me they fly off the shelf as soon as they get them and people phone for them a lot. I found one Craigslist for $50 finally, but took a few weeks. Crazy to think you can buy a blueray player for less than a VCR. If you got one, hang on to it and keep it in good shape-- probably worth $1k in 20 years.
  3. wildcat09- I've read what you have had to say; two or three times. I have taken the time to consider it. I deem you a fool or a troll and not worth engaging on this thread any longer.
  4. I guess I'm confused at your confusion. This is more of a civil war between Americans based on values, privilege, race, jobs, education, a whole plethora of things, more than it is anything else politically. Right? Oh, also you were the guy who had the horrible take about Target being to blame for this too lol "Looting and burning the Target, which is headquartered in Minneapolis and has a ton of political power there, and thus arguably shares some degree of responsibility for the city’s repeated failures to reign in its police department, seems completely appropriate."
  5. My $.02 is that anyone talking about 1776!!!11, PATRIOTS! BoStOn TeA PaRtY and "okay, boomer tory", is silly. This isn't anything like that. If you wanted to draw an analogy of war/revolution, it would be more akin to the Civil War and Confederates vs Union. I also find it laughable to the person who is justifying looting a Target because they have culpability for the white cop who killed the black man because they are a big F200 organization HQ'ed in the city and should have ostensibly been funneling back some of their top line spend into programs to train police or help the city be more harmonious, instead of re-investing in their own business, or hiring people, etc. Especially considering they are one of the more progressive public companies around, already. I don't mind the justification for looting a Target because of convenience to the looters and rioters, geographically or because it's an easy opportunity to loot (Target employees are probably told to leave and Target has great insurance so nobody is going to fire back on you like the pawn shop owner), but the idea that Target is owed this because of George's death is a horrible take.
  6. Is the idea of looting a political reaction or is it opportunistic people who don't care one way or another stealing things under the cover of mayhem? Looting has always confused me, but yea, people are gonna die tonight and this is insane.
  7. https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2020-05-26/-covid-campers-rv-motor-home-and-travel-trailer-sales-shoot-up?sref=MywpuzGe
  8. The use of "Karen" to stereotype and mock is hilarious, but it is also a double-standard and hypocritical. If you had the same and said "Okay, DeAndre" everyone would decry you as racist, with good reason.
  9. After page 1 my friend told me this was the perfect Surly thread. I said “no, it didn’t have any mention of buying a $100k RV on a whim after mentioning wanting to buy a $5k junker on CL” and then Wulaw updated the thread and I agree with my friend, this is the perfect Surly thread.
  10. Had the almost exact same experience. I chalked it up to Arlington/Grand Prairie and Irving becoming Coahuila or Tamulpas Jr., much in the same way Garland and Richardson is Ho Chi Minh City Jr., so now you have a bunch of cholo's and neck tat's and otherwise running around ruining childhood memories, back when it wasn't socially acceptable to visually present like a menace to society.
  11. made a mint getting lucky so I pulled it all out: rode NCLH today to $13 and dumped, I see it's back to $12.50, sold Peloton at/near the 52 week high and while I left some money on the table at CYH, I made thousands selling close to $3. It's stressful and it feels good like winning $25k a the craps table, but also scary and don't want to go through it again. The up and downs with AAL the last week before I got back to nearly break even and selling was what ruined it for me.
  12. "My truth" is the worst thing that's come out of the #MeToo movement by far.
  13. Today is the big day! Can finally use my gympass
  14. “While President Trump has been correctly pilloried for describing the coronavirus as less dangerous than the flu, that message was commonplace in mainstream media outlets throughout February. And journalists — including my colleagues at Vox — were dutifully repeating exhortations from public health officials not to wear masks for much of 2020.” do y’all remember the US Surgeon General tweeting “DO NOT BUY MASKS!” US Surgeon General Jerome Adams said Monday, March 2 that wearing face masks could actually increase a person's risk of contracting COVID-19, echoing remarks he made on Saturday that called for people to "stop buying masks." It seems as if the general public (who actually are dumb and believed that wearing a mask was not helpful, which is none of us here) were lied to in order to help and save medical professionals from having to compete with us to get masks when there was a shortage. Ethically we can argue if that is acceptable or not, I’m not heavily invested and can see both sides, but to me it’s something we should remember with open eyes and a clear mind instead of “nope this never happened” or “science! Opinions change!” Which are both ignorant (and scary) beyond imagination.
  15. All the mask talk has reminded me... Do you guys remember when everyone was trying to tell people NOT to wear masks in public? Everyone with half a brain knew it was stupid to not wear masks and the media pushing the "masks won't help you" agenda was dumb, and now here we are mandating masks everywhere. Strange times we live in.
  16. She took 3 steps I watched it in sl0w mo you are right
  17. R.I.P. The Lizard Lounge. 28 years of 18 year olds doing drugs. Gone. Like a fart in the wind. Thanks a lot, China. https://www.nbcdfw.com/entertainment/entertainment-news/dallas-iconic-lizard-lounge-shutters-after-28-years/2367072/
  18. I saw him at WorkDay Rising in Orlando last fall and it was a lot of the same material. I think he must have workshopped his stuff with all the sell-out corporate gigs.
  19. Went to a steakhouse for the first time out/dine in a restaurant since early March. Half the dining room was closed off, only 3 waiters staffed and only saw three tables the whole time I was there. Was a nice, quiet experience. Would do it again.
  20. Rougarou

    Getting old sucks

    This might be the greatest reply I've seen on this site. Well done.
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