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Everything posted by Rougarou

  1. That is not funny, it's sad. No wonder these people (poverty stricken) grow up with such complexes. This is horrible. And that domicile is so sad too.
  2. Yea, I guess it depends on which product you are supporting-- virtualization and software is probably great. What's left of services probably not so hot. Education or SLED probably not so hot. etc.
  3. Also, just heard Dell just had a massive lay off. Hope nobody here was affected.
  4. Sounds like you have a way through your network to get into places through the back or sidedoor, at least. If you have to go in through the front door it's gotta be tough out there; lots of great people laid off, lots of reqs cancelled or on hold right now. But yea, start interviewing because the good jobs will be gone by June when this thing starts to clear up hopefully.
  5. I'm going to miss my number for the first time in 8 Quarters and it is painful. Sucks. Luckily I'm still spending my Q4 money and haven't had to touch a paycheck in 2020, but that will change with a weak Q1. I echo missing being able to come onsite, nurturing key relationships, and eating a great steak once or twice a week. Also, Standard Foods came in and displaced the culture/people of Nabisco before the LBO if you've read BATG. It's how F. Ross became F. Ross. I think it happens more often than you'd think. I mean, it's happening at Sprint as well where Sprint was the bigger and "bought" T-Mobile but it's clear T-Mobile is running stuff.
  6. First off, thanks for responding. Interesting viewpoint if nothing else. Secondly, what is to stop the bolded from becoming a pay-for-votes scheme by the uber-wealthy? Can you imagine Bloomberg being able to buy the votes using $1bn?
  7. Bad_Teammate, I have been reading about political machines of the past/yesteryear and it struck me that you might have been in favor of those and might actually think a political machine in modern times would be awesome. Specifically learning about Tammany Hall and how it helped the Irish and Jews, etc. in NY. Generally machines typically help minorities and the middle class white folks are against it. That alone made me think of you. I guess the question would be an ethical one: If something is fundamentally illegal and corrupt, but furthers equality or whatever else-- do the ends justify the means for you? Or are you a "law and order every time, that's us" player even if the law/order is diametrically opposed to your specific and particular ethic, moral or value? How this pertains to Bernie is that I could see a bunch of Bernie Bros be political machine folks.
  8. Also, who knew that Shepsie, the movie theatre guy and husband to Nina the co-producer, also sang the opening song? “The Road Is Open Again” used on The Plot Against America is not just a new recording; it’s sung by actor Michael Kostroff, who plays movie theater operator Shepsie Tirchwell on the show.
  9. Sonic starring Jim Carey as Dr. Robotnik. Family friendly, kids enjoyed it. Was like a more expensive Woody the Woodpecker (Netflix, Direct to Video).
  10. I mean, you spit in the man's face. Leg or no leg, you are going through the coffee table. Inexcusable.
  11. or...Gerasenes after Legion left.
  12. What about that one guy that was an arabian ganster who posted pics of candy and cereal and stuff?
  13. Peloton is great. Good luck getting one right now though, I thought I heard everyone was buying them and they are mega-backlogged. With financing, it's a no-brainer.
  14. Agreed. I'm intrigued by the Man in Black's story/journey at this point more than anything.
  15. Trolls World Tour I enjoyed it.
  16. Weird I thought this movie was bad. And I’m a big Jonah Hill fan.
  17. Modeling is using data inputs, independent and dependent variables, in order to answer a well-defined question of which you do not know the answer and generally these are fluid and change over time. It is not having a hypothesis you are trying to prove (scientific method), which I think is the stance that people get upset about. It implies manipulating (testing, experimentation-- scientific method), which would discredit and disqualify any model. Further all models are obviously erroneous-- sure you can look at p-values and r-squared and everything else used to account for the error (margin of error acceptable), but like I said these are more like how we look at polls than experiments. Your response just seemed lazy and sloppy. Modeling, in any understood way as the term "modeling" means in 2020, is not scientific method. In a very fundamental way, you are wrong. I think your anecdote about his treatment of servers is a better way to attack the man then his having some beef with the models. Also Jimmy, I apologize if I offended you and being presumptive. Not my intent and I can see where I might have been disparaging after re-reading, but I was mostly just giving you an elbow in the ribs with a smile.
  18. Maybe it's a 90 minute episode? How did you enjoy the book? It seemed a departure from his earlier books, but Roth's work has always seemed preoccupied with the Jewish condition. Roth really was from Newark and Summit Dr and I find this show to be more based off semi-autobiography-meets-alternative-history than based off literary fiction. I've read Portnoy's Complaint and American Pastoral and based off what I've seen the first 5 episodes, I cannot imagine this book being anything like his acclaimed fiction (and probably why I'd never heard of this as his workmanship and never heard it discussed in any literary salons or classrooms). It would make sense this book came late in his life, as well (being written with the emotion of a semi-autobiography, again).
  19. So the extent of your modeling experience is....CAD? Excel? lol, might as well be a Finance guy if that is the case 😛
  20. As someone who works with people like you, I've had a peak under the kimono to see that modeling is like anything else-- they will only be as good as a) source of truth / training inputs / algorithm and b) the intelligence and ability (which scales across from "incompetent bozo" to "data scientist rockstar" and everything in between) of the person building out the model. I'm not saying the models aren't a good indicator, but we can take them as scientifically and should treat them as we do a poll unless we know the bona fides. This is my position, at least.
  21. so do you use python or R? SQL or NoSQL? Curious as to what "kind" of data scientist you might be claiming to be...
  22. I got an email saying Executive Platinum is good until Jan of 2022. I was going to switch loyalties if they didn't do this after United and Delta did, so was glad to hear it!
  23. Can't. help. it. Reading OFA reminded me of the lulz:
  24. Phillip I agree, but Sandy is doing well I think and showing some range.
  25. Just finished through episode 5. This has been a really well acted and directed series. It's more of something you'd see on Broadway-- definitely more theater in structure and pacing and I think for the most part it really works because the acting is phenomenal. The one nit I had was with John Turturro at first, but he's grown on me as the Southern genteel Jew. It felt really forced and contrived at first, but he's stuck with it and I'm buying what he's selling now. I'm really digging how a lot of the action is off screen and you are left with the characters dealing with the consequences-- and it takes acting chops to pull that emotion off when the catalysts are implied. There is a lot of assumed activity and dramatic endings to the episodes feel like ending scenes in theatre. It's not what we are used to in cinema, but I think it works and it's respected the source material as well as the intelligence of the audience. I can see how it's not for everyone. Basically the opposite of the other HBO binging I'm doing in Westworld season 3.
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