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Everything posted by Rougarou

  1. I'm enjoying it, just got through 3 episodes. It's a different take on the narrative. I do like how it skips ahead so much, but the drawing out scenes and then skipping swaths of time can be a bit of a slog, but I'm enjoying it.
  2. I didn't like this episode either, but mostly because it was themed and centered around a lame drug experience that did nothing at all but muck and lame the episode up. It was really, really dumb and I get that they were trying to do something really neat structurally and thematically but it just didn't work. Also, is that Marshawn Lynch?
  3. Same. Just bought a couple of Hermes and Ferragamo ties I've been eyeing since with the windfall.
  4. Does he address the situation in a funny manner? That's what Dave Chappelle would do.
  5. I'm loving this show again. When will Ford make an appearance? What was the final words of Dolores "Welcome to the end of the game" mean as it relates to his question of if he is real?
  6. Sato - Dolores Charlotte- Dolores Dolores- Dolores Stubbs- Dolores Bernard- Dolores Why did she need herself as a foil -- didn't she spare Bernard and say we are enemies but I need you to keep me in check or something like that? But it's herself.
  7. Been wearing masks since March because I knew it was a con to not do so. Pretty much everyone I see at Costco is also wearing masks, but everything else seems to be about normal. Even saw excess toilet paper on the shelves today.
  8. Watched the first 3 episodes: 1) Meh, but okay, better than the sum of Season 2 I think. 2) Pretty good- I'm digging it. 3) This is rad-- I'm back in! Looking forward to Ep4
  9. I'm saying the difference wouldn't be statistically significant, in a best case scenario that is modeled as of press time.
  10. Black Swan events as we know them consist of the three components. I see the third component a lot on this board: 1) Impossible to predict 2) Wide-reaching and wide impact of consequences 3) People will try to justify we could prevent, with a fallacy known as hindsight bias. One of the things about a Black Swan event that hasn't been touched on is the hindsight bias that gets applied to it. If you don't like Trump it's going to be easy to go back and say, "well, if we had those people he didn't lay off, Covid-19 wouldn't have happened/would have been lessened/etc." It feels good emotionally to lash out at the leader, and the GOP idiots would be spit roasting a Dem if a Dem were President, but equally wouldn't make a significant difference. It's like the M&M Prop 1 of capital structure but for politics; doesn't matter the leverage, it's all the same.
  11. So it's like a FYE-nance or FIN-ance thing. lol
  12. I feel like a heel this morning because some of you guys are facing furlough and tough situations and I am upset that my new comp plan is trash. Will make $100k less, for the exact same output, pretty much overnight-- seems like it should go the other direction, right? I don't know that I will hit the streets to find something else hard, but I am going to start listening to these recruiters who are in the inmail box every week...
  13. I always thought Atos was pronounced as it is spelled. What is the phonetic pronunciation then?
  14. You sound like you have kids that are the same age as my kids and that’s a solid list, but to add: Space Jam Little Giants Sandlot Parent Trap Angels in the Outfield Jingle All the Way
  15. A furlough isn't all bad considering the alternative is to be laid off, which will be coming if things don't turn around.
  16. All this. I'm not begrudging the teachers, I'm just saying you'd think some sort of abatement is appropriate for what you are paying for and what you are getting.
  17. +rep for having to google "tannerite"
  18. Mental masturbation question and exercise: @bad_teammate; if someone had a magic lamp and said 100% Bernie Sanders would be President for 2020-2024 and would get to enact the top 3 policies that you've championed on these threads over the past year, but you have to get the Corona virus and have a 50% chance of dying. Would you do it?
  19. And now we are out until Fall. Just do Pass/Fail and charge me 50% if you are going to Zoom for an hour and get day drunk off wine (I have friends wives who are teachers, too, and apparently this is a big (and frustrating) thing).
  20. In this kitchen, step back and watch the chef cook My corner told me, "Counter jabs with a left hook" And give me mine, you don't want to see my stress look I drive through with the mask, lookin' like Westbrook
  21. Can I get this simply answered from someone who knows (I can't seem to find it in reporting/articles/google): For those of us who are not qualified for the $1200 or whatever the free money is for Covid-19 because we make more than $198k combined or $99k individually, do we still qualify for the $500 per/child free money or is that only if you don't make enough money? Another way to phrase the question: Is the $500/child of free money independent or dependent on the qualification of the free money based on income?
  22. Also to be fair to the snippet; it was some guy trying to sell me his research/data and was meant more as a teaser or abstract than anything really weighty.
  23. Got this in an email (not my analysis/research, but it makes sense): Biggest change vs. two weeks ago - industries that were benefiting from pull-forward have started to see moderation in growth. In the tech space, we are seeing several dynamics. Cloud (IaaS) appears to have seen a near-term pick-up in demand (consumption of preexisting customers accelerating, some pull-forward of deals), with AWS and Azure struggling to meet demand (seeing capacity constraints). IT security and remote work tech remains strong, while networking equipment growth appears to be slowing. For software, feedback across SaaS vendors has been mixed. IT and collaboration oriented tools like ServiceNow and Atlassian appear to be faring well, while the application vendors (Adobe, Salesforce, and Workday) have seen sales cycles elongate, as have IT ops vendors (Splunk). ERP and HR software upgrades are also seen deferring, likely impacting SAP. In consumer tech, both mobile and consumer electronics are seeing downside demand, with smartphone shipments likely down 10%; public safety radio equipment refresh also delaying. Marketing budgets are actively getting cut, with digital advertising hit as a result. No offense, but this sounds so old and out of touch, like something a career-BOH guy in a cost center would say.
  24. I'm not a political junkie like you nerds, but when I traveled pre-covid, I would always watch CNN in hotel rooms or have it on in the background (I cut the cord 4 years ago and haven't had a squakbox like experience at home since), and I remember at one point thinking "Wow Bernie is gonna win this thing". What a difference just a few months makes.
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