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Everything posted by Rougarou

  1. I said it before it happened and now that it has happened, China needs to be punished. This is unforgivable that they continue to cause epidemic and pandemic so that the 1% can get a placebo-induced hard-on by eating monkey brains and tiger testicles. Wet markets are inexcusable and China absolutely should be called to the carpet for their role and origination of disease, death, and global recession. If China is such a superpower that we can't really step up to them for fear of a world war or a collapse in our economy than that is pathetic and a very sad state of affairs and should be heart-breaking to us all. But if that is the case, we should be honest and acknowledge that and realize we have royally screwed up. Then we should work the back channels and margins to cripple China until we are strong enough and have mitigation in place to face them down. It's really angering.
  2. I like to google and read about movies I've just watched and the lead female was a woman named Glenn Headley (who died at 62 a few years ago), who was once married to an unfaithful John Malkovich. Another big movie she was in from my youth was the Warren Beatty passion project, Dick Tracy. I remember the rogue gallery of outlandish comic book characters being fun but also remember the plot being a bit confusing for a 7 year old, so I rewatched it. The movie was cool with the colors and the set and the costumes and make up, thought it was really neat. Surprisingly Madonna was awesome-- she was cast perfectly as a moll. I do agree with the critics though that Beatty at 52 years old was a bit too old for the role, and while it was a bit distracting it wasn't a deal breaker. Anyways neat little movie.
  3. I feel this way about our private school. We pay ~$2500, a month. We are not getting $2500 of value right now with an hourly zoom meeting and then basically having to find time to shoe-horn in homeschooling between stressing out and trying to maintain a job and doing our day jobs from home. It's parochial/religious affiliated, so we are being told we are doing a great charity for continuing to pay, probably better than a public school educator, the staff and not having to lay anyone off. What are public school kids doing? Are they getting educated right now with Zoom and the like or are they just at home screwing around on youtube and tiktok?
  4. Out. (Thanks for the response though)
  5. What is Animal Crossing? I have a switch already.
  6. For those saying that the new normal is going to be just closing business over the phone-- I don't know what kind of outside sales you guys are in, but all the enterprise field sales guys I know are struggling and dying right now. Their resorting to being inside sales people isn't working and it's an unmitigated disaster across the industry unless you sell Zoom or something else integral to distributing workforces. Further, while onsite contractors and services and vendors are the first to be put on ice; I've seen big implementations and projects frozen across the board, from Deloitte and Accenture to mid-market partners supporting large enterprise projects like SFDC or ServiceNow to small integrations and projects, they will come back and the need will still be there. Losers: Sports, Entertainment (Six Flags, Crayola Land, Disney World, etc.), Schools Winners: Homeowners with cash who want a good deal on contractor services. You'll never get a better cash deal than now for a new fence, gutters, roof, landscaping, etc. These folks are usually small businesses, these are luxury items usually, and they usually have a crew to pay and are cash business with week-to-week liquidity issues.
  7. I bought APRN (Blue Apron) despite being a longtime Hello Fresh customer (German company, not listed on NYSE/NASDAQ) and made some nice money on the ride from $5 to $12 in essentially a week, before ultimately selling because I agree with you.
  8. Is that a controversial opinion? Lady Bird was very good. We watched the 1994 Macaulay Culkin and Ted Danson vehicle, Getting Even with Dad, and it was surprisingly okay! Tons of plot holes, but good, 1994-era fun complete with bumbling bad guys, over-the-top music, and a sentimental, feel good ending.
  9. Dude Shia LaBeouf is rad. He has gotten a bad rap, probably because he was a dorky child actor or something, but his movies are typically good and he's a good actor in my opinion. Yes, this movie was good and I enjoyed it; I think I said somewhere on this thread it was my second favorite movie after JoJo Rabbit from 2019.
  10. I eat much better when on the road or eating out; my experience is the opposite. Up like 5 lbs in 3.5 weeks
  11. Summer Camps will be big savings. Saving a ton on eating out. Ate out almost 90% of the time. I filled our big vehicles up one time after getting back from Spring Break vacation and they are still 3/4 of a tank. So that is nice. I've been pretty underwhelmed with the private school Zoom teaching (1-1.5 hour a day of instruction) which basically turns into either us homeschooling or they are falling behind. I was cool with paying the tuition in March but come April and May, if school is out until next year, I think I might put up a fight about paying the tuition and just having them read books and do math or whatever at my discretion. I'm sure they will pull the "you lose your spot in the school and can't come back in the fall" or "you will have to pay a massive admin fee to register the kids back in the fall" card.
  12. Has JJ Watt done something? Seems like he usually does something around Houston which is rad (reading about Drew Brees made me think of him). Not that I'm expecting or feeling entitled to JJ Watt doing something, just seems like his MO.
  13. If wet markets re-open, we should wage war on them, multi-laterally. Jews China and their disgusting wet markets did this and they keep doing this crap. It would be one thing if their disgusting cultural practices were confined to themselves, but we have to pay for their barbarianism.
  14. Put on a suit for an important Zoom meeting today. First time to wear anything remotely semi-formal or formal, been in basketball shorts and concert tee's for a month now. I dare youse guys to put on a suit and jump on a zoom meeting after a month of quarantine and not have a long and deep rethinking about how you've been snacking and eating during this time! I need to go for a run or something, but after my cold spaghetti and oreo lunch.
  15. I thought this was going to be about trivia around the post-Silicon Valley T.J. Miller and James fat guy british carpool guy movie-- I could beat anyone at that trivia game.
  16. Went to The Masters last year (forever known as the Tiger Come Back Masters); sucks for you.
  17. B_T, which one describes you a) a Juicy Smollet is telling the God's Honest Truth and to attack his credibility or question is story is racist, OR, b) Okay fine, I admit Juicy didn't do it, BUT, what he did was still noble because racism like that exists and it COULD have happened and if you question him or his credibility, you are racist.
  18. I’m definitely saving money not eating out and instead having to reacquaint myself with how to cook and then clean the kitchen (what a pain). I ate out 7 days a week, for dinner at least. And I haven’t filled my truck up since I got back from skiing a month ago.
  19. Oh GREAT. You think things are HUMOROUS in this day and age with Corona Virus. You insensitive pig. And nobody is set off. What is that? Some sort of Bernie Bros racist dig at Jada Pinkett and Queen Latifah for working in a bank because your precious Occupy WallStreet FAILED!
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