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Everything posted by Rougarou

  1. “Why exactly 20-somethings are considered so vital to protest movements, I never figured out, seeing as how they never vote and have no money,”
  2. But I feel like we've seen this story before with Giuliani and Bloomberg. Shows strength in crisis for NY'ers, then....fart in the wind.
  3. More effective, meaning, win the hearts and minds of not just the youth/online/loud-minority, but win at the polling booth.
  4. So, B_T, what are you going to do? More of the same (phone bank for the squad/DSA candidates, donate, etc.) or anything different? Any lessons learned? What can make 2024 more effective, if you start right now? I'm honestly curious. Either the DSA/progressives-like-you/BernieBro's either disperse and back various fiefdoms born online or they move en masse to another who can get them over the hump, or they just expire on the vine, a la The Tea Party or other niche movements that break through for a bit before inertia takes over.
  5. Username/Avatar checks out. Love, The Deaf Electrician.
  6. Maybe I missed it, but from what I thought I heard, it sounded like he was spouting and going rogue from his script with a pandering and aspirational and best-case scenario roadmap in a vague way, not saying that the churches will be opened no matter what the landscape looks like, right? I mean, isn't that what all sales people do? Lie about the roadmap and give best case scenarios that are wrong by like 2X to customers to make them feel better?
  7. Sound of Music - Julie Andrews, the family absolutely loved it. Mary Poppins - Julie Andrews, the family could not get into and then couldn't stand it. I get the cockney accent is the case study on American's doing bad accents, but for my money, Step in Time and Chim-Chim-Cheree are the best in the biz.
  8. If American Airlines takes one red cent of government/taxpayer money, they HAD BETTER freeze status and allow it to carry over an extra year. I'll be damned if they get bailed out and I lose Executive Platinum-- I CANNOT GO BACK TO THE HORRORS OF MIDDLE SEATS!
  9. If AA takes even one nickel of bail out money, they had better honor Executive Platinum for an extra year because I can't go back to the mid-seats. I can't do it, I've been ruined. RUINT.
  10. I mean, I guess you can't poke fun or have gallows humor because everything is so somber and serious all the time around Bernie. I literally noted that I was poking a little bit of light fun at what Bernie's been doing now that he's Dead Man Walking to be a nominee while giving honest and earnest praise to the man himself and what he's done politically and, really, as his life work. Just tell me it's too soon to joke and I will respect that. I was despondent for a good 8-10 days when Yang dropped out despite knowing it was a 99.99999% eventuality.
  11. It's a flavor of Protestant Work Ethic and Stoicism that Jonathan Swift would have done a good treatment on.
  12. There is no downtime when you aren't the lower working class or young; when you have a family that depend on you and responsibilities and have attempted to live and operate the right way, the byproduct of China Bat Soup Virus (or any other black swan event, because we live in a House of Cards) is economic anxiety and the only way to keep economic anxiety at bay right now is to stay busy by doubling down and working harder than ever.
  13. Yea, I would think now is the time to hunker down and be grateful for what we all have until we either a) don't have it anymore (meaning the economy really crashes) or b) we pull out of this thing in a year or so.
  14. Good for him. Take his time, soak it all in, he's clearly not going to be around for 2024 so the fact he's using his influence and platform to a) help his successors (e.g. Squad DJ parties on Zoom, fundraising, TikTok videos for clout, etc.) and b) paying/propping up some of the people most likely affected by Covid (e.g. bar tenders, waiters/servers, extremely online college graduates without good industry or corporate experience and/or polish and soft skills to get those jobs) is filling a void right now 🤪 I'm obviously having a little fun at The Bernie Hendrix Experience right now, but the truth is it was an amazing run in the public eye and capturing the hearts and minds of a certain subset of society and demographic from 2015- Now. What's even more amazing is his history over the last 50 years or whatever it is. He really is someone to be looked up to, as a paragon of integrity and honesty to oneself. My personal opinion is that his movement largely dies with him because he's a cult of personality and nobody can take up his mantle or be passed the torch or whatever. DSA hasn't drafted well in anticipation of Bernie aging and retiring after being the star quarterback who just couldn't quite win the Super Bowl but was pretty great about selling merch and putting butts in the seat.
  15. So.....when does Bernie announce he's out now that Covid-19 is delaying the inevitable. I guess on one hand it's noble to keep playing the part of a legitimate contender because he's providing wages and benefits to a bunch of staffers and employees during these uncertain times. He's essentially the political version of when Western Kentucky was paid 1.3mm to get slaughtered by Alabama. There is some nobility in trying hard and earning a payday for your people, even though you are thoroughly out-gunned and out of your league. Western Kentucky still has fans who want to watch the game and who have bought the merch. And hey, miracles can happen, and if they do, their one moment in life is to revolt openly in the streets with guillotines rush the field.
  16. Just seemed to me from the eyeball test that Frederick wasn't who he was prior to the diagnosis. He just looked smaller. No surprise he wasn't as effective as his All-Pro, younger years,-- indeed the surprise was he was as good as he was last year. I didn't expect him to be as effective as he was, at least. Travis Frederick always seemed like a guy who would try to do more than football, whether it be as an analyst like Mike Golic (he was always radio-friendly with the Cowboys/Ben&Skin) or if it was in business. The one thing that was obnoxious was the narrative that was packaged and sold to Cowboy fans when they drafted him, that he was some technology wizard as a CS major who built an app for his capstone project at UW (when I think he admitted he built out a story board or technical design document). The narrative being he's Tech Bro genius who just so happens to play good football. But hey, we all have a pitch, I guess.
  17. Feel free to start your own website, country , DSA, Bernie-type revolution, newsletter lol
  18. Cleaned the garage out enough to fit a vehicle into it for the first time in a few years. Painted/touched up baseboards since having kids, installed a new handrail on the stairs. Things like that.
  19. Go *voice crack* Bu-ulls We watched this on a road trip recently and kids enjoyed it.
  20. That is sweet. Wonder how long that lasts... This is me too, but the odds of me bringing in my "make or break" deal in late April/May have plummeted since January.
  21. I think the heat is going to be our only saving grace to buy us time, then it gets ugly again, and then we get the vaccine and golden circle or whatever it's called that leads to herd immunity. One of these days a virus is going to kill us all.
  22. Also, I don't mean to be saccharine or glib, but "too much freedom". People are too self-centered and individualized compared to the Chinese, whose authoritarian government was able to really move the needle quickly because they had a lot more control of their denizens than our government does. Heck, 50% of us outright detest our government and leader.
  23. And it's weird because @David Dennison is usually the "hey, that's showbiz politics" guy who cynically acknowledges the disgusting sausage making from all angles, so you'd think he'd get that both parties are "doing their jobs, politically" in the time of crisis to the benefit of nobody except their records and themselves and it's shameless and disgusting. Yea, I'm bothsidings them right now. They need to come together and get this done so the DOW can jump 2000 points only to lose 5000 by April 1st, darn it!
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