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Everything posted by Rougarou

  1. On January 1 of 2020 I had a goal to make a $300k W2 this year. Spoiler Alert: I'm not in an industry that will initially be a beneficiary to WFH/distributed workforce or one that will do well in a recession, so it's not even remotely gonna be close I can already see. Q1 is a blood bath. Q2 is a blood bath. Q3 is unknown but probably a blood bath. Q4 I'll just be happy to have a base salary. Oh, I just bought a $70k car in January because I was feeling great and did around $30k in fat-cat-lapping-at-the-cream-roaring-2019 time elective house upgrades that I wish I hadn't have done now. Not only loss of future forecasted income, but also loss of significant savings/stock/401k. Significant. Talk about being humbled and having to look your stupidity and largess in the face when looking in a mirror.
  2. The one thing I've heard repeated the last week was my wife fretting about not getting her nails done.
  3. I'm with you guys. Well, not Ice Man who immediately got defensive. It just struck me as someone who has been reading a bunch of media about the immediate effects that by-and-large surly isn't a site full of poor people or waiters (not that there is anything wrong with that) to have a thread asking if you are enjoying yourselves (as opposed to the poor folks riddled with anxiety and existential fear for making the light bill, etc.). We are enjoying the time together; staying up late, sleeping in. We've been cooking our meal kit foods (Blue Apron stock is up 200% since this stuff started; HelloFresh is a German company not listed on NYSE/NASDAQ-- I've looked), and getting reacquainted with things like sandwiches and chips and random packaged foodstuffs, being a family that eats out 90% of the time. I am taking this time to also get some quotes; have had about half a dozen contractors come out to quote on things ranging from new gutters to new fence and landscaping-- keeping social distancing (mostly not even going outside but communicating through ThumbTack or Text) and I figure these guys still have to make a living.
  4. The privilege we have as a demographic on this site is showing on this thread.
  5. The best case scenario is the “V recovery” which is what is looking to be happening in China (who despite causing this mess, has had a really laudable and efficient response to limit the damage and get over it as quickly as possible). The V recovery implies “pent up demand”. I don’t think OnBoards point is “point and laugh” ridiculous, though it is a low probability, best case scenario.
  6. Frozen 2. This was really bad compared to the original. Even my daughter was "meh". Story was lame, the spirits or whatever was lame, and the ending was lame. Still probably made a mint though, so good for them.
  7. You know what? You are a reasonable guy and I'm liking the cut of your gib. My $0.02 (and I didn't stay at a Holiday Inn); if the President or UN or some sort of authority we could trust came on the TV and said, "look, let's focus on the recovery, China will be held accountable once the dust settles and they will be handled and we will make sure of it" then I think a lot of people who are angry at the situation and the horizon of losing most of their 401k, jobs, homes, etc. would be mildly comforted and the anger muscle tickling wouldn't be as tempting. I guess as of now, calling it the Chinese Virus is just as you said, a way to tickle that muscle.
  8. So if you make over $100k you get nothing you will like it?
  9. Okay, well, that's fair. When I'm chastising China and calling them names, it's their nation state and political entity, not the people who are ruled by the despotic regime. I am 100% for some sort of retaliatory, *political* reaction towards China once all this clears up. Something like sanctions or penalties or other multilateral consequences if another wet market ever appears on a heat map radar ever again. I guess I am being lazy and need to spend the time to better workshop a name that applies the right amount of punishment and shame to China for being the root cause of yet another epidemic due to a wet market that is also subtle enough to keep the hordes of useful idiots from being hostile to regular Chinese/Asians (and American Asians) folks who have no blood on their hands.
  10. Agreed. But who is to blame for this zoonotic disease originating and causing infections that spread to call corners of the earth and to the US? I think I see the problem here I think; the "pandemic" is a shared blame which I can agree, but there isn't enough blame/accountability and anger being applied to the root cause and source of the issue which I remain committed is the despicable wet market and Chinese government allowing these despite all evidence of their danger for these types of outcomes. I can see where/why maybe it's a better response to not be angry and want a pound of flesh, but to tap into the popular meme culture and zeitgeist of our God foresaken culture, some of you didn't have a ton of money (past tense, being the important call out there) and now have considerably less because of this situation and it shows.
  11. I have stated that the $1.39bn normal and reasonable chinese people who don't eat bat dick and pangolin soup are not the problem, dude. It's the one percent and the government who enable disgusting wet markets which cause pandemics, time and time again and we never learn anything from it. Two questions: Are you and the people defending the notion that China is not to blame for this pandemic saying it's cool to have wet markets again once this pandemic is under control because you think it won't cause another pandemic again, despite history showing it will? Who do you assign the blame for this pandemic to, if not China?
  12. Is that definitive? Because I've read it stated otherwise: https://www.nytimes.com/2009/06/24/health/24flu.html
  13. My bad, I thought we were still talking about swine flu because of the reference to not eating pig/pork anymore because of it.
  14. This is the problem with the world today, condensed in a one sentence thesis.
  15. I don't give a shit about the macro or having a humanitarian or global war dick measuring contest over the last 20 years. I'm talking specifically, in this particular case, China is a shithead who caused a pandemic and should be called out and shamed and held accountable for their actions. They should also be called out where there is some good-- when they finally got around to being honest-- and their response and building of hospitals, etc. I am 100% hopeful that America has a Chinese-like recovery, and think they did a fabulous job in their recovery and think it's a much better job than we have been doing. You can honestly provide inputs, both good and bad, and be pissed and call it a Chinese Virus originating in their despicable wet markets without being racist. That is my position at least and your wild whataboutism and both sides and deflections to questions not asked does nothing to move me from my position, no offense to you.
  16. https://www.nytimes.com/2009/06/24/health/24flu.html
  17. It's racism to call China shitty and hold them accountable and blame them because of this pandemic?
  18. Swine flu originated from Asia/China as well. Next? And while we are throwing out insane speculation about the next zoonotic diseases coming from dogs, what is more likely? Filthy Americans getting viruses from letting their dogs lick their faces and kiss them or Chinese people slaughtering dogs and eating them in wet markets where their blood and entrails and water are all mixed together and spread around? And honestly I'd be pissed in both scenarios if they result in a global recession and pandemic. What is racist about that? I'm racist against playing stupid gross games and winning stupid gross prizes that lead to a slaughtered 401k and FY2020
  19. I am not speaking for racists or anyone else other than myself here, but my emotion and anger at losing a ton of money and having my life in upheaval is the intention for calling it the Chinese Virus. It's social shaming and political shaming and calling them to the carpet for yet another viral pandemic because they need to eat pangolin penis to feel virile and eat bat soup to feel powerful. And all the reporting is this is the 1% of fascist dickhead chinese people, not the 1.39b regular people who are normal, reasonable chinese folks. I would be equally (probably even more so emotional and pissed) if this level of upheaval was caused by American's 1% eating ginsing and essential oil and Gyneth Paltrow GOOP concoctions based on the idea that it helps your immune system.
  20. I'm not even sure what you are arguing. Because we have a shitty president we can't call China's leader shitty? He's a fat shithead who sucks and has caused a lot of pain and damage to the markets and people's money. Apply that last sentence to both leaders. What's the problem? Why are you cool with saying about only our shitty leader and it's uncouth to call winnie the pooh a damn loser too? The next time Seattle causes billions of dollars-- nay, trillions of dollars in damage-- via a pandemic, gets shut down, and then is opened back up multiple times just to have it happen again, then we can "both sides" this situation. Otherwise, it's obvious CHINESE wet markets are a problem, every time and all the time, just only sometimes they cause a global recession and thousands of deaths thousands of miles away.
  21. Agree with you here and I don't think being pissed at China and putting their nose in their own shit on the carpet and smacking them in the face with a rolled up newspaper is mutually exclusive from being pissed at American (and other) governments being caught with their pants down. You can be pissed at both because you have no semblance of control over neither. Let me know when you can stop idiots from hanging out at a St. Patty's day parade or drinking Keystone light during Spring Break or buying half of Kimberly Clark's TP backlog for no real reason.
  22. The horrible Winnie the Pooh leader for one, who leads a culture of censorship (which we enable at times and have some dirty hands in supporting, see: Google vs. Do No Evil) along with their culture of bullying and silencing people (see The first doctor reporting coronavirus who "disappeared" and died and has been issued a posthumous apology). Not even to mention the fact that China's leadership sucks and these wet markets are unethical and grossly negligent and lessons are never learned despite pandemic after pandemic of eating bats and pangolins and snakes and shit. Oh, also the culture of eating disgusting monkeys and bats by the 1% because it gives you the Chinese version of Charlie Sheen's ranting and raving of Tiger blood and WINNING. That do anything for ya? That's levitation, holmes.
  23. Everybody or just poor people who make less than $80k or whatever? Asking for a friend.
  24. This thread is called China coronavirus yet we take umbrage with calling it a China Virus...I was onboard at first but the more things sink I'm more angry at China. Not full on Sack, of course, but still-- I think there are a lot of people like me who are pissed and starting to crystallize on China and their horrible culture and politics as a target. That could get political.
  25. What if....... Progressives turn Dotard progressive and the Dotard turns Trumpkins progressive and leave the Dem establishment sniffing their own farts? https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-8130795/Ilhan-Omar-says-shes-unison-Donald-Trump-sending-checks-Americans.html Squad member Rep. Ilhan Omar is touting a similar cash giveaway plan to one being promoted by the White House – and is praising the Trump administration for the effort. 'In times of crisis, right, we can come together. And it's not about who is making the proposal, it's about getting the best idea out there,' Omar told the CBS affiliate in her home state of Minnesota. 'I applaud this administration for thinking about the people, for wanting to put money in people's pockets.'
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