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Everything posted by Rougarou

  1. The Squad seems to be Bending over backwards on twitter to pat Dotard on the back. It’s baffling.
  2. Don't mind him, he's just a middle manager at Boeing lol
  3. Went all in on Blue Apron (APRN) after realizing I've grown accustomed to fine dining and eating out and don't know how or particularly like to cook spaghetti and crap like that for my family and needed to subscribe to meal kits. Up 150%
  4. Even if I agree with you here (not sure how to quantify "a lot"), there will be replacements and new eateries entering the fray to fill the void of those which are never going to come back once things are stabilized (assuming it's a profitable exercise).
  5. I hope you are right. The thing to bake in, however, is that people are modeling this out like the Spanish Flu which means this disaster will roar back EOQ4 and Q1FY21, affecting Q4 and early next year amounting the JPMC estimates as a mere bounce instead of a recovery. Obviously, nobody knows and if a vaccine is on the horizon during Q1FY21 that mitigates a lot of the damage you'd think...
  6. The assumption is a fairly good one if you buy the premise that demand is pent up and artificially caged (quarantined?) and that in near immediacy the engine will be purring back to life and people will be clamoring to buy crap and eat out and get wasted in the streets and on beaches and back to fighting each other on worldstar and catching legacy diseases from hooking up and clubs, etc.
  7. I don't think so. There will be a lot of pent up potential energy turned kinetic once (if?) we get past the glut of this pandemic in June/July/August. This is an external locus of control thing that has affected the machine, not the inner working of the machine failing.
  8. I love his overt and obvious (and failing) efforts to dub this the "Chinese Virus"
  9. My grandmother's book club was cancelled which was nice to keep her in doors; she is now meeting her bridge friends at a Braum's in a back room, though. They are 80's.
  10. The best $120 I ever spent was a LifeTime Basketball hoop. The 10 year old spends at least 2-3 hours outside, throughout the 10 hours of daylight he's awake, shooting, dribbling, playing with his siblings, playing by himself, HORSE, knockout, Around the world, 1x1, Three Point contests, etc. Do it.
  11. I was just watching this guy on CNN a few weeks ago after Super Tuesday; super articulate. Shame is career is over before it got started!
  12. There is just something so elegant and beautiful to someone who is great at what they do.
  13. Man, yet again proves Seattle is the worst.
  14. Finally got 'em. NOW, I'd like to see Ole Donny wiggle his way out of this and into 4 more years * Nominates Biden / Harris * Ah well, nevertheless.
  15. We bought as a walk-up; skip the dollar extra for the 3D glasses, we found them worthless. We were there a surprising 3 hours; didn't plan to stay that long and didn't feel that long.
  16. Just got back from Meow Wolf. Super awesome. Like, amazing. I did the puzzle in the constellation room but didn't understand the next clue and my wife and kids were getting impatient. Went to reddit when I got home. Apparently when you crack the code you get a website: https://ihearmusicfromouterspace.com/ Interesting fact about Meow Wolf: George R.R. Martin gave 2.5mm to fund the installation and it took 14 months to build.
  17. Cancelled trip to SA over Spring break. Fair or unfair, SA has gotten the reputation as the yucky Texas Coronavirus city recently
  18. Those are great. Thanks for sharing.
  19. Lol it actually took me a minute to figure it out (ducks)
  20. I think we would all be very surprised at how many people actually have Or have had this thing, all over America, and we just don’t really know it because we don’t have testing.
  21. Just wait until papa Obama comes out with a calming word to tell his people to come early, be loud, and vote blue. And for another Austin reference intermixed with politics: Obama is taking Biden to Cheers Shot Bar on 6th St. on his 81st birthday and asking for the Blue Wave. He is going to make Biden close his eyes and yell "Give me the wave, Give me the wave". And the blue wave is coming.
  22. Also Pete is like 13. He made a name (and fortune) for himself politically and can write his own ticket for the next 2-4 years off the clout he created from a grindr app and some McKinsey PPT skills. He peaked and had he stayed too long, he would have dulled the shine a little bit and look like a never-really-was like Liz Warren looks now. He got out before having to damage his ceiling-- oh and he got to cut a deal with the eventual winner? smart and strategic and calculated and deftly executed, which is on brand for Pete the Rat.
  23. That's pretty gracious of Bern considering, at face value, it seems her staying in the race hurts him and helps Biden.
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