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Everything posted by Rougarou

  1. Well this makes sense, I might have bought hook line and sinker the whole "smart, practical, i would still be in academia but the problem is too important for me to sit back and watch and i don't really want the power" schoolmarm/smart lady bit.
  2. He answered after I asked, but yes that does make sense. But she also has to know after her performance last night, she doesn't have a lot of leverage to negotiate and her staying in the race hurts Bernie (helping Biden) more than the visa versa. She's the equivalent of the QB on a one year deal who has a good pre-season but then has a horrible season and is still not signing whatever deal is being offered because the results are in and you have no leverage and aren't worth it.
  3. But it is for Liz. So again I ask, someone smarter than me and more intune with politics, how is her still being in the race defensible strategically, practically, or otherwise.
  4. She essentially got last place in her home state since we all agree Bloomberg and Tulsi don't count as human beings. So somebody please answer the question; why is she still in the race at 3:30 the day after being destroyed and embarrassed and what purpose does it serve, and more importantly, how is it a defensible position?
  5. Serious question: Why is Warren still in the race at 3p in the afternoon after having her brains blown onto the wall behind where she was standing? The longer she stays in the race she should be outed as being ego-driven and vain and delusional and irrational and harmful to Bernie. Unless the last part is her intent, in which case, that's cold blooded. #hisssszzzzz
  6. Do they, though? When: MFA means killing the private option When: Free public college means affecting the tax home pay of the "wealthy", which leads to the next point, When: wealthy is defined as someone making more than $137k a year
  7. That would be a winner for the 80%.
  8. If you are right at that cusp; it represents a ~$300 pay raise every paycheck after the $137k which a lot of people bank on, is why. Uh, commenting for a friend.
  9. I didn't mean Cult of Personality as a dig, honestly, but I get this probably isn't the best time to engage with you as this is probably really fresh and raw nervy. Peace.
  10. No I don't think this. I do think that potentially, at some point in the future, having the precedent of these third party auditors could be a problem and risk for America because sovereign nations have agendas and all geopolitics is, is an infinite power struggle that only ends in fragile peace or vanquish.
  11. I suppose I'd like to hear what you think the short and medium term looks like and how you expect to cope as well as how you predict the Bernie base/coalition will react. I'm pretty torn on whether I believe that the Bernie movement has an expiration date that will peak after 8 years and with the waning of the cult personality or if it's a true paradigm shift that has embedded itself into the (young and future) DNA of America. I guess I'm wondering if we see some maturity like you are showing or a grrrl riot in the streets tell me where were you april 29 1992.
  12. Yes election monitoring; I don't think international election monitoring is a good path to go further down, to be honest. I just don't trust other countries for that.
  13. This was funny, even if I ultimately agree with ChiTown. Kudos for being a mature adult and handling this well. Either you are the rare Bernie Bro or maybe, just maybe Christmas is about so much more maybe the stereotype has been exaggerated.
  14. Agreed. I actually am watching with a bit of resentment. I didn't vote as a protest for Yang being marginalized by Democrats everywhere.
  15. Interesting to see how people cope: B-T one of his friends needs to do a wellness check or he's black out drunk off the good stuff. David is expressing his disappointment with a weird dramatization display of repeated sarcasm like a sad middle-schooler. The duality of Man. Go Joe Go!
  16. Will Bernie Bros be exceptionally bitter and ugly to people tomorrow? Is tonight going to invigorate them to be more hostile? I feel like the tomorrow is an inflection point on the Bernie Bros narrative.
  17. Is B_T okay? Someone text him and make sure he's alright...
  18. Dean Foods is bankrupt and liquid milk is down like 70% from it's peak. Who wants to be a dairy farmer these days in the first place? Anyways, how is our friend b_t doing, does anyone know him in real life that can perform a wellness check on him if we don't hear from him with regularity?
  19. He looks like this is the most fun he's had in his entire life. That's a million dollar smile. Did anyone else catch that the "call and response" portion of Bernies stump speech, at one point the crowd boo'ed the wrong thing which was supposed to be a positive and Bernie had to correct them? lol, if that's not a microcosm, I don't know what is.
  20. Woke up last night (in Nashville) to sirens and alarms and my hotel shaking from the wind. Went back to sleep. Didn't realize how crazy it was; 25 dead now?
  21. I fly every week of the year and am in a minimum of two cities, if not three, a week. I'm pretty elevated. My wife is pretty worried about me bringing it home too, but luckily I'm not out West for a while, mostly in the midwest and southeast for the next 8 weeks. Nobody in Nashville seems to be worried, I can tell you that.
  22. Agreed that JoJo was better, but PBF was solid and enjoyable. It definitely was solid and enjoyable-- and I thought Shia was outstanding. But yea, JoJo was a pretty stellar movie, so I guess it's not really fair (and I feel like PBF was more Oscar bait than JoJo).
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