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Everything posted by Rougarou

  1. Rougarou


    Say my name three times like Candyman, but I roll on your ass like an avalanche.
  2. Peanut Butter Falcon (2019). I haven't seen a lot of movies from 2019-- and I really wanted to like this one a bit more, though I thought Shia was great and I admit I am a Shia fan. Still think JoJo Rabbit was better.
  3. My son has recently caught Texas History bug so we are going to tour the Alamo for Spring Break. We’ve watched the 1950’s Disney Davey Crockett movie on Disney+ 3x this week.
  4. Here is the thing I keep thinking about Bloomberg— how much of his money is paper money — I.e. in the markets? if a pissant like me lost $40k on paper in 7 days due to corona wipeout, can you imagine his paper losses? He needs to quit wasting money trolling Trump and use that money to buy interests at a big discount and make money— so I think that’s gonna drive his decision to drop out after Tuesday more than anything.
  5. I’m going all in on SDC. I bought at the previous low, pre-Corona, and it jumped 40% over a month and now it’s dropped again. I’m gonna buy a thousand shares, let’s go!
  6. My opinion is that the Bern surge has been amazing and I love to see Bernie Bros getting their hopes up for the inevitable crash and burn (pun not intended) and Biden getting the nomination anyways. Chaos is a ladder, I’m filing paperwork to run for city council, this crap looks fun.
  7. Geez dude you have a ton! That's kinda yuck, right? Luckily I was able to eradicate the two we were hearing in the walls and I'm happy that there is a stray cat in the common area now.
  8. B_t sounds like a “Yea Jussie Smollet lied and made it up, BUT he’s bringing up a social point and this racism does exist and could possibly happen so it’s almost like woke performance art activism. @ me or Fight me, CHuDS” kind of guy, these days.
  9. Backed out of a trip to Barcelona in three weeks. Consolation prize? Chattanooga, TN.
  10. Where is the confusion, unless we are pretending to be confused? Pete had a savage line which was topical where he opportunistically piggybacked on the media attack and snippet where Bernie said good things about Cuba and literacy. It was nothing more than a throw-away roast line which landed because Pete is a good orator, if nothing else. It was funny and pithy and took a little bit of the truth and twisted it into an insult. It's like you people have never listened to a rap battle lololol Pete and audience "like lolomgz he did that tho!"
  11. Everytime this thread is bumped I have to watch Chappelle absolutely roast this guy on youtube.
  12. Trick question; Saskatoon is not in America and is filled with commie "others" white walkers from beyond the wall in the lame white north! MERICA!
  13. I, for one, am looking forward to having my masters degree debt paid off for me. Go, Bern, Go!
  14. “Not So Easy To Do What I Did” was a really telling statement to me. It’s like a smug, comeuppance you give to your frenemy down at the Club whom you sometimes play tennis with, when he’s trying to copy cat something you did and not giving the proper credit and respect your way.
  15. It is interesting that for all the bluster and noise, Pete is a never-was and never-has been, as it pertains to this race. You'd think he'd be higher with all the press he gets; that's a really damning situation on him. Also, another insight here for me, Warren's campaign needs to be a political case study in how to not close out a ballgame and blow it. What a collapse at the most important inflection point-- have heads rolled in that campaign? They should have for sure and Warren really blew this. Bernie is going to be our 46th President of the US. I'll be holding my noise when I vote for him.
  16. The foreign language question and his floundering therein, was squeamishly bad.
  17. "After all, we have the oldest sitting President ever and how is that working out?" - Mayor Pete on being under 40. lulz
  18. Pete killing it on the CNN Townhall tho.
  19. 4th quarter was amazing. Why aren't all games this format?
  20. The biggest con in all of America is the home health/CMS/Medicare game. Are we going to pretend that all those Nigerian and Filipino Style embezzlement shops in home health are not going to be carried over when/if MFA gets greenlit for everybody’s health?
  21. “rat”, “snake”. It’s like they don’t realize they are using tricks right out of Donald’s playbook.
  22. Just caught it on a plane and it was better than expected. Question; was Sam Rockwell’s character covering for the Jew because he was clearly gay with Theon? The whole Elton John costume thing, right?
  23. I only recline if the person in front of me reclines. Its like when someone parks too close, on or just over the white line of a parking spot. You have to park a little bit off of yours to fit, so the next person does, and so on and so forth and the guy in the last row is left holding the bag.
  24. Just got back from Memphis Grizzlies and Portland Trailblazers game at Fedex Forum: 1) Ja Morant has the juice now, dog. He's fearless and his energy when he's on the court is amazing. I just love this guys game. 2) Portland has horrible defense and this is why they will not be a playoff team. 3) The Grizzlies being the only sports in town, and walking distance from Beale St., make for a rocking good time even on a random Weds. 4) Nothing is more sad than seeing a washed Carmelo Anthony creak along the court. He looks like he needs an ice bath and ice on his knees after 3 mins. He makes Vince Carter look like Zion.
  25. Why not both? If public school (disclaimer: my kids do not go to one, so feel free to tell me to go suck an egg and private schools aren't much better at this stuff) is supposed to be a publicly funded good that is meant to educate and empower our populace, there really should be some courses to teach good habits. We teach good physical habits (PE) and explore arts and such, we need to mandate some personal finance and responsibility as well because a lot of these kids aren't being taught at home.
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