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Everything posted by Rougarou

  1. Which is why if you have the means, you put your kids in private schools or best-in-breed public ISD's. Which exacerbates the problem
  2. Catchy Headline which reminded me of this thread because manufacturing on the line is the epitome of the "working class" jobs: Manufacturers Increase Perks to Get New Hires to Move Caterpillar, Raytheon among employers offering more relocation and other benefits to lure far-flung new hires https://www.wsj.com/articles/manufacturers-increase-perks-to-get-new-hires-to-move-11578825002 As the competition for skilled workers in the U.S. heats up and the unemployment rate nears a 50-year low, manufacturers are ramping up efforts to entice workers to their factories. Some, including Caterpillar, Raytheon and Lockheed Martin, are offering relocation costs, higher wages and bonuses to help fill half a million U.S. factory jobs, reports The Wall Street Journal. The perks may help offset some of the challenges the U.S. factory sector faces — it contracted for the fifth consecutive month in December, according to the Institute for Supply Management.
  3. There’s a radio personality out of Tulsa I think it were who would crank call people with an Ardmore/Ada accent and pull their leg and those were the catchphrases. Sorry, I guess. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Roy_D._Mercer
  4. You ever had a country ass whoppin? How big an ole boy are ya?
  5. Kinda of messed up, but the "model minorities" of Asian and South Asian/Indians who still face discrimination, aren't completely accepted as "real minorities/POC's". They are the bisexuals of the GLBT movement.
  6. More than anything, the smarter you can become, the better. Whether it is self taught/auto-didactic (we've all heard stories of guys who taught themselves to code, entrepreneurs that drop out, etc.) or brains being cultivated through more traditional means. Check out Slide 15 (JPMC Asset Management) on the Stock Market since 1900. https://am.jpmorgan.com/us/en/asset-management/gim/adv/insights/guide-to-the-markets/viewer The key take away from me from looking at the last 120 years is that we can't stop innovation and growth. If the working class is dead then we have to artificially manufacture it (bridges to nowhere, shovel ready programs to build even more public storage units in a plague of them, WPA as mentioned above) or we need to enter into a pretty devastating and all-hands-on-deck World War/Civil War (like burning a field down to make it fertile again). That's what that data is telling me.
  7. You said it, it’s a culture. Which, again as parents, you have a bit of control in how you can develop children’s brain and habits and health around these things.
  8. To Twice and Mrs. points, I think it goes back to parents and parenting. And in the institutional poverty class, of all races, homes are generally broken to due to drugs/addiction, crime/jail, problems exacerbated with racism, etc. Its expensive and difficult to be poor. There should be no shame in being poor but it’s also not a very fulfilling existence in and of itself and personally I’ll never be ugly about it and will always be grateful and thankful for being lucky enough to be born when/where/how I was because obviously a ton of the conditions Of privilege are out of our control until we are parents. That’s why I try and pay it forward and spend wisely on private school and stay engaged as a dad and love their mom well knowing I’m a living example, etc. It could still all be for naught however and as parents all we can do is try and give our kids the best odds to whatever you define as a good life. I digress this gorgeous Monday morning...
  9. The best example I can think of is the Oil Field from 2000-2020. "You can call me White Trash but you are jealous of my Oil Cash" bumper stickers on the backs of their Raptors. These are folks with GED/HS, making 80k-150k* (Overtime pay, hazard pay and during the boom years of 2005-2012) and living a very solidly middle class life. Yes we need more jobs and industries like that-- I imagine that is what being a Ford conveyor belt employee used to feel like or being a coal miner. But on the other end of the spectrum, if we allow for that sort of living, we have to also make room to grow or advance what the professional middle class is making or where is the incentive to get a degree, become a professional, etc.? I mean, we all know oil field guys making more than lawyers, etc.
  10. Seriously? This is hilariously foul if true; I need a link to educate myself on this and we need to spread this!
  11. I was on a tiny flight on Thurs from small town Virginia to DFW and kept seeing JMU on every 3rd passenger. Thought it was a basketball game vs SMU lol
  12. Oman was one of the worlds best kept secrets; spent a lot of time in UAE and Oman for work and Oman >>> Dubai by a mile. They are super aggressively nice and accommodating in trying to become a destination for Americans and Euros to come spend money. Super cheap super beautiful, it’s awesome. Wonder if the direction changes now. 9 out of 10 laymen, non traveling folks would be aghast when I told them I’m going to Oman as most people figure the only friendly state in the Middle East is Dubai.
  13. Thanks, that is a very informative distillation and from the lack of input I assume I'm not the only one that was educated here :)
  14. We all know that nobody likes to pay taxes. Nobody likes to go to the dentist or mix in a salad every once in a while either, but it’s healthy and necessary. Until there is a better system in place to hold individuals accountable and still be a collective, loosely tied to each other in “community” or “country” or whatever we want to call it, it’s the best we can do to try and create a system where most people do the right thing and bake into the modeling the spoilage for those immoral and unrighteousness unhappy people and let their extra money be their reward. All that being said, I would love to keep more of my money of course.
  15. So...not sure I understand this answer. What is the impact, good bad or indifferent, on withholding the impeachment docs? I don't see the value or potential gain or even what the impact is other than a negative in that people forget about impeachment and it's lost in the ether while everyone talks about Harry and Meghan and the Golden Globes tiny purses and the Superbowl.
  16. Serious question for a political noob; what is the value and gain in not sending impeachment docs to the Senate? Why should the opposition (GOP) care and want them and be forced to acknowledge or do anything with it? If it hangs in purgatory for a year that seems good for them, they don’t have to address it and it falls out of the news cycle and it’s like it never happened and/or doesn’t exist, and it looks like the lack of any consequence would be the D’s fault for not progressing the process and letting it stall out. Right? Of course I’m the guy that has learned what the impeachment process was only last month and I’m 15 years out of Social Studies civics class where you’d think I’d have learned that stuff but public schools and/or I am dumb.
  17. I don't even think the premise is that good. The whole thing is a complete mess and is the most overrated sack of crap I've seen bandied about as avant garde and great since the Kanye Yeezus album. Did Lupita act her balls off (no assumption of gender tho)? Absolutely. She was nails and took the character down to the wire. She should have been awarded and she was applauded. Were some of the cultural winks and nods fun, in and of itself? Sure. Were the visuals and easter eggs fun? Yea, okay. But it was a messy, sloppy and unfulfilling patchwork of big ideas and intentions that didn't work? Absolutely. If Get Out wasn't so dang good we'd never even be having his conversation, but Us sucked. Sorry but true.
  18. I know the author; good ole Dallas guy
  19. Crisis averted? Dow will correct and I can go on being a stupid fat person. Whew.
  20. My wife is really pushing me to lose weight to get healthy. Health, not anything to do with attractiveness...so she says In 7 days since 2020 began I've mixed in more salads (3) than I had in all of H2 of 2019. I'm trying to do keto/no-carb too. I want to lose 25 lbs.
  21. Definitely could and let's hope. It's like being stressed out with a lead and knowing you are going to below the lead with too much clock left. We just need the election to hurry up and happen.
  22. Unfortunately a full scale war might be what shoos him in for Round 2.
  23. So Trump is the one to usher in the apocolypse. It would be funny if it weren't written on the nose.
  24. My daughter has to wear something similiar at her private school, but it flows down to a skirt too. It's called a jumper. So, maybe it's a private school/uniform thing with Baylor?
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