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Everything posted by Rougarou

  1. That ‘woosh’ sound you heard was a joke going over your head.
  2. Maybe I'm wrong, but I can't help but feel if 2020-- everything in the aggregate that makes up this year in history-- and everything preceding it since 2016, but mainly 2020, doesn't inspire and compel folks to come out and vote and win an election here, then there is no hope. I don't even mean a landslide just a simple win for Pete's sake. Surely this will happen but I've grown accustomed to expect the unexpected.
  3. The only question is, where is the opportunity in the potential chaos? Where is the side hustle opportunity and money to be made?
  4. I believe you, I was just going off what I thought I heard around here. Good, then there should be no issues and we got this, right? We have the majority and the majority wins eventually.
  5. I'm not hating the player or the game. I think that the salary cap era of insane political buffoonery is here and the threshold and cap is just going to keep growing and growing and growing every year because we are fanatics to a team, we love to watch it and root for and against, and it's profitable. If it wasn't so personal for folks and impacting to everyday lives with real implications, it would be the greatest show on turf.
  6. Why stop at 13 judges? in 2028 let's go to 17 then 21 then 41 then 65. Let's not let it be a scene, but an arms race baby! Let that pendulum swing every time a party loses favor and power does it's usual switch back. I mean, we are a country split close to down the middle when the battle lines are honestly drawn, right?
  7. Wait who hung Epstein? Because we know it wasn't a suicide, right?
  8. This isn't an uncommon gripe, and it's probably not very fair either, but when someone is in the right hand lane at a red light (when there are 3-4 lanes) who doesn't need to turn right. I know a small percentage of the time that person needs to turn right into a business or restaurant shortly after the light or what have you, but mostly it's a line of people who need to take advantage of that right on red but have to sit through the red light. I try not to be that guy but of course I am from time to time and when I am I do feel a minor amount of guilt. This one might be controversial, an example: When I'm turning left and a car is coming from the opposite way, I will yield assuming they will maintain speed, but if they don't use their blinker indicating they are turning right, I have to wait on them to slow down, turn right, and then get behind them. If I saw their blinker ahead of time, I can squirt through. People who turn out in front of you when they see you are obviously at a rate of speed that you are going to have to brake medium to hard. That's just inconsiderate and rude. Lastly, People who need to cut across traffic and turn left and will wait forever until there is an opportunity for the traffic running left to right to let them through as well as the traffic from right to left to let them through, instead of just turning right and doing the first legal U-turn and letting everyone else go.
  9. Shia rules. I've been a hipster on him back when people hated on him.
  10. Watched Notorious B.I.G. short documentary on a plane last year. She lead an amazing and made great impacts in life and may she rest in peace. Would that we lived in a world where we could mourn and reflect on the death and life for at least 24 hours before diving neck first into the shallow swamp waters of politics and the political impacts and strategies of her death, but it's 2020, so carry on my friends.
  11. Is UTSA like the G-League or the Triple-A farm system from UT these days? Are they seen as the preferred partner versus, say, UTA or UTD or UTEP or UTPANAM, etc.
  12. Is euthanasia a political issue (while also being a moral/ethical/religious/values issue as well)? I view abortion at 35 weeks for terminal/chronic issues identified in the womb or whatever no differently than mercy death/killing for terminal cancer/chronic pain people. It's necessarily a political issue, fundamentally, because there are laws that dictate what is possible and not possible (e.g. in that USA Today article the lady had to fly to Colorado from her hometown where it is illegal on the East Coast in order to abort at 35 weeks).
  13. As usual, Trump exaggerates and is hyperbolic, but I think it's an interesting debate. Here is kind of a both sides I saw from USA Today. To note, some of these babies who are born terminal are terminal upon birth due to botched (late-term) abortions, in a begging the question or begating the situation sort of affair.
  14. This is a problem with dumb people who don't understand BFS industry and just generally don't understand the knowledge, skill and discipline needed to get, keep, and grow/succeed in any white shoes/collar job. And add on top of that this is a woman not from a target school (though Lehigh is a good second tier) and working in banks. An industry who announced their first woman CEO in the history of all banking, last week (compared to other industries where minorities/women have seen comparable success).
  15. I was thinking that SNOW would create an irrational and emotional groundswell for technology/cloud/digital-native organizations to pop and so I'm hoping to see SUMO do well.
  16. Well done!
  17. Fail fast; fail cheap. If it ain’t a fit pivot quick.
  18. Anything is better than that 1-Train!
  19. Look guys, whether it's Trump or Biden, I know one thing...
  20. This is nuts. Best IPO in tech history? During a pandemic? For a company with $300mm in revenue, some decent competitors and amazing marketing? Im not saying they aren’t a good company or solution but this seems way overboard for a technology that I don’t know anyone who uses. Their marketing is superb and they have penetrated the Big 4 and all the GSI’s to build Snowflake practices and push it hard and heavy, but wow at these numbers. IPO’s are like UT. They’re Back!!
  21. Yea okay, I see that you are correct. MSFT is a friend of my enemy is a friend type close with Trump's org and Satya has gone through great lengths to not be a critic of Trump. I guess "closely associated" was poor characterization and word choice when obviously Ellison is a vocal Trumper. That said, Oracle is a second tier technology firm who is on the innovation and reputation downswing of enterprise software compared to MSFT or AMZN, so I guess they can afford to be more cavalier and honest in their outwardly facing politics. It's weird to me they bought the technology without the algorithm, but who knows, maybe the gigantic user base will stick around with an ersatz user experience and they can make hay out of this somehow.
  22. Wow, imagine waking up and shit posting a Gilfoyle quote and then reading 50 awesome posts unexpectedly. Kudos to Celery for facilitating an actual conversation here.
  23. The history of humanity is a book written in blood. We’re all just animals in a pit
  24. First off: MSFT is most closely associated with the administration. The $10bn JEDI project over AMZN out front shoulda told ya. Second: Are they, though? I have heard more than one smart analyst I follow/trust say (maybe cribbed from MSFT themselves), "it's like buying a Tesla but not getting the patented electric motor and only the shell." Sure the user base is worth something, but without the algorithm that China is withholding, it doesn't seem very smart. And they aren't even announcing as an acquirer but a "trusted partner" which underlines that this is a weird deal for ORCL. On MSFT:
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