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Everything posted by Rougarou

  1. For the record, I don’t think that Dak is mediocre. I said I would let Dak who is decent but not that good, walk in favor of a mediocre QB who is paid mediocre (QB standards) to try and get a Tannehill in TN 2.0 until you can draft a franchise QB. And I meant it’s nice and all that he’s not ghetto and can be trusted to not have a criminal off season or beat a woman (unlike Jameis in the past though he seems to have turned the corner), but that quality alone isn’t good enough to tip the scales to pay him big money.
  2. He’s a hall of famer because he’s number 2 all time on two big time Stat columns. Don’t let your emotions make you a dumbass.
  3. I’d rather have a mediocre QB at mediocre cost than pay Dak $33-35mm a year. If Dak is not the guy and we agree he isn’t, then why pay him? I’m not paying for great leadership capabilities without great football capabilities. But I like that he isNt ghetto
  4. Heard on the radio that the Seahawks at 11-3 are 10-1 in one possession score games with 2 OT wins, 4 wins with 4 or less, etc. It’s really a game of inches.
  5. Grew up in Southlake during the LJH era so this hits close to home.
  6. Agreed it could be worse (see: Gurley, Todd).
  7. Has to be the weirdest two years for Jason Witten and I’d be curious what his psychological state is after weathering them: 1) He leaves football (abruptly, even?) and immediately jumps into a high profile commentator role which he is ill-fitted for (at least without any training or gaining experience) and is roasted for it. Leaves in disgrace. Goes back to playing football where he is clearly a liability (drops, slow, etc.) and is just hanging on by a Combination of a thread and Mother Jerry’s mercy. Id be scared to death to go into coaching next year because I’d have known nothing but defeat and embarrassment and struggle in anything I’ve tried to do for the last two career choices. I think I’d be suffering with self doubt.
  8. As opposed to paying him. I think so. If we pay him and we pay Dak we will be over leveraged and will be the Rams next year.
  9. Lessons learned: * Jason Garrett is not and has never been the guy * Overpaid for Zeke but he’s probably being blamed too much for this seasons failures though he didn’t do too much to help his cause * Dak doesn’t suck, but he’s not that good either. Paying him would be repeating the same mistake as paying for Zeke but worse. maybe we can let Dak walk and pick up Jamies or Marriotta on the cheap and hope they are Tannehill2.0 with our new coach? * Promote Gallup to #1, draft a WR in a rich WR draft class and let Amari walk * We believed the defensive secondary was something it’s not in the off-season with Cheto and Jourdan and Byron and we never amended the opinion and strategy 9 weeks ago when it was abundantly clear they weren’t what we thought they were and can’t do what we thought they could (and would need to, to win). Needs to be addressed. * Sean Lee sucks; it’s a shame because he was epic at one point and we were robbed of his prime by injuries. * LVE went completely backwards this year. * we suck
  10. Between the high point toe touch at the back of the end zone and the catch-stays-on-feet-sprint, let Amari walk and promote Gallup to #1 and drFt a WR
  11. My son gets mad that I’m pro-Mando and this show and think the movies are meh.
  12. I read the title as "have humans ever been *this* close to extinction?"
  13. I went to a Tiff's Treats the other day and they are cashless-- they don't even have the option to accept cash. I thought that was pretty funny.
  14. A gentleman is not fully dressed unless he has some cash to tip the valet and/or help. Or am I the only one eating at Del Frisco's every night?
  15. I'm Classic until I die. Lightning is lame.
  16. See, that’s how you do it. All hail King Telegraph_it Sr.
  17. Lots of handwringing and investment of emotions for a guy who will not matter when the rubber meets road and it’s Biden/Kamala vs Trump_Pence_v2 Save the vitriol for 2024 when Pete, after the MacArthurs fellowship funded autobiography phase, he re-emerges from a sabbatical from a cave where he was lost in Jesuit prayer and meditation and evolves into being so super gay that he is actually into chicks now and he comes down from the mountain with a transcendent PPT etched into two MST Surface Pros (because he’s too centrist to own a Mac Book).
  18. And you should have felt that way... the tiered system works and you should know your place, pedestrian.
  19. If you are flying ORD to DFW there are 100 legitimate Group 2's.
  20. This was great-- like someone said, maybe a little too on the nose overall, but some great poignancy from the Hooded Justice and I really liked Reeves, his role, story and landing leading up to the "he should have done more" that lead to Angela's landing.
  21. Also that’s the third time in 6 episode the climax happens with a gunshot to find out someone behind them is saving the day in the nick of time. Enough.
  22. I disagree, I’m not a huge Star Wars fan and only know cursory information but my kids love it and I pick it up as background noise (e.g. I know who Ezra is because I saw a darth maul animated episode the other day with him in it and the kid got an inquisition light saber for Christmas because it’s the only one that can fly apparently). But I loved this episode and overall have enjoyed this show. It’s not Watchmen but it is still fun and something I could bond over with a 10 year old. Problem is, the kids don’t like this show and call it a boring adult movie.
  23. Yes, huge waste of time. What is the benefit of impeaching Trump if he's not removed? It's a pound of flesh, symbolically, of course but does it do anything materially in these times? When GOP don't care or won't be shamed or feel embarrassed by being the enemy of half our country and that Dems hate them? Heck, they might point to being impeached as they did something right and good-- they won so hard that the Dems couldn't stand him and had to impeach? Essentially the question is, what is the benefit for everyone for him being impeached.
  24. So when the house votes in January, Trump is formally and officially impeached? All the Senate can do is not vote to remove him (they can't do anything about the stain of impeachment the House will put on him) and he remains the President until November with an asterisk next to his name for the year 2020 meaning he was impeached? I might have failed GOV312, so I'll hang up and listen.
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