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Everything posted by Rougarou

  1. Eva was unrecognizable. I thought this movie was surprisingly good; the animation sequence was cleverly written for some fan/kid service and it was enjoyable. My younger kid was a bit scared towards the end but overall pretty fun movie.
  2. The only foodstuff I like it blazing hot is Thai food. So hot you can barely eat it and for some reason it makes it delicious.
  3. Really? “Deceptive”? The word you are going to use to judge someone’s personal timeline and journey for coming out is deceptive? That seems weird to me, even maybe homophobic. Pretty telling.
  4. It’s interesting to me; you spend enough time around your couple of politically aware friends IRL and spend time here and you can trick yourself into thinking everyone is aware and engaged. At Thanksgiving yesterday my “liberal” brother (liked Bernie in 2016 and lived in California and likes pot a lot) and other democrat/centrist family members were literally “what’s that gay guys name that’s running? Is he any good?”
  5. Binged the six episodes the last two days (Marriot Bonvoy properties give you free HBO) and thought this was awesome so far.
  6. Spiderman Far From Home with Mysterio. I have a soft spot for this Spiderman even if they are a bit sophomoric in stakes/plot.
  7. Once Upon a Time in Hollywood; what a fantastic movie. Leo was amazing. Brad Pitt rules. Leo is an amazing actor who does things that Brad Pitt can't do which makes me think he's better but then Brad Pitt's awesome abilities are such that Leo can't pull them off. They were great. Loved this movie.
  8. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zh75XWRaugg
  9. RDCanecutter is the best thing going on this site.
  10. Was flying to Portland today and sat next to two elderly people. They were flying from Charlotte to Portland and the plane they were going to board leaked 600 gallons of jet fuel on the runway. Fire department responded en masse, sprayed the concrete with the foam, etc. My gosh how do you miss 600 gallons until it's too late? So, they get put on another flight, midway through it runs out of gas. You can't make this up; they had to emergency land in Kansas City, landing to 25 emergency vehicles all siren'ed up. They then had to sleep on the ground at the Kansas City airport and then I spoke to them on the first flight to Portland. Sheesh.
  11. https://images.app.goo.gl/H4ZzKa1TDkjpo8FLA
  12. Posted on the wrong thread: For a noob who isn’t so smart; what is the net sum of all these proceedings and court room events? Is this happening gif or not? Please not another variation of “let’s see how he gets out of this one!” Meme
  13. For a noob who isn’t so smart; what is the net sum of all these proceedings and court room events? Is this happening gif or not? Please not another variation of “let’s see how he gets out of this one!” Meme
  14. We are underselling just how great we all felt under Obama and then you have the double whammy of time glossing things over and making the seem even rosier along with a contrast to Trump and, man, Obama sure sounds awesome again..and wait, look, is that Obama's VP? Okay, let's roll.
  15. What's confusing to me is how "Ok boomer" is a hilarious, transcendental and all-time burn. It's basically the verbal Jennifer Lawrence "Okay" gif, which is funny and all, but...well, heck. I guess as a millennial I'm already out of touch. Father time is undefeated.
  16. Mid-40's bachelor party? Bachelor parties after 30 seems sad and try-hardy.
  17. I disagree. Biting the bullet and cutting the check for a private christian school has been the best things for the kids. They are around people who at least pay lipservice to being vested in their education, class sizes are smaller, and I've seen a lot more academic rigor and growth. And I lived in a tony area just for the public school district and was unimpressed. I think someone on here said it best; "public education is like a slow moving train (and some trains move faster than others depending on the district) in that it has to keep moving at a level where within a standard deviation of the general public can hop on or hop off without getting left behind".
  18. The one thing I need to get better at is making my kids do the scut work (that’s an interesting term I’d never heard before by the way). I’m not invested in having them do chores because I’m impatient and don’t care about a 6 year old half ass doing anything around the house. I make them clean their room and straighten up their bath toys and bathroom and have found that the extent of my ability to have them remember to not just drop back packs in the sun room and kick shoes off just anywhere tops out at about a 50% efficacy.
  19. Absent of anything to do with this movie, I actually have the opposite opinion of Kristen Stewart. I think she's as interesting an actress as the next gal and was surprised she'd make this movie.
  20. That's a beard. VP out front of Whitehouse shoulda told ya.
  21. Exactly. In a lot of ways, itching to bring up and talk about politics within your immediate and extended family is asking for trouble and nobody should feel sorry for your crappy time because you have asked for it. Put the ego aside, as badteammate claims he does, and show some graciousness and humility and tolerance and try to enjoy the people who are closest in DNA to you (or married into the family). That doesn't mean just let your Trumpkin family member blather on racistly or hatefully, but I don't think a host is out of bounds by saying "Thank you for your opinion but this house/get-together isn't going to engage in any divisive conversation due to the diversity of opinions and beliefs and we want to have a good time and hear about other things you have going on in your life" or something like that.
  22. To the OP title though, one thing I’ve always thought was weird was Kellyane and her husbands relationship. How is that a loving and healthy relationship? They backbite and talk crap to each other on Twitter all day and then get home “hi honey, how was work?”
  23. Extended family is full of regular white folk decorum-focused-boring centrists with a couple of dumb Trumpkins and a couple of younger Commies sprinkled in; like the black guy above said about his family, 90% of us agree that things/Trump sucks but aren’t politically active or interested otherwise so it never comes up. I’ve read articles and threads about political conversations at holidays and always thought that was so weird and fake.
  24. Mortal Kombat had a great movie soundtrack if memory serves. "MOoooortal Koooombaaat" yelled between techno viking moves
  25. I ate at a Dairy Queen in Dumas, TX a few years ago driving back from Colorado ski trip. That's the only time in the last 20 years I've eaten at one. Also, jealous of having lunch with Henry Kravis. KKR is one of the premiere PE firms so of course it went well. I do a lot of work with PE firms and have seen firsthand how easy it is to pull together some money and call yourself a PE-- tons of crappy PE firms who are one hit wonders or shady or are a deal away from shuttering once you get out of the tier 1 and tier 2.
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