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Everything posted by Rougarou

  1. Is this a common thing? Have literally never heard of this...sounds like your young one got this? Is it daycare related or something?
  2. I actually liked the new album...the production is amazing. I agree with the mainstream reviewers though in that it is a little light (I think only one song is longer than 2 mins?) and that it's a bit hard to accept coming from Kanye, but good for him nonetheless. If nothing else, the album got me to want to look into what No Malice is putting out these days. *checks forum* Oh wait, this isn't the music forum, I'll see my way out.
  3. Saw Stuber on a plane; I laughed a couple of times? I think.
  4. Joker doesn't glom on to anything- he haphazardly and accidentally creates a movement based on his responses to his own psychological terror and suffering combined with some external (i.e. political or at the very least, resultant from politic) terror and suffering. Going so far as to have inadvertently created the face of the insurgency (figuratively, but quite literally; clown face/mask). Arthur Fleck is not Raskolnikov; he is Akaky Akakievich Bashmachkin
  5. I think these are political statements insomuch as society in general, and the way society organizes and designs itself, is political.
  6. POC also are historically less tolerant of LGBT in their culture, so I'm sure that is impactful.
  7. Yes I agree with you. Though (and this is before my time), they did something similar with the Armenian genocide and I was shocked at how the Turks denied the existence even as recent as 5-10 years ago. Their own crazy version of Holocaust denial.
  8. So you grew up in Indianapolis then, is it?
  9. Big losers: Kamala and Beto and Gabbard Winner: Warren and Pete and Yang Meh: Minnesota and Steyer and Biden Neutral: Castro and Booker
  10. I kinda like this Steyer guy, not gonna lie.
  11. Nobody: Republicans: Mainstream Dems: Bernie: "Like my hitta Napoleon said, somebody gotta explain why I ain't got shit"
  12. Kamala keeps thinking she hits home runs and jogs on balls that only go to the warning track. and. it's. so. AWK.
  13. Someone on SNL is gonna be funny as Cory "Come on guys let's quit being mean" Booker this weekend.
  14. Hahaha Pete just buried Beto. The undercard round is over.
  15. I'm not seeing the problem with how he looks; i'm just disturbed by the space in his lower teeth.
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