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Everything posted by Rougarou

  1. I was being facetious, Jeffrey.
  2. Bump! What is the business climate like in Minnesota? Specifically Minneapolis and St Paul? I know healthcare is big and they have Target and BB HQ's, but everything I've heard from others it that it's a hot, growing business-centric marketplace but I'm not seeing what people are basing that upon? Headed up to the Great White North in November where I'm sure it will be 10 degrees, but not sure what to expect.
  3. I think you should address his last response instead of ignoring it and trying to stoke these flames. He has some good points and overall I think it’s a good and necessary discussion to be had. Because I also kind of agree with you in that ageism is ageism and it’s black and white. But also I’ve never had to really directly participate in ageism due to my youth privilege but I know as people live longer and work longer and can’t retire Ageism is going to be a 2020-2030 issue for sure so I want to see you guys come to a clean understanding and this pivot seems like a bail.
  4. I think I agree with b_T here; ageism is ageism is ageism.
  5. Seniorita I'm in trouble again, and I can't get free....SENIORITA! #TeamDLR
  6. I had read the book the day before renting it on Amazon and the book is so good that it dulled the movie a bit for me. I loved the Thin Man though. Any other noir/old-time movies you recommend?
  7. You know what? I'm dumb. I completely misread the "best former President ever". I didn't take it as obviously intended which is more of a "best person and life lived after being a President".
  8. I've lived my whole adult life reading Jimmy C was the worst president not named Andrew Johnson (and now DJ Trump). Is the power of time so strong that, reasonably removed from short term thoughts and memories, the warts and grit of legacies and reputations are sanded down to a nice smooth sheen so that we now have people who love GWB because he hangs out with Ellen and tickles Michelle Obama at funerals and Jimmy Carter is now a great president? Or are we so brutal and stupid in the moment and present, completely lacking awareness, so that those topical opinions can never be trusted but for the passing of time?
  9. Quoting you just for your Handle: Saw the Humphrey Bogart Maltese Falcon last night, pretty good.
  10. Is Justin Tucker a HOFer? I think the question has to be asked and I think he is.
  11. Not so fast my friend. First flight out (6:50am) and we are delayed to SLC. Maintenance issue doesn’t care about your flight time. this on the heels of a 5 hour delay from Louisville last week, I finally hit my bed to sleep at 3am from a scheduled 5p take off where I was gaining an hour back going from East you west. Before these last two flights I had about a month of positive experiences.
  12. Rougarou

    SNL 45

    Also, people think Pete Davidson is funny?
  13. Hot Chicken ain't Nashville and it ain't Brooks & Dunn without Ronnie Dunn! How many times I gotta tell you, boy?
  14. I don’t know that I would characterize this as horribly wrong, maybe mildly wrong but who cares.
  15. Or dancing around like a bunch of Kansas City fa....wait.
  16. Agreed. Super creative and well done for Amateurs on phones.
  17. Where would a rather nuanced or specific policy position (like a cap on SS contributions from income) be listed? I can't find anything that seems substantial from any D candidate when I google "policy positions on social security cap" or variations thereof. This isn't a topic that gets a ton of headlines (or even a bullet point that I've seen on a website), but I'm interested in learning more about.
  18. If you don't admit that homelessness has hockey-sticked in the last 15 years in Austin, you are an asshole because you aren't just wrong but by not admitting an obvious observable (and quantifiable, at least on some level) fact you are just helping those who would make villains the homeless and "others". It's not just Austin-- Dallas too. And Nashville. Obviously California too. It's apparently a pretty natural and predictable outcome of displacement when cities become expensive to live in with limited wage growth and opportunities to scrape by.
  19. I've lived my whole life thinking that "Mrs.", to denote a married woman, was pronounced "Miss" and that "Ms." denoting a single woman, was pronounced "Miz-us" Apparently it's the opposite.
  20. For like the last 3 pay periods I thought I'd gotten a micro raise that HR forgot to tell me about or something because I was netting like $300 more than usual. I compared pay stubs and come to find out, the government stopped taking social security out of my check. Upon further investigation (google, because I'm a finance dummy lol), it appears that once you pay in X amount to Social Security a year, you get to stop paying in. That is rad. Is Bernie cool with this? For the middle-class working stiffs like me this amounts to an extra night out at the local steakhouse chain after soccer practice and is a real win and good guy. Genuinely curious if Bern favors these max contributions and limits because for all the talk about being for the middle-class and the labor are we talking about the same thing? Or is this a more measured take that someone like Pete or Warren would have?
  21. Rougarou

    SNL 45

    Not gonna lie...this was a pretty hilarious reply from a comedian that sounds like he's betting on himself: “It feels ridiculous for comedians to making serious public statements but here we are,” Gillis wrote on Monday, using what appears to be a notes app on his phone. “I’m a comedian who was funny enough to get SNL. That can’t be taken away. Of course I wanted an opportunity to prove myself at SNL, but I understand it would be too much of a distraction. I respect the decision they made. I’m honestly grateful for the opportunity. I was always a [MADtv] guy anyway.”
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