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Everything posted by Rougarou

  1. Educated whites aren't on FB; Pete staying on brand and perpetuating his lack of awareness in the PoC communities?
  2. Vocal fry, I think the argument goes, is actually a byproduct of the male dominated/patriarchy/hegemony. Women had to fry their voice to fit in better in the male-dominated business/economic centers and to be taken as serious as a man. It's born from an unconscious-cum-conscious bias that began with the ascent of women breaking the Mad Men glass ceilings. I can personally attest that every analyst, consultant, or industry professional I've encountered in the last few years, who also happen to be smart and up-and-coming, female (and particularly under the age of 50) do the vocal fry. It's a tool, an arrow in the quill, in a woman's fight to be equal in a male-dominated culture. Just what I've heard, at least.
  3. Vale has been doing well as a growth stock, I hear.
  4. You are being facetious but it's true. Not in Clayton.
  5. Too much United talk. j/k. Flying to CLE for a day then CLE-> ORD -> Decatur, Illinois via some Cessna company. I guess not enough people signed up so I got cancelled last minute and will now be driving the 3 hours from ORD to Decatur and visa versa.
  6. Truly though, check out Civilwarland in Bad Decline and/or 10th of December. His short stories are better than most anyone's I've read recently not named Adam Johnson (mega-underrated writer) or Cheever which made this book such a colossal disappointment and commercial, if not completely a critical, bust.
  7. okay. i stand corrected because I forgot about the National Geographic magazines I used to thumb threw at the dentist office.
  8. Yes, I guess I do. Philosophically speaking, isn't that all parents, though variablized for whatever their thoughts and values are?
  9. Snipping Tool. I just found out about this amazing thing.
  10. Would like to resurrect this thread because I'm trying to self-learn the CRISP-DM methodology and Tableau after years of puttering around them. Also, I was following MapR as a company (friend was on the investment team early on) and just saw they essentially folded and sold their IP to HPE. With Hortoworks and Cloudera merged and flailing, is the Big Data space dead to the "Citizen Data miner" or whatever Gartner calls the line of business who can do basic analytics due to business-friendly products?
  11. With the absolute prevalence of visible tattoos on people now, I know it's unpopular opinion (visible tattoos have gone mainstream and corporate and probably half you guys have them) I guess we are just seeing Gen-Z and Millennial disrupt what was once a pretty radical and extreme exercise. I was at Disney World and like 80% of the patrons had tattoos and I started thinking, once upon a time those with tattoos were the 1% bikers or felons or people with an edge. Now you have Becky from HR and Stan from the mid-size law firm and Larry from church with their interpretation of what is cool ink. I don't see management consultants or IB's with tattoos still, so I guess there are still some areas where it's shamed, but it's gotten so common apparently that for the true edgy people, they have to get hand and face tattoos. Sheesh. That said, the unpopular opinion here is that for my children I think getting a tattoo is trashy and unbecoming and I wouldn't be very pleased if they decided to get one when they moved out of my house. It's great if others want to do it, but for my children I want them to think differently. Which of course means they will be getting face tats and scrotum tats and everything else because isn't that how life usually is?
  12. Interesting. I guess this recession is going to impact my retirement plan
  13. Yea that’s a crappy company too. one of the reasons I live in a house below my means is because I’m scared to death (no mack brown) of being in a position where I’m paycheck to paycheck and a sudden lay off gives me a heart attack. I pay less in mortgage than most college kids pay in campus rent with roommates and it’s a comforting feeling. To each their own though.
  14. How does this looming recession affect new IPO's or planned IPO's for 2020 and beyond?
  15. Will be there for work soon, was wanting to look into doing something cool like renting an ATV and riding on sand dunes or something. Anything neat as far as beach recommendations or fun things to do when not working?
  16. I have to say... I'm a first timer and the "Disney Customer Service" world class/best in breed/studied in business schools is alive and well. A story: We did the Frozen sing-a-long at Hollywood Studios and an $8 pen I'd just bought a few hours before must have fallen in the arms or the cracks or something. Anyways, I wait until everyone clears out and I use my flashlight on my phone to try and find it because, well, $8 dude. Couldn't find it, okay whatever, I say "Thanks for letting me look" and maybe I looked dejected but more likely I was just hot and tired and worn out from a long day and the cast member was like, hang on. She walked with me out to the nearest stand and got another cast member who offered to walk with us to a souvenir shop and give us a replacement. I tell him, I really appreciate the offer and definitely appreciate the gesture, but I have a fast pass for Indiana Jones and it's the last one of the day, so I'll just eat the $8 thanks. This is when it gets good. The guy says, no worries. Takes me to the back entrance of Indy, takes me down to the front row VIP section and says I'll be back with your pen. Then as he turns to leave he slips me a paper fast pass good for the Aerosmith roller coaster I'd been wanting to ride. I cancel the original fast pass so I now have 2 extra (though it's getting late) and five minutes later he presents to me a $12 pen. That is why we pay the big bucks to eat and drink and buy a bunch of stuff there, I guess, but every experience from the 1950's diner to people sneaking us in to the character meets, etc. has been unlike anything you see outside of the Disney resorts.
  17. Am I insane in thinking that the people who do not believe a recession is forthcoming (like this guy) are insane?
  18. Might as well kick it off. A few writing prompts and discussion topics to get us started: What are you doing to prepare? What are some best practices for those of us who weren't very wealthy in 2008? What do you think are some good deals and opportunities for buying during an economic downturn this time around? Obviously Real Estate was the kingmaker if you were liquid enough to buy a bunch of cheap houses in 2009, but what about for 2020-2021?
  19. Nope. Steve Young was better.
  20. Just did Magic Kingdom today and let me tell ya......what a perfect day to go. 1) It's a Sunday 2) Likely most kids go to school tomorrow for 1st day and 3) the high was 87 degrees. It just never felt congested or too busy like Disneyland when I went last year in June. We did all the princess stuff for my daughter, I think 7 in total, rode rides, ate at the Be Our Guest restaurant which was fine and had an overall nice time which was a pleasant surprise.
  21. I’m a sucker for Adam Sandler B-movies he’s releasing on Netflix in droves (I’m the only living person who enjoyed Sandy Wexler and The Week Of; he must have some sort of big contract to churn out 25 movies over 5 years for Netflix). Anyways I saw The Cobbler and thought it was weird but kinda good. Not what I expected, but it was okay.
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