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Everything posted by Rougarou

  1. “It’s some spaghetti in there!”*
  2. Can you take this offline with Chitowndoc? Or are we done here on the thread topic and we can give everyone some time back in their day?
  3. Isn't that what a Chief of Staff is for? I have a good friend I went to business school with who is the CoS for a CEO at a F500 and at first pass if you didn't know any better you'd think it was like an executive admin position but it's really more than that. Seems like they are there to help bridge the disconnect you mention between the office and everyone else, (though in reality it seems like they just pull data and build slides for investor/board meetings?) That's interesting. Do you mind talking at a high level a scrubbed version of your journey to COO? How did you ascend to that position? Was it propelled by a singular event? a series of wins and political capital over decades? etc. Sounds like you are in the BFSI space as well which probably lends itself to more institutionalized vertical knowledge?
  4. If you are still denying that there will be a downturn in 2020, well, ocean front property in Arizona seems like a good buy during the dip?
  5. Indeed, short term instinct drivers like family security are hard to turn off. That’s why you see the real awesome radicals are generally the youth, the old and the insane (in a good way) single people who are breaking glass for progress and change (like bad teammate) who probably shouldn’t be tasked with raising kids anyways.
  6. Took over a week but the FBI finally got around to approving background checks again, it appears, or got through the sizable backlog after the El Paso/Dayton tragedies. It appears there was a rush on law abiding citizens trying to be the urban legend/myth of "good guy with a gun" because I've heard it is usually instantaneously approved.
  7. BT is like a bellwether for the Bernie campaign. When things are looking good he's somewhat put together and can keep his shirt on. When it's falling apart he's thrashing around like a madman at anyone who posts on this thread. I do like that BT is conceding to Queen Elizabeth W. though, like all people should.
  8. Which of the two following groups is more responsible for the election of Donald J Trump: 1) The Democratic Socialists of America 2) Lifelong Republican voters This bears repeating.
  9. You know the rise of the SEC is directly correlated with the rise of this thinking and the rise of Red Team/GOP team sport herd mentality of win-at-all-costs and shared identity. See: Texas A&M dying to get in. See: Everyone having to acknowledge they cheat and are horrible people, but they build amazing teams on the back of poors, lower-educated kids, and minorities (e.g. using them for their own gain without care for them, like the GOP does).
  10. Also, I just don't see where/how the big bucks are made doing that. I feel like times have changed and it's impossible to not answer emails in the evening or work a bit on the weekends if you want to not just meet minimum goals but excel. Regardless, besides not being qualified or ever being qualified, I wouldn't be able to be a CEO due to the sheer amount of travel it takes. Especially international travel, it seems. That's a lot of time away from the family.
  11. AA hasn’t been too bad the past month. Now I’ve jinxed it and my next flight will be delayed
  12. Harry Potter: Goblet of Fire What a weird series and weird experience watching these for the first time like 15 years late (though Americans airlines only has the first 4 so now I’m stuck).
  13. It's just easier emotionally to move on and latch on to Warren (or whomever you would choose) than go all-in with an underdog I feel like.
  14. Don't you dare drag me back and get me to start believing again! My heart can't take it!
  15. I mentioned on the travel thread, but I just got back from NYC where I saw the Aaron Sorkin and Jeff Daniels as Atticus Finch updated interpretation of To Kill a Mockingbird, on Broadway. There were a lot of updated sensibilities and contemporary nods (to Trump/2019) and some one-liners that drew applause or laughter with regards to those nods, but it seems that by and large the sentiments found in that book 50 years ago are playing out today and your post reminds me of that. Atticus needed his fellow working white class people to do the right thing, etc. That was their moment to shine and make a difference, etc. Not germane to this post or the political thread, but I found this rendition to better than the original though because Atticus is portrayed a reductive, passive white man of the kind that MLK decried in his Letter from a Bham Jail, who has to be shaken out of his complacency from the black housekeeper who is given agency. Also one of the lines that helped me to understand even modern day racism was when Scout was questioning about Bob Ewell, "why are they still so upset and bitter about the civil war, it happened 80 years ago" and Atticus says, "Yesterday. It happened to yesterday to him and lots of others like him. They feel it like it was yesterday." I think we live in a society where a lot of people are still thinking of "yesterday".
  16. Disagree. I was (and still am) a Pete Stan, but I think he's largely done. Maybe this is me betraying not knowing the history of Presedential campaigns, but the gap seems to wide now to bridge and between Biden, Harris, Sanders and Warren you would need to see a historic collapse at this point. Like having the Astros be in 5th place with a quarter of the season left to play and have all the teams ahead of you collapse while you surge. Possible but unlikely. That said, I love his pedigree, he instill extreme confidence that he could get into the office and make changes and articulate vision and execute on strategy. I know people bag on his McKinsey experience, but there is a reason those guys are sought after to do things like reduce costs/expenses or provide commercial excellence and growth strategies to the biggest companies in the world...
  17. I'd pony up to pay for orchestra or mezzenanine, I was on the very front of the balcony and it felt like sitting in the back of an airplane for 2.5 hours.
  18. It's early August what was the verdict? I hang out in Midtown like a chump because that is where my business is when I'm in NYC, but I enjoy FiDi and the area lower than midtown-- I guess that's Chelsea and Tribeca and Greenwhich idk. I did see To Kill a Mockingbird at Shubert Theatre on Broadway (starring Jeff Daniels as Atticus Finch, by the way) and it was way better than I expected...
  19. Reminds me of the time Norm MacDonald was on The View and the women on the show were trying to denigrate ol' Norm and said "Gosh you are lazy, you admit you've only read like 5 books in your entire life, you aren't great looking, what...why...tell me why a woman would be attracted to you." And he said..."Well, I have a lot of money".
  20. BabaYaga, what is your deal, my dude?
  21. Funny because you are the one poster I thought for sure was a "Chief People Officer" at a G2000
  22. It sounds like the way to the C-suite is overwhemingly to build something yourself, create your own lane, and then hang on for the ride. I guess in that sense it's a learning as you go. The other way sounds like go to a Top-10 target school and join the management track and up-or-out your way to the top?
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