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Everything posted by Rougarou

  1. Good luck at Optum. I've met with them a few times in MSP and they (and UTG) are a pain to work with. Hope it works out for you!
  2. It's a thing, called "Quitting your way to the top". Like most shortcut/hacks, in the long term you will probably suffer.
  3. We have various meta-threads for various business functions (though I'd like to see a management consulting meta-thread like you see at WSO), but thought it would be interesting to be a fly on the wall and hear what you old amazing businesspeople are doing well, or struggle with, or need help with or whatever-- especially for those who aspire to one day sit in your seat. Fully aware that this might be tough to have a good discussion around due to the sensitive nature of these things and the privacy concerns and finding out that Mr.Phlegm or Derka or some other polarizing poster who is inflammatory is a CEO somewhere, so this thread might be a fail fast candidate, but if there are enough power brokers on this site as there should be (University of Texas alumni, after all) then I think business folks in industry would be better for the discussion. I'll hang up and listen now.
  4. "phony name to indicate hispanic heritage" :eye roll:
  5. No thread yet? We really are a white, male in the 40's-50's dominated demographic on this site, aren't we? Where my POC's at? Let's do this thread!
  6. The problem with common sense is it ain't too common these days.
  7. Worse. Mass shooters are disenfranchised and marginalized. These guys are the franchised. These are the future managers and VP's and CEO's who will further privilege, etc. These are Covington Catholic-types, not loner weirdo types.
  8. I agree with this sentiment which I think is a nice "Why not both?": We can have responsible, common sense gun reform (ban AR-15's, bump rounds, etc.) and responsible, common sense gun ownership (rifles, shotguns and weak pistols (.380 or 9mms).
  9. Shazam! - Had never heard of the hero or the comic books-- thought it was a cute movie and enjoyed it. The CGI 7 sins was hokey but it was a fun kid movie. Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban- I read the books as a child up until this one and I'd watch the movies previously up to this one, but for the last 20 years I haven't been living under a rock so I sorta kinda know the premise of this one and the general HP arc/story, but I was pretty surprised at how poorly HP movie has aged. The movie feels campy and the effects/magic are camp big time compared to movies in 2019, which I guess is to be expected. And I guess this is the movie where HP turns into a teenager entering puberty because he's really acting out and confused and emo.
  10. YouTube. I have never signed up for Spotify and don't see what's the big whoop. YouTube has every song I've ever wanted to hear.
  11. I'm not sure if you are generally expounding here or specifically reply to what I said. If it's the former, I will defer to you on what the data says and what is true or false around mass shootings as I've honestly just now kind of woke to the issue of mass shootings as something that will be part of our reality. If it's the latter, not sure what the thoughts and prayers dig to me was. I'm pretty okay with being emotional/fear driven around this issue and wanting to buy a gun in the wake of this weekend and I'd wager I'm not the only one waking up to the realities today and being upset enough to want to buy a gun.
  12. I've been on the fence about buying guns but the Wal-mart shooting has made me want to buy a gun and take classes and get trained and then get a CHL. I don't ever want to be a sitting duck like that as long as I have people I'm responsible for. This story has really affected me and it's just so sad and infruriating. I think it's for everyone to personally decide until the laws (hopefully) change. And i know, you are statistically more likely to die of a heart attack or something, but the odds of dying in a blaze of manifesto bullets seems to be cracking the top 10 in America.
  13. Anecdotal, but I went to buy a gun today at a big box retailer and the guy selling them said all the background checks today have been delayed. Sure enough mine was too-- he said that the conspiracy is the FBI is delaying everything today after this weekend.
  14. For like two weeks I dealt with a millipede infestation this year due to a wet spring and early wet summer and I think millipedes are now top 1 enemy.
  15. Wow. Beto! Where has this guy been in 2019?
  16. I'm 1000% serious when I say, there is a guy that Vic posts on the Facebook thread who is going to shoot up a public area and should be reported.
  17. I live in a gated community that buttresses a greenbelt so I see some critters; armadillos, possums, raccoons, big ole owls, all kinds of cool birds, etc. There is one old couple with an ancient lady who has cats. I allow her a wide berth with her cats because I'm 99% sure they are keeping the rodent/rat/mice population at 0 as I've never seen one in all these years.
  18. Nobody: No One: Literally No one in the NFL: Texas Fans who actually watched games: DrAfT PoOnA IdIoTs He'S aMaZiNg!1!1! (and we were right)
  19. I am missing something big here, but who is Matt? The guy Cheney shot? Liz's ex-husband/Cheny's ex son-in-law?
  20. No offense, but how can an adult not remember if a month has 30* or 31 days? You've had 30 years and it's 1 data set with, what, 24 inputs? * Or 28
  21. Also most of us already have free credit monitoring through those throw-away benefits at work nobody cares about (e.g. Rocketlawyer, InfoGuard or whatever it's called, some nominal amount of life insurance, etc.) or through CreditKarma, Chase, CapitalOne, etc. (everyone has a version of it) or both.
  22. I applied for my $125 at least a week ago. Question is, is it first come, first serve (e.g. I applied before most people so I can be considered in the $125 bucket?) or is it a total number that is looked at after a deadline and then simply divide that number by $31mm and that's what wea all get?
  23. Oops forgot link: https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2018/may/28/cape-cod-massachusetts-opioid-epidemic-addiction-sobriety
  24. Cape Cod is suffering from the massive opiod epidemic, so wear a long sleeve shirt in 90 degree weather if you want to fit in.
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