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Everything posted by Rougarou

  1. I absolutely and wholly loved 10th of December and Civil Warland in Bad Decline-- this guy rules as a short story author. This is his first published long fiction and around the time this book was coming out he was getting a ton of press in LitFic circles and salons. It was his coming out party and he was the next Tobias Wolfe (his mentor and professor at one point, I think?). But it was a weird book. Written like a play versus a novel, almost entirely in dialogue, I couldn't really find myself getitng immersed. I ended up reading like a third of it and forgetting about it and to this day never finished it. Sales were initially strong because of the hype and his legitimate buzz as an awesome writer based on his shorts, but I think it ended up not selling well and I saw a ton at Half Price Books on the Clearance shelf a year ago. Tell me how it goes!
  2. Rougarou

    Dallas | BBQ

    As you guys might have surmised from the steak III Forks thread, i'm in dallas this week and had my first Cattleack experience. It was fantastic and greasy. Got the Texas Trinity Plate (1 pork rib, i slab of brisket and 1 texas spicy sausage) and added a hatch chili and cheese sausage which was just okay, and the cheesy grits which were amazing and the burnt end beans which were great! The line wasn't horrible because I got there right at 11a, but it was horrible when I left. I don't see how/why people would put up with a line like that.
  3. Warren would win in a cake walk. Heck, Biden would win in a cake walk.
  4. whoa whoa whoa. Those are fighting words, hoser! I'm on the Warren train and think Kamala is horrible. Don't most people?
  5. Marrying or arresting? Hmmmm
  6. She just ether'ed Kamala Harris. Russia couldn't do that.
  7. Rest in Peace
  8. Panera Bread is the WORST. Thank you ztejas. thank you.
  9. Hmmmm....I don't know, do they though? Especially the new/first/youth voters that are going to be out in droves. Even the first/xennial 2018 mid-term voters I'm not sure understands the ugly, disheratening and disappointing game that politics is, much less the first-time/genZ 2020 voters which will expect promises to be delivered upon Net 45.
  10. That's the joke!
  11. Yep. I am more on the E-Warren train myself. She was great last night, but I think my first choice Pete is dead in the water and Warren is gonna go the distance. I think as this thing drags on you will see more like me who go from Pete -> Warren.
  12. Do people still go to Breadwinners? I remember that being the thing 15 years ago-- you know back when MOSIAC had pool parties and the Ghost Bar and Wish were cool! (Just kill me now)
  13. lol Bambinos Deli! That's a blip on the radar I never thought I'd think about again. Must have lasted a whole 6 months.
  14. Rougarou

    Dallas | Steak

    I don't know about the baseball steak and didn't see it on the menu. The appetizer was presented well as a stack offering; beef carpaccio on the lower rung, followed by seared scallops and the top rung being the calamari. Bone-in Ribeye was okay, nothing to write home about. Had an equal tasting Ribeye at Salt Grass last weekend with my kids. Sides were meh outside of the creamed corn. Ambiance/Interior felt dated, but not in a way that is specifically on purpose. Just like some time has passed and things have slipped, but it was just fine overall.
  15. Dude, I was getting a sick feeling watching this about the halfway mark thinking "imma bout to see someone die". Sad.
  16. This nailed it.
  17. Rougarou

    Dallas | Steak

    What about III Forks in Dallas? In town for a meeting and going there tonight-- don't know much about it. I've been to Al Biernat's years ago on business and was blown away that's all about Dallas steaks I know.
  18. How do you weight the guys who were educated at universities in India or China, etc.? Lots of engineers are/were Asian nationals and it's hard to make heads or tails of STEM degrees from H1B1 types unless you do it for a living, like you do, I'm guessing.
  19. I went to Boston/Cambridge for work a year ago and bought my elementary school aged kid a Harvard shirt. He found out what it is and wears it all the time and tells me he wants to go to Harvard. I don't have the heart to tell him yet.
  20. My best friend went ti UGA basically because his parents said F You you are doing. Apparently it’s free for GA residents if you check boxes or something. He had his heart set on Vandy (got in) and Northwestern (he didn’t get in) but his parents pulled rank. His point was that as a non target undergrad school for a good job he had to work harder but got into a Top 10 grad school and a top 3 MC firm. Worked out for him.
  21. This thread reminds me; my 4.5 years in West Campus was truly an idyllic time in my life and one I haven’t thought back upon and cherished enough. We were lucky to have had the West Campus we had. We proud and lucky few. (I’m sure literally everyone thinks this way of their own college experience)
  22. Anybody ever been to Tradewinds in Dallas? Also the Reagle Beagle was one of the saddest bars full of down and out allies I’ve ever seen on a Tuesday at 11am....wait.
  23. The Oklahoma schools and Arkansas schools have discontinued this. One of my buddies sons is a frat daddy type looking at schools and he told me this first hand.
  24. It would be like Kansas saying "AP voters have us ranked higher than you"
  25. Apparently #ClintonBodyCount is trending on Twitter becuase the conspiracy is that Clintons are trying to off him
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