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Everything posted by Rougarou

  1. Edit thread title to "Nissan Altima owners" pls
  2. You should change your name to Saucy Bevo. Or Sassy Bevo. Rawr!
  3. Had a random thought this weekend, either DJT is a) what happens to the brain after 80 years of sobriety or b) proof that life doesn’t have to end after 65 years old. For those of us in our 40’s who haven’t accomplished much, we have more time!
  4. Got on for Fathers Day; returned it to Sam’s for the full $34.99. No thanks, makes too much of a mess indoors, etc. (ducks your salt shootings at my direction now)
  5. Dumbo (2019). At this point I'm not really sure how Tim Burton keeps getting directing gigs. He's one-note and it stopped being an interesting note like 15 years ago.
  6. Not gonna lie, that's a pretty good rant.
  7. "Twitter diplomacy" lol this is fine. everything is fine. kill me.
  8. But his voice/tenor/tone seems more measured and calm which is rare for him. Not yelling at clouds or aggresively berating anyone. He sounds less senile but is still saying senile things, which is kinda scary if you think about that for a second...
  9. Interesting take; I thought it was a fine movie but nothing too special. I haven't seen the original Star is Born, but I thought Crazy Heart wore alcoholic country singer better.
  10. American Airlines comes out with new movies on Monday; I've seen all the current ones except the stupid ones. I almost watched Bumblebee it's gotten so bad.
  11. I work with a guy who got in a fender bender with a rental. He used the Citi rental protection insurance perk, or whatever that is/was, and he said it wasn't that great of a benefit because basically Citi reimburses your deductible after months and months of follow up and pulling teeth and navigating paperwork (your premiums still go up, etc.). He caused like $2500 worth of damage by scratching a bumper and now will never rent a car just Uber, fwiw.
  12. Upgraded to business class, yet again, this time on the way back from LHR. I mean, how many advantages can one person get? You can't even hurt my feelings! "Cracka!", Ohhh, taking me back to the days where I can get horizontal during the entire trip. I now love AA, delete thread and ban user.
  13. I don't understand, why would they do this?
  14. All very fair points and Hayden thanks for your input and follow-up as well. I agree completely with your 2nd point and even had the thought that Germany and America are/were probably the only countries that could pull off the death factory that was the Final Solution stuff Germany was doing.
  15. That's a good point-- and again let me express that (for haydenhorn as well who seems to be confused about my position) I, too, am outraged at the border proceedings going on currently and in no way, passively or actively, support what is going on. There is still a massive difference, in concept, design and execution, of proactively rounding up a specific race of people, from different countries, and working them to their literal death for profit to fuel a political machine and what is going on at the border (which is still bad) where people are dying (very bad) in detention camps because a country doesn't want them inside. Again, as someone who has recently visited the area my bias and coloring is to see a huge difference; maybe people like Hayden don't think of it that way and maybe they are ultimately right and I'm still just emotionally disturbed by the visit, but my thinking is to use the term concentration camp is to try and create an equivilance between Auschiwitz and Nuevo Laredo and it's emotionally dishonest
  16. Is Bernie on drugs?
  17. Kamala missed the alley-oop here. Pete >>>> Kamala, I'm not seeing it from those who think Kamala is slaying.
  18. Maddow froze Kamala lol
  19. lol, balance of exports on dishwashers. #Pete4Pres #savage
  20. Nobody on this stage seems worthy of being Pete's VP. Maybe Warren or Julian.
  21. PETE! PETE! PETE! Who would be Pete's running mate?
  22. I think Pete is head and shoulders the best. That guy is an amazing speaker.
  23. Why does she talk weird? More Pete, less mush-mouth/people who can't present. Go to Toastmasters or somethin'!
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