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Everything posted by Rougarou

  1. You serious? Pete slayed it. Biden's answer is a clumsy old man answer though lol. Everyone starting with "This is very personal to me [ anecdote that pulls on heart strings] so vote for me."
  2. Dominican Republican all-inclusive resorts are extermination and death camps because more than 6 people have died, I guess. Someone call UNESCO and keep Punta Cana from being touched while we create a museum around it.
  3. What is interesting is visiting some of the Medeival cities in Central and Eastern Europe, because there are some old Medeival Gates and Walls protected by UNESCO as historical artificats which were built, like the Great Wall of China, to keep out invaders with spears and weapons. When people talk about a wall, I think it's tapping into the pyschological idea of safety and keeping invading hordes from destroying your city/home/life and that is where these red-meat base people are coming from. It's just so anachronistic to think about it in a "mongolians at the gate" way and a physical wall and I think harping on it must belie the desperation and feelings of weakness and ineffectualness these people must struggle with that a physical wall will make them feel better despite providing nothing. Sad.
  4. Man, good point. There are no more nationalist people than PR's in NYC.
  5. Maybe I'm just sufficiently enlightened having spent a day at an actual concentration camp and extermination camp and it's just the flip side of the Idoicracy coin to label things that have nothing to do with ethnic cleansing and eugenics in America, "Nazism" and to call jails at the border where you are keeping people you don't want to enter your country, "concentration camps" for manipulated emmotional and political effect. Regardless, just one man's experience and opinion, I'm not saying I have all the answers. I'll let David Dennison be the political mastermind and I'll go back to digging ditches.
  6. Maybe dentention camp? Similiar to what was going on in Cuba in Miami? How about good old-fashion jails? Also, what we have is not equally cruel (as you suggest) to facilities that are commonly known as concentration camps (again, associated with Nazi Germany), even in the slightest. I'm not approaching this as feeling better about innocent people dying or trying to quiet the conscious as children suffer or whatever it is your last sentence dreams up, but more from having actually spent a day walking among and seeing what concentration camps and extermination camps are and more importantly why they existed. The camps at the border are in reaction to an event, they aren't a proactive and supporting resource. I'd argue Guantanomo Bay is more of a "Nazi Concnetration Camp" or "concentration camp" to those who want to cloak themselves in plausible deniability about the emotional manipulation of the term, than what's going on at the border.
  7. This brings up another quibble that came to me after touring Auschiwitz and thinking about our modern day Republicans and issues as a country: why do we call American's Nazi's instead of making up a more unique word that better describes what's going on? Nazism is a very specific ideology and political party-- you'd think a better political play to villianize and shame what is going on in America is to depart from cartoonish hyberbole (e.g. comparing the border with Nazi concentration camps) and call out by a new name what is going on. Maybe Amerikazi or Republicazi would be two options?
  8. Oh no, I agree with you there, for sure. I'm just saying, that's what it is; politics and it's effective. You have guys like Hornius Emeritus trying to be coy or play dumb about the connection and ploy, still on this thread, though for some reason.
  9. Anyone calling them concentration camps are drawing similiarities to Nazi's concentration camp program; that is the postulate.
  10. It's clearly an attempt to emotionally and psychologically manipulate by using the term "concentration camp" knowing that 99.999% of people associate it with the aforementioned and cannot draw an intellectual distinction and associate the word with it's technical definition (and she's not wrong if we were talking about academic definitions).
  11. People who are saying what is going on at our border are concentration camps...because-- did you read what I wrote?-- they are trying to tap into an innate comparison to Nazi Germany's concentration camp by using the term and then when called on it doing their best impression of the first line of a valedectorian speech, "um, well, websters dictionary defines concentration camps as..."
  12. I know most of you well-traveled and well-heeled Surlians have been, but having just recently last week visited Auschiwitz I and II and spending a day oscillating between walking/touching the remains of the horror show and having a panic attack, I feel well positioned to respectfully give an opinion: It's clearly an attempt to emotionally and psychologically manipulate by using the term "concentration camp" knowing that 99.999% of people associate it with the aforementioned and cannot draw an intellectual distinction and associate the word with it's technical definition (and she's not wrong if we were talking about academic definitions). The differences and gulf is so immensely wide that people who want to seriously compare and draw similiarities to Nazi Germany's concentration camp program and what's going on at the border in 2019 are either very ignorant or not very bright (and I'm not saying that what we are doing at our border today is NOT atrocious). Or, politcally inspired and motivated, which I'm starting to think is mostly the case. I'm just saying there really isn't a way to sanely compare a systematic initiative to root out and find every existing of a specific race and put them through the best human death factory ever designed and executed (no pun intended) in an effort to erradicate the very last chromosome from the planet with sloppily and unempathically holding a bunch of a specific race in what are essentially jails because they are proactively trying to come into your country as non-citizents because they actually want to live and work next to you.
  13. This thread (and that post) hits close to home because I recently got back from Poland and saw a woman squat down and take a dump in the bushes next to St. Florian's gate.
  14. He's already dead man walking; the moment passed fortunately or unfortnately depending on how you felt about him as the D candidate. Crazier things have happened in the past, but not with a field of 20. His big debate moment is to become the butt of a meme that makes Booker look good/has a sense of humor, if that tells you all you need to know.
  15. Luckily I'll never be able to reasonably afford a $15k flight 😛
  16. Man, i've been ruined. I'll never be able to fly oversreas again in anything but at least business class. I've been ruined, I say! Spoiled it for me. I'll never be happy in premium economy again.
  17. Just got back. Ate at Manny's, had some food at The W Foshay bar and ate Perkins. Perkins was the best. My only regret is that MSP does not have a Waffle House. UHG and Optum and UHC and whatever other subsidary should start one.
  18. Not AA metal, but British Airways -> upgraded to business class -> I could get used to this!
  19. I need to know so I can determine if I'm in or not; does 100% universal debt forgiveness forgive debt taken to pursue advanced degrees/terminal degrees or just a lowly bachelor's?
  20. Wait, do we not agree with UAT? (Just saw the movie Vice, so now I'm smart).
  21. Also, it appears, being able to laugh and mock the other side is powerful status and currency. Someday we will have enough distance and time to look objectively at this era and new psychological theories will emerge.
  22. Just saw Vice on a plane. Took me a double take but the costume/makeup they did to transform Bale to Cheney is awesome. Also Amy Adams hit it out of the park. Also lol at learning Tyler Perry was Colin powell. As someone who was very young during that era it was also enlightening. In certain areas I grew in my disgust and contempt and in others in my empathy.
  23. I've been in NYC for a week. My rental was left on the NY Sports station so I've had a chance to hear the aggrieved monologues of NY sports radio guys. The two I've heard both sound like Donald Trump. Not in their voice, like an impression a la Baldwin, but in the delivery. Pauses. Kinda repeating the same thing but in different ways. Lots of starts. And Stops. Nicknames. Lame humor. Crass. It's all right there I guess and being someone not from the Northeast it was just foreign to me, but Trump is a typical blowhard NYer. Yuck.
  24. Interesting indeed. My family universally agreed the opposite. We clearly should fight in a battle royale.
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