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Everything posted by Rougarou

  1. I don’t understand what I’m looking at, in that photo. Not your shoulder right
  2. How did this go for you? I've had shoulder subluxation for decades from an old football injury and recently it's gotten harder and harder to "self-fix" and get the shoulder back in the ole joint. My GP referred me to a shoulder guy because he said I'm on the progressive path to having a full-on dislocation which is serious bad news.
  3. As a kind I enjoyed the quasi-punk band "The Offspring". I was today years old when I learned the lead singer is, like, a genius like the guy in Queen. He was valedictorian of his HS, got a Masters from USC before getting a phD in molecular biology. Pretty fly for a white guy?
  4. The first man who, having fenced in a piece of land, said "This is mine," and found people naïve enough to believe him, that man was the true founder of civil society.
  5. In hindsight we should not be too surprised. There is nothing more fratty than boating and BWI's and we all know it's not fratty to be a hippie (e.g. anything other than a Trumpkin). It's so on the nose that if it was written as a treatment for television you'd be mocked in the writer's room for being too obvious and cliche.
  6. I assume the ratings plummeted and this was a calculated business decision, which would be super on brand.
  7. Our school was doing two different lesson plans which is hard and sucks and obviously the remote kids are short shrift on the care-and-feeding they were getting, so not only did the brunt go to the parents but also the school mandated that there will be no "curve" or otherwise, which essentially forces people into the school or out to somewhere else anyways.
  8. Especially considering you are still buzzed from the night before at the Next Door Bar and Green Elephant or whatever those crappy Greenville bars were called, ammirite?
  9. Our Private School has pulled the plug on the remote learning option after a month of school and zero issues. Only about 10% were opting for remote anyways by the last week, but the path has been paved for this year it seems (barring anything crazy happening this winter and heading into spring) and the message is "get into school or go somewhere else". Seems like just yesterday we were on spring break and skiing and watching on television the NBA shut down and now here we are past Labor Day. What a whirlwind.
  10. I feel like once you get to know some of these folks your opinions change due to personal bias and things become more human and necessarily messy, because people are so accessible and there are interpersonal relationships. I have a sneaking suspicion that Ghost actually knows Kingston and that is why he has responded the way he has about him, which is great. For example, I know I'm supposed to hate him, but I had breakfast with JWP at the cafeteria in the basement of Frank Crowley once-- trademark gray cornrows, garrish windowpane suit, that amazing smile and all. Maybe I'm just a victim of his charisma, but I'm more prone to give the guy the benefit of the doubt. On the other hand, I have a buddy who lives in the same subdivision as Pat Fallon and this is a guy he should like and align with if there was disassociation. But because they share a habitat, he can't stand him and almost fist fights him once a year and will actively vote against him on personal principle rather than political merit. I know, I know, water is wet and local politics is chaos and insane.
  11. Why don't you just say "BrisketTexan" instead of being all passive-aggressive about it?
  12. It's hilarious watching the evolution (devolution?) of Hayden trying to be really gracious and choose his words thoughtfully and gently push back on Slorch, and then seeing over the course of a page and various back-and-forths how it falls apart because Slorch is dug in. I agree with everyone that of course waving flags in public is weird and annoying; whether it's Trump Flags or Rainbow Flags, all flags as political statements seems like it's trying to be antagonistic or "on the offensive", at least. That being said yard signs are rad. When you think about the hoary, albeit thin, American steel of the H-stake digging into the rich earth, perma-damp due to the regularly scheduled RainBird (or another, off brand sprinkler IoT device), holding up on it's shoulders-- a set of shoulders proud to be an American and from the line of giants like Carnegie and Morgan and other strong Steelers before it-- the thin coroplastic printing of an elderly white person's name with the subtle touch of a campaign logo all of which is set inside that crisp pop of either primary-color-wheel red or blue, you think of a perfect chord struck between boldness and humility. Thus, when combined with the just wisdom from your local HOA, designed to see the perfect iconography of that honorable rectangle glorified, of course, and then strategically placed to draw attention to the paternalistic and ever-stoic shade of the magnolia tree while also serving to mute to acceptable levels all that pomp-and-circumstance of those gaudy hydrangeas, there isn't anything that quite expresses the soul of suburbia like a political yard sign in late fall.
  13. I guess they are hoping they don't have torpedos, so tired of being bested on land, they took the campaign to the open waters public lakes.
  14. I think you are over-diagnosing here. That persons testimony is either a dishonest justification for why they are engaging in illegal and destructive behavior (aka being radicalized) which is a thinner excuse than the mints she will have in the freezer next to the guillotined heads of our neighbors soon, or she’s being honest and was broken and it’s the systems fault for her having been forced to engage in illegal and destructive behavior when all she really want to do is be like you, a peaceful protestor. Either way, to me in my opinion, is the funny and exaggerated teenage/millennial/genz “I’m a victim and it’s not my fault” trope we see in memes. That being said, I guess I can cop to not having much empathy here for someone and if I didn’t find the quote so absurd and took them with earnestness, maybe it wouldn’t be funny to me. I guess I’m on the ledge being Brisket this weekend and feel a bit languid and hopeless about our peculiar situation here in 2020.
  15. Whatever happened to the quality called Steadfastness?
  16. If pointing and laughing (which I thought was the point of even posting this in the first place by the OP, potentially) is pitching a fit and sounding like a child.
  17. I'm going to attribute this raging gibberish to the post-all-day-drinking-Labor Day party post before bed. I love the energy, though.
  18. Just curious, but did the fellow old white people go home and live journal about being radicalized thereafter?
  19. It's just funny because of course the locus of control for these people is external rather than internal and of course, despite his best efforts, he's been radicalized against his will and his desire, because he's been victimized by the radicalizer's, coming to radicaldoze all those in their radical way. Obviously this mental weakling isn't the average sampling of otherwise decent protesters, but he's a funny outlier to be quoted and pointed at, and people crying and blaming others for why they behave and act in a certain way is never not pathetic.
  20. Is this a Norm MacDonald-on-Conan joke riffed off the Carrot Top pic? If so, way to go!
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