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Everything posted by Rougarou

  1. A Biden Presidency is an acceptable alternative to Trump, by most of the power-brokers and rich folks because it's a return to decorum-friendly, velvet-gloved capitalism, with incremental change peppered in here or there (maybe some decriminalization of some weed?), but not wholesale change that will disrupt the apple cart for the upper-middle class and above. I think expecting a Biden Presidency to go full-on scorched earth is being blind or deaf to why he is even the Democratic nominee over some of the more capable that he bested in the primary.
  2. The bolded feels...problematic, at best. I want to be with you on these things, NWBuck, I really do, but let's not get crazy.
  3. In my opinion, I think what you just described is the "million dollar problem". And big problems need big leaders with innovative and creative, radical and daring ideas and execution. It's clear that kneeling doesn't work as you say. It also looks like riots and mayhem is unsustainable and a loser, over time, politically as people are already starting to be fatigued by the destruction (and haven't really gotten the bill for it yet, either). SO WHAT DOES WORK? That is the million dollar question. We all-- black, white, everyone-- need the next strong black leader yesterday. I can't even think of the last great one-- Jesse Jackson? Do we really have to go as far back as MLK? I'm surprised that someone like Killer Mike hasn't stepped up to be the figurehead and ambassador for black change with his success with Bernie, etc.
  4. Breaking: Status quo resists change; this and more breaking news at 9! Joking aside, we know that the people in power and such don't want to help. That doesn't mean that black people and BLM shouldn't continue to strive for change and that certainly isn't an excuse to just do whatever you want and think will be helpful to black people and BLM without their consent or approval. If that is what's happening with white people rioting in the name of BLM and making it look bad and stunting the momentum and force of change for the better (which is what I was originally responding to and what others have posted is happening), then that is bad allyship-- it's vain and racist (in the sense that you are presupposing what is best for them because they don't know themselves or cannot do for themselves). If black people and BLM are asking for and wanting the help to riot and be heard, then I see no problem in allyship.
  5. I think you are arguing or conflating the ability to do something with the efficacy of doing something. Essentially the gripe is in not getting results or not getting results as fast as you think is acceptable. My whole point is, let BLM and black people do whatever they collectively think is necessary and agreed upon. Let them accept the benefits (change, advancement, etc.) and the consequences (legal consequences, failures, etc.) and let us white folk help them in a way that does not usurp the cause into our own warped agendas (MAGA losers, All lives matter, etc.) and doesn't hurt the chance for change (antifa losers and rioters causing mayhem and negative public perception, etc.).
  6. I think the reason is because the discrete cause of all the mayhem is usually a singular, static event in time that happened and then is over. The cop murderer has murdered and the son/brother/father is dead. That's easy to conceptualize as a one-time tragedy. What we don't see or think about it is the racism and anti-blackpeople in Americanism that exists as the vapor in the air that helped to cause this tragedy and which continues to waft. The looting, rioting and mayhem and onesy-twosy deaths that seem to happen when you get a couple of idiots together participating in emotional hysteria, seems to be more dynamic and ongoing. It's continuous integration/continuous delivery (CI/CD). Both sides are to blame for the current state of unrest and craziness. One side shouldn't be free from blame because it's in the past and drowned out by the other sides response. But also the original victims don't get carte blanche to become transgressors in their own right either, by virtue of being victims. Before you embark on a journey for revenge, dig two graves.
  7. So anyways, BT, I stand by white allyship being broken because white people are polluted with ego (and obviously this touches a raw nerve for you and perhaps hits close to home?) so you respond with a weird "What about...MAGA folks?". MAGA sucks and in this instance are NOT allys. My whole point was that we should let BLM and Black people and leaders tell us what they want from us and what they need from us to help them. If they want riots because they are the voice of the unheard we should let them riot and pay the penalties for being heard by way of the laws on the books for such things as arson, looting, rioting, etc. If they want white people to engage in riots with them and bring a bigger ability to create destruction, then so be it. I'm just not hearing that, but the opposite which is the post I quoted. All that said, to be fair, I'm not in the BLM riot planning meetings so I'm not sure if a raven was sent to the Bad_teammate chain of command in Plano, Texas to call for back-ups or not. If those calls are being made, then who am I to sit in judgment of their strategy and execution? That's being racist.
  8. You got me, brother. No idea what his argument is and frankly, I don't think his opinion is worth much as he basically decries and moans about his city yet chooses to live there because he likes to gripe about it. It's like he has the Munchhausen syndrome and likes the attention of being such a smart, strong guy who just is so forced and happens to live in a crappy city.
  9. Well, hey, if it was just for lulz, I can dig it and I think it's funny.
  10. No, those guys are the worst for also co-opting this movement and moment. But it's hilarious you committed the most literal "whataboutism" this side of Onboard and his Hillary Clinton fetish. You two deny it, but we all know you enjoy the same King size bed of logic.
  11. I think what he is trying to say is, a sub-set of BLM protesters who either already were radicalized or have been radicalized over the last few months and are now participating in mayhem, their identity or descriptor has evolved from BLM protester to BLM rioters. At least that's what I read from his, admittedly, very poor ability to communicate through written word.
  12. This seems to be the crux of the problem right now. White people, on both sides, co-opting BLM/black activists into their own agenda. It's sickening but not surprising. It's how America and American whites have always treated blacks, as if they can't be trusted with their own agency or to lead with their own vision. The root problem is white people don't know how to be allys and the concept of allyship is broken. They are the Type-A, "I want to be in control or you aren't doing it right" type project manager.
  13. You could easily find any caravan with flags during a parade or something, so is the point being made that vehicles in a row with the same flags are bad? I mean, every June in every major city you have rainbow flags hanging out of mazda miata's, are you trying to say they are terrorists? You are a homophobe if so!
  14. Is Barron supposed to be Lurch? This is a weird stretch of a cartoon. Most are funny, this one is bad. Is Don Jr. Cousin It, but not?
  15. No good deed goes unpunished.
  16. Great work everyone! I feel like we are all doing our part with hand sanitzer, masks, creating in our kids the discipline to stay safe, being in schools that take this stuff seriously, etc.
  17. I’ve said this before, but nobody has any sympathy for anyone who lives somewhere where they are in active/open rebellion to the prevailing political zeitgeist. You think Portland sucks? Move. You want to stay and change it? Hawaiian shirt and Trump truck it up. Otherwise we don’t wanna hear it.
  18. The fact that people are dying in open protest, almost daily and definitely weekly, from both sides, should let us know that we are already in a war and at war with ourselves. There has been too big a gap and too wide a gulf to repair this with a simple fix like Biden getting elected.
  19. What's so wrong with the tie, out of curiosity more than than anything?
  20. I will say, and to thepop's point above, having lived in three suburbs from three different large Texas cities across many years, suburban white folks are being handed the win/win election in 2020. Trump wins, great that's probably who they wanted secretly but couldn't really say outloud in 2020; jobs/economy will be fine for them and upper middle-class is happy. Biden wins, great, a return to Obama/centrist democracy without any real upheaval or any drastic changes, they get to blame everything that goes wrong on the Democrats again, Dems prob can't do a lot to raise taxes too much, jobs/economy will be fine for them and upper middle-class is happy.
  21. I'm team single space and we seem to be the PC generation as the type writer mandated the two spaces. I matriculated in a creative writing program which, anyone familiar knows, is full of poor grammar and an over-reliance on editors to whip punctuation/grammar into shape without losing the punch of the ideas and stories created. In that world the semicolon is taboo and viewed as amateur, unless shooting for camp or irony/satire, but I agree with you in that it isn't used enough. Alternatively, the em dash is used and abused (and I'm one of the worst offenders) to the point where writers meme'ing about the em dash has gone mainstream. I matriculated in a graduate business program which, anyone familiar knows, pays lip-service to APA style guidelines. The citations are either given to you in advance via case studies and academic articles/business cases or you just watch a video every other day to use citation monkey because nobody really cares if your treatments are stylistically correct due to the lack of original research and lack of emphasis or care to publish. I agree emphatically with your 4th point and would only add that effective communication can also vary by culture and by industry, e.g. Young professionals can say a thousand words with memes, gifs and emoji's, anyone who has seen /bpt or facebook understands there are certain spellings and casual sentence structures that are common and normalized in inner cities and/or certain demographics, and anyone on Wall Street or PE or Management Consulting understands that an email or text from an MD or Partner that says the dreaded "Pls fix thx" means you are in a world of crap (again, to the point of being a meme). All that said, it blows my mind that anyone would take issue with using a period to form a declarative sentence, especially for front-office/customer facing folks who need to exhibit executive presence and polish. I can see back-office and internal communication being sloppy, but I don't understand, to the point of being skeptical and essentially not buying this premise, that the period is some weird thing now.
  22. I remember when BP went on it’s amazing billion dollar run, everyone was talking about how the financials all but guaranteed a BP2. Maybe some of the comic book movie nerds can verify, but was that shot/made already? If not that totally sucks!
  23. I’m another who has zero clue he ever had cancer and was shocked at the headline. Wow.
  24. Is that the All-EasternBloc table, comrade? What's the password? "Dresden Sunset"
  25. Yea that would rule!
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