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Royale with cheese

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  1. I can't imagine there being more than one, so numbering's unnecessary.
  2. We're all assuming that Hudson's done at collie station. Fuckinaggys may be so desperate that they find a way to sweep the rumored fistfight under the rug and keep him. "Aw, it was just boys being boys, etc., etc." (I was well into my teens before I realized that fucking and aggys were two separate words.)
  3. That begs the question of how NIL disbursement works in general. Surely, the big cigars who've been successful enough to fund the NIL program didn't get that way by being stupid. I assume they don't just dump a pile of cash in lump sums. (The aggy Trans Am should have taught everybody a lesson, and that was a looooong time ago.) If anybody has enough insight on how the funding process usually works, please share.
  4. Damn, she was porcine even back then. I've got three projects going right now, all at the same time: Constructing a true perpetual motion machine, structuring a lasting peace in the Middle East, and figuring out how that ugly bitch still has a job. Of the three, that last one is by far the most challenging.
  5. "As God is my witness, I thought turkeys could fly."
  6. Mr. Pot, say hello to Mr. Kettle. Y'all have so much in common . . .
  7. Well, show us your daguerrotypes then.
  8. "Sometimes I hate you." "What about the other times?" "There are no other times."
  9. What really happened is, Pedostate wanted to avoid an ass-kicking by Texas and made up some lame-ass excuse not to play. Just like fuckinaggy ran from an ass-kicking by Wake Forest in the 2021 Gator Bowl. Cowardice was the motivation in '69 and again in '21. It's a story as old as time.
  10. Well, on to, while you're at it.
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