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Royale with cheese

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Everything posted by Royale with cheese

  1. "Let me think it over, will you, Charlie? I got a guy on the other line about some whitewalls. I'll talk to you later."
  2. I'd have to be high too to want to come to Weslaco to recruit. But at least I'd have extended an offer to you.
  3. But is it undefeated?
  4. This is a good place to bring this up: This year is the second year in a row that aggy missed a bowl game. (We all remember how they pussied out last year because they were scared of Wake-fucking-Forest.) The reason this is important is because that's 30 permissible practices those cowards have missed out on--15 of them voluntarily. One of the primary reasons that even a piss-ant bowl is important is the extra practices a team has to get ready for the next season--especially now with all the opt-outs. Bowl practices allow you to get some work in for your future starters to augment spring practice. Sure is a shame they're missing out . . .
  5. Oh, gouge your eyes. There for a minute I thought she was trying to measure them . . . PS: And, yeah, by all means, knock the fuck outta' whoever's coming at you--him, her, or it.
  6. "From Boulder, home of the University of Colorado, Tulagi's proudly presents . . . the Fabulous Astronauts!" Where have you gone, Joe DiMaggio? Alas.
  7. Uncle Phil says hi.
  8. Sidney Wang: Yes, is confusing. Lionel Twain: IT! It is confusing. Say your goddam pronouns!
  9. Your avatar was captured perfectly giving birth to a fine aggy corpsman.
  10. The Longest Yard.
  11. Inhabitants of the southernmost regions of Egypt near its border with Sudan speak a dialect of Masril Masry, in which "surly" translates directly to "dumb take." So let it be written; so let it be done.
  12. I guess that's why they call it a perp-walk.
  13. "Other than that, Mrs. Lincoln . . ."
  14. Craig Curry says hold my beer.
  15. Betty Lou Thelma Liz
  16. Holy fuck: "the most morally bankrupt staff and program in America."
  17. That you, Claytie?
  18. All (supremely justified) bitching aside, we'll be stuck with 7WS for '23 and probably '24. The only really good thing I can say at this point is that after the season is over I fully expect him to be forced to play the HC's old tried and true get-out-of-jail-free card, firing the coordinators. Obviously, there's only one coordinator to fire and God knows it's past time. Therefore, the silver lining to the season is that we should be getting rid of Quitakowski. Maybe the new DC will even know how to identify and recruit complementary talent and use the portal. So, be thankful for small blessings. I guess.
  19. And Chad & Jeremy.
  20. I'm finally through gleefully pawing through a big box of horse shit expecting to find a pony. I salute those few here who are still optimistic and expect this to all turn out fine, but everyone has his tolerance limit and I've reached mine. I hope CDC reached his a while ago and has already begun preparing a short list of viable candidates--maybe not for after this year, but certainly after 2023. Or maybe the guy's already on campus, I don't know. What I do know is that this just isn't working out.
  21. Well, I'm goin' out west where I belongWhere the days are short and the nights are long
  22. Can you say Malik Jefferson? I knew you could. (Thinking about it, the Malik comparison might be a tad lofty.)
  23. Yep, without any thought. Kinda' like congressmen.
  24. It's a moo point.
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