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Royale with cheese

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Everything posted by Royale with cheese

  1. It's the little room in the front of the plane where the pilots sit, but that's not important right now.
  2. Manny Diaz, something, something, Gregg Robinson. PK, something, something . . .
  3. A game exclusively on streaming services (e.g., Prime) has to be attractive to advertisers because the average Joe is forced to watch it, in its entirety (or until it becomes noncompetitive) in real time because he can't record that game and play it back while fast-forwarding through the commercials, half-times, time-outs, injuries, etc. Plus, given the current glut of time-conflicted televised games, lots of viewers watch the most appealing game live while recording the other(s). It's waaaay harder to record from streaming than from cable or satellite. Just sayin' . . .
  4. A dear friend of mine was at that game. He tells it like this: "I was 10 or 11 and my dad and I decided at the last minute to see that game. We went to the fairgrounds without tickets and scalped what appeared to be 2 really good yardline seats, and cheap. Then we found out why: They were in the lower deck, located right behind one of those big round pillars that support the upper deck. I got so tired of leaning left, then leaning right, trying to see the action, that I just watched what I could see without moving. So, all I saw was Maegle streaking down the sideline. He ran behind that post and he just never ran out again. One of the most memorable plays in all of college football happened and I was actually there but didn't see it."
  5. "Send more Chuck Berry."
  6. Gang aft agley.
  7. Silk purse, something-something-something, sow's ear, something-something . . .
  8. Short bus. Fuckin' perfect. Never change, aggy, never change.
  9. "Just wanna' serve my country, be the best fighter pilot in the Navy, sir!
  10. "I'll take Left-Handed Compliments for 200, Alex."
  11. Absolutely. A little-known historical fact is that Pavlov's dog's actual name was "Reveille." Except he pronounced it "Re-VILE'."
  12. And they'll still go 8-4.
  13. Uh, that's the brain wave monitor.
  14. Spot on. All one can say is, it's correct; it's just not right.
  15. We spotted him the "a" and one of the "t's".
  16. How could Park West not have been a home run? After all, NCCD-College Station Properties, LLC got their start by building the bonfire in 1999.
  17. Yormark coming to the B-12 calls to mind former US Senator Ralph Yarbrough's quip when John Connolly became a Republican: "It's the first time in recorded history that a rat has swum toward a sinking ship." The jury's still out on the "rat" characterization, but I'm solid sure about the "sinking ship" part.
  18. I really, truly hope you guys come out OK in all this. But can you rely on past eyeball statistics that include y'all playing us and blOw-U every year? Because that won't be the case going forward and even those Madison Avenue pricks can figure that out . . .
  19. You know the Shaggy/Surly credo: "Pix or it didn't happen."
  20. He's on the Big-12 Commissioner's Honor Roll, so I'd guess it's partly for GPA. But I suspect that the real reason likely lies in the last paragraph. HIGH SCHOOL Earned a 247Sports Composite ranking of three stars and the No. 51 pro-style quarterback … named a three-star prospect by 247Sports ... had his senior season canceled due to COVID-19... a two-year starter who finished his career 5,355 passing yards and 58 touchdowns through the air … threw 13 interceptions on 589 attempts … rushed for 404 career yards and seven touchdowns ... led the Eagles to a 16-3-1 record during his sophomore and junior seasons 2020 ... passed for 2,833 yards and 32 touchdowns and rushed for 213 yard and six touchdowns his junior season ... threw for 2,299 yards and 25 touchdowns with a completion percentage of 64.1 percent (152-of-237) during his sophomore year ... participated in the Elite 11 regional in Los Angeles … played for head coach Jake Ford … also played lacrosse for the Eagles PERSONAL Grandfather, Jim Bob Moffett, played tackle on the Longhorns 1959 SWC championship team under coach Darrell Royal and was inducted into the Texas Athletics Hall of Honor in 1990.
  21. Ohm-my-god, that's watt I currently call it too. Shocking.
  22. Omigod! Bowlsby's going to the NCAA.
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