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Royale with cheese

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Everything posted by Royale with cheese

  1. Sometimes I forget that, like some of us, not everybody has been around forever. "And Jurgensen, who played to 40? He was similarly flip when tweaked for having the sort of belly that suggested he might swill a few beers. "I throw with my arm, not my stomach," he scoffed."
  2. 'Cause he didn't throw with his stomach.
  3. Fat redneck.
  4. C'mon, guys, Jesus. It's a setup for "With Texas boots, the shit's on the outside." I worry about y'all sometimes . . .
  5. Cross him off, then.mp4
  6. The difference between aggy boots and Texas boots is . . . .
  7. Such a great scene but it'd never get past the PC Police today. Hell, it's probably a capital offense.
  8. Is steering Ricky Seals-Jones away from us and to aggy specific enough?
  9. A radio face if ever there was one. Small-market radio, at that.
  10. Loved Animal; hated Rossi--what a dick.
  11. Oh, he's a really competent human penis all right: He really pisses me off.
  12. Hey, dude, don't rag on Watson; he was recently promoted all the way up to offensive assistant at Northern Iowa. Don't you know that Bradley, Drake, and Valparaiso are quaking in their collective boots right about now?
  13. If it doesn't work out with Caleb Williams, maybe Batch will offer the million to Casey.
  14. They say it's an ill wind that blows nobody good. COVID damn sure was/is an ill wind but it blew a lot of good when it came to point spreads. This bowl season brought what seemed like more uninteresting, flat-out shit bowls than usual, but COVID-depleted rosters and opt-outs made for some easy pickings at the book. It got me well for the season and I for one am sad to see this bowl season go. Same for our first two conference bb games: easy pickings. (Now I've probably jinxed myself and anybody who reads this . . .)
  15. Dalton: aggys are too stupid to have fun. Road House-1.mp4
  16. Actually, I do.
  17. You're no Jack Kennedy.mp4
  18. This one gets my Nod.
  19. Geography aside, one wonders if these bowls routinely carry cancellation insurance. Such policies are standard practice for many undertakings. That's something that I've never even thought about, as bowls were routinely never cancelled (at least that I can remember) before COVID. Anyway, such insurance for bowls does exist and I guess smart bowl sponsoring entities buy it. After last year's spate of cancellations though, I assume the premiums would choke a horse . . .
  20. "The Challenge," Darren McGavin, Broderick Crawford, James Whitmore, 1970. Wake gets to be McGavin/America; aggy is Mako/China. (Spoiler: Mako loses, but we knew that going in--they're aggy.)
  21. Nobody mentioned this yet, but fuckin' aggy got in a bunch of their allowed bowl practices before manufacturing this bullshit COVID excuse and pussying out. They ought to be debited an equal number of spring practices as payback. They won't, of course, but they ought to be. Also, everybody honed in immediately on aggy cowardice but no one's mentioned the real crime here: Everybody who had already gotten a bet down on Wake (+5 when it opened) is fucked. Best bet on the board and now, thanks to aggy chickenshit, it's no dice. Fuckabuncha aggy.
  22. Fight the fare increase. Vote for George O'Brien. Get poor Charlie off the MTA.
  23. Smells like . . . victory.
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