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Royale with cheese

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Everything posted by Royale with cheese

  1. If your provider's in a pissing contest with ABC (or any of the 3 major networks, PBS, Fox, and even CW, for that matter), try Puffer TV https://puffer.stanford.edu/ Puffer is Stanford University's TV research project. This site gives you free access to San Francisco's local network affiliates. You can watch it on your mobile device or cast it to your big-screen. You do have to suffer through commercials and I'm not smart enough to figure out how you can record content (absent an old-fashioned outboard Tivo), but you can get 24-hour network/local programming, including what's at issue here--all of ABC's nationally televised football and other sports. It's not perfect, but then bad breath is better than no breath at all . . .
  2. So was Odd Job.
  3. What good are you.mp4
  4. Don't need to--if Heather can have two mommies, why can't The U have two HC's?
  5. Anybody ever see Aranda and Bull from Night Court in the same place at the same time?
  6. Mark Henry?
  7. Reminds me of one of my favorite books, "Spots On The Wall" by Hoo Flung Dung.
  8. As God is my witness, I thought turkeys could fly . . .
  9. That's it. That's my bad motherfucker.
  10. Considering the zeal with which aggy attempts to copyright their factitious and unfounded 12th-man claim, as well as their patented "Wait 'til next year" mantra, they oughta sue Joe's Crab Shack for displaying "Free Beer Tomorrow" signs.
  11. Austin says, hold my beer.
  12. Well, there's O.J. . . .
  13. Bum Phillips, yeah, but he was rephrasing a quote relating to Bear Bryant: "[he] could take his’n and beat your’n, then take your’n and beat his’n.”
  14. "You're gonna' do WHAT?!"
  15. How could they not?
  16. If that dipshit Bigsby would've had enough sense to stay inbounds, we'd have had all three. But I guess if a frog had wings . . .
  17. Ask that dipshit, Craig Curry. He's a goddam expert.
  18. Did you smell whiskey in the air? More importantly, were you wearing a Nudie suit?
  19. We better damn well hope so, otherwise I can see the Peoples Temple Agricultural Project in our not-too-distant future. (It was the Kool Aid there, too.)
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