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Royale with cheese

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Everything posted by Royale with cheese

  1. You want to talk toxic . . .
  2. Wait, wait--you spelled "reins" correctly. Nobody on here does that. I think it's a rule.
  3. He should have portaled it before the 7th game. He could have preserved his 'shirt instead of starting . . . uh, I mean playing in, uh . . . never mind.
  4. We ain't come here to play school.
  5. Oops, wrong Woodcock.
  6. Methinks this doofus's future might not lie in bookmaking.
  7. Yours reaches the counter?
  8. It's common knowledge where we are. How we got here, not so much. It's lazy to just blame it all on Herman, although he deserves his last full measure. Like many above, I'm having a hard time figuring out why the present coaches failed to realize what they didn't have and take steps in the portal and grad transfer markets to at least stop the bleeding. The NCAA has recently adopted a waiver allowing colleges to replace up to 7 transfers over and above the normal annual signing class limit. I assume we'll have transfers out--hopefully, the expendable ones. I realize serviceable to good OL talent is hard to find in the current market, and even harder to sign, given the competition. Maybe it's time to let our moneyed nuts hang and do whatever it takes to get some help in here. My ticker can't take many more last Saturdays, and I'm not that old.
  9. We can debate the negative impact the offense had in the second half, not making first downs and leaving the D out there too long. We can talk about PK not having the right players to run his schemes, but when you strip away all the bullshit it really comes down to this: We put up 48 fucking points and the D couldn't hold it. 48 ought to be enough for a Texas defense.
  10. Yes, thanks. That's what I'm using--Rattler's ugly mug having ruined my TV notwithstanding.
  11. Thanks for all the suggestions for ways to watch with no Dish/ABC, but I guess I'll just be listening to it on the Longhorn Radio Network. I tuned in to College Gameday and they were showing Spenser Rattler. He was so fucking ugly he broke my TV.
  12. Anybody have suggestions/alternatives for those of us with Dish and no ABC? (Also, no over-the-air possibilities--too remote.)
  13. Henry Higgins did a masterful transformatory job but he ended up with a girl. Powerful afraid Flood's headed down that same path . . .
  14. You guys are being too hard on Flood. He delegates most of the systemic design and actual instruction to André Maginot.
  15. Troy Shondell agrees.
  16. Laugh about it, shout about it When you've got to choose Every way you look at it, you lose
  17. But only on the field.
  18. I know how you feel. I dated a witch and one time when we were driving, she whispered in my ear and I turned into a motel.
  19. Yep, give me a job any day where you get paid good money and only have to be right about 30% of the time.
  20. Yep. Before there. Guilty as charged.
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