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Royale with cheese

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Everything posted by Royale with cheese

  1. Uh, guys, the line between football talk and cloakroom bullshit is back there--waaaay back there.
  2. Unionization. Collective bargaining. Strikes. Yeah, that'll help college football. That's just what we need. Fuckin' government. Jesus H. Christ.
  3. Not enough.
  4. You're forgetting about the "only one from each state" gentlemen's agreement. Florida will doubtless object and that will keep Free Shoes out, just like aggy did to Texas. Oh, wait . . .
  5. He doesn't actually suck, he just holds them in his mouth for a while.
  6. Yeah, they're only 30 seconds or a minute on home TV. They stretch them to 4, maybe 5 minutes if you're actually in the stands. Jesus.
  7. Don't call me Shirley.
  8. Top Gun.mp4
  9. Bullshit. Piggie win was my counseling session.
  10. Remember when some banks were too big to fail? Red's too rich to die.
  11. The one on the left.mp4
  12. You can always tell an engineer . . . you just can't tell him much.
  13. You know what they put on french fries in Holland instead of ketchup? What? Mayonnaise. Ahhh, goddam. I seen 'em do it, man. They drown 'em in that shit.
  14. Yeah, but a rock feels no pain. And an island, unlike Texas fans over the last 12 years or so, never cries.
  15. Who's on first?
  16. Bingo. Although it's possible we see some minor improvement in OL play, i.e., coordination, assignment integrity, we shouldn't expect too much. And they clearly won't get any bigger, faster, stronger in 2 or 3 weeks. So the two questions above are right on target. The answers, well, we'll see.
  17. And unicorns, too. Considering what we've trotted out there since David Thomas, they must be about the same thing.
  18. Pussy--it'll do it every time. It's undefeated and still the heavyweight champion of the world.
  19. Me: There are times when I think our fanbase is the absolute worst. She: And the other times? Me: There are no other times.
  20. That's what Jerry Lee said.
  21. I saw him one night in '80 or '81 at Antone's when it was in the old Shakey's at 29th & Guadalupe. He loved to walk off the stage and stroll through the audience, still playing like crazy. That night, he walked all the way out the front door and into the middle of the Drag and back again. Never missed a lick. That was before wireless guitar pickups so he dragged what must have been a 100-foot cord. Had a roadie behind him wrangling the cord. Don't know which one was more impressive--Albert or the roadie. Killer good. I think I remembering him saying to me as he passed, "If you post this story on Surly, tell 'em I said beat the shit outta' them fuckin' pigs!"
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