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Royale with cheese

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Everything posted by Royale with cheese

  1. Listening to that gives me a cold, cold feeling. Bravo, sir.
  2. I knew a guy from way back in the Ozarks where the school was so poor, you had to choose. You could learn to read or to write, but not both.
  3. They don't have any more use for grammar than for deodorants. Come to think of it, maybe they are aggy trolls in drag, after all.
  4. The grass, it always be greener . . .
  5. Blue Balls was already taken.
  6. Gentlemen's agreement.
  7. You put a quarter in his ear and that tooth folds back . . .
  8. At least it's not that fucking Beth Mowins.
  9. Yeah, that and horse hockey.
  10. Anybody watch the last 3-4 minutes of the aggy-Kent St. game? Line was aggy by around 28.5-29.5. With under 5 minutes and the score at 41-10 aggy, KSU tries a field goal. Down by 31 and they try a fucking field goal. Think that coach didn't take the points, and/or have some BMD's who did? Then, to make matters worse, the dumb-fuck aggy QB throws an interception with about a minute to go. Throws a fucking interception. And guess what? KSU runs three plays and, still down by 31, calls a timeout at :02 and tries another fucking field goal. That shit just ain't right. Thank the betting gods, the silly son of a bitch missed them both. Karma's a bitch sometimes. I had aggy -28.5 so fortunately for me this was one of those times. Jesus, why do I do this shit?
  11. Bring back Wally Pryor.
  12. Yeah, two-a-days in 95- to 100-degree heat, or worse, and the coaches wouldn't let you drink water during practice. Said doing without made you tougher. But then, that was before helicopter parents and plaintiff's lawyers.
  13. Yeah, I saw that. Also, did anybody notice how Fox pointedly refused to even mention our game in their "Big Noon Kickoff" promo? They hyped PedoState-Wisky, then UCLA-LSU, pointedly not even mentioning our game, which is sandwiched right in the middle of their other two. I saw that spot at least twice. It appears to me that they're intent on fucking us for leaving the B-12 and going to the sec and ESPN. Looks to me like they're cutting off their nose to spite their face but I'm not anywhere near smart enough to run a network whose flagship programming includes shit like The Masked Singer, so what do I know?
  14. Seven years of college down the drain. Might as well join the fucking Peace Corps!
  15. Yeah, but we'd better hope that Eyegor didn't pick the brain . . .
  16. #2 breaks the internet.
  17. Deep Thought says the answer is 42, but what does a supercomputer know? I think the answer is the single wing, but what do I know?
  18. Weren't we all . . . ?
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