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Royale with cheese

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Everything posted by Royale with cheese

  1. Correcting Surly's grammar is a Sisyphean task.
  2. Gentlemen, we can rebuild him. We have the technology. Better than he was before. Better, stronger, faster."
  3. Forget all the window dressing, misdirection, and camouflage--that's all bullshit. An unholy alliance of state legislatures, the courts, and the NCAA have just legalized buying players. Call it what you want, that's what it boils down to. Figuring out how do do it while still staying within the "rules" (of which there are damn few anymore) ain't rocket surgery. And we've got more money than Croesus. I'm tired of holding ourselves out to be above mixing with the longtime and well known cheaters (blOw-U and sec, sec, sec--I'm looking at you). I want to see us grow some balls and play the game. And I'll be goddammed if I want to see us outbid. (Can you say "Big, Swinging Dicks?" I knew you could.)
  4. Yeah, she didn't make a lot in tips. She was so ugly the guys didn't want to put dollar bills in her G-string. One asked her, "Where's all the fifty-cent pieces?" She said, "The aggys married 'em."
  5. 220, 221--whatever it takes.
  6. That's correct. Also, he's only an analyst, not a coordinator--and he's on the defensive side of the ball, not offense. Other than that, the original post was spot on.
  7. They already have. That's how they got to 180.
  8. Yeah. And don't forget to include that totally incompetent asshole, Steve Patterson. He comes in for a large share of the blame, too.
  9. Somebody needs to tell aggy that sheep dip is not a contraceptive.
  10. Nah, arms are too big.
  11. You know why divorces cost so damn much? Because they're worth it. Every damn penny.
  12. You don't want to see pix. She was so fat, I took her picture and the negative weighed three pounds.
  13. Christ. Seven years of college down the drain. Might as well join the fucking Peace Corps.
  14. I wouldn't say flat, exactly. Why, at night you have to stand on a dime to see the lights of Topeka.
  15. Don’t ever do that. It just takes the energy right out of you. She left me, though. Found somebody even uglier than she was. That’s life. Who can explain it?
  16. In all its radiant GLO-ry. Can I get an amen?!
  17. Frau Blucher glue.
  18. Everybody knows that Chiles oughta starts.
  19. LBGTQ ostracized in agggy-land. Have to be subtle and circumspect when riding the hershey highway.
  20. Yeah, that's about how I see it too. After waaaay too many Maryland flashbacks and Kool-Aid hangovers, I've sworn off the hard stuff until I see us in action. I'll hope for the best but won't be surprised at a bump in the road or two.
  21. But, but . . . Ann Richards will make us take Baylor with us. That'll uneven things.
  22. Filtered mud mined from the bottom of the Deleaware River and only umps are allowed to handle . . . No, wait; that's baseballs. For football, we use filtered Bevodung mined from the bottom of the Silver Spurs' trailer.
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