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Royale with cheese

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Everything posted by Royale with cheese

  1. True. Just paranoia I guess.
  2. It's hard for the younger crowd to really appreciate this but the Arkansas rivalry was every bit the equal of blOw-U in the sixties, and waaaay more relevant than aggy, who were just considered little wanna-be pests. At least that's what I've been told; I don't remember much about the sixties . . .
  3. Other than the occasional game on Fox, are all the rest streaming-only with some sort of paid subscription, or can they be accessed on regular TV, or even streamed free?
  4. Did I miss something--is that prick Juwan Mitchell coming back?
  5. Poleassassin gets paid nightly, so . . .
  6. Seems like he'd fit perfectly in (the University of) Southern California.
  7. Wonder how much of this move was independently his decision and how much it was the coaches being brutally honest about his future playing time? Same for several of our recent transfers out. I realize that sounds mercenary but most of the successful coaches/programs are pretty damn cold-blooded when it comes to roster management. It doesn't bother me one bit if we give the deadwood, the near-deadwood, or the just-doesn't-fit-the-new-system a gentle push.
  8. Subaru is the National Car of Maine. What does that say about Maine women? (Don't take this too harshly; I was up there for a week last summer and I saw a really attractive girl. Uh, woman. Singular.)
  9. No offense intended. Exceptions apply to all Shaggy members in good standing. The rest of you motherfuckers, however . . .
  10. It's a free country. People have the inalienable right to look stupid if they want to. And a hell of a lot of them seem to want to--been to Walmart lately?
  11. The quintessential example of a radio face.
  12. Highest and best use.
  13. You'd probably be doing some coaches a favor. Kansas's immediate past coach comes to mind.
  14. Mr. Newy25, meet the Transfer Portal. Transfer Portal, this is Newy25. If y'all get your heads together I'll bet you can figure out why Thompson's getting the run he's getting. For now, anyway.
  15. "Base-boll been berry, berry good...to me," Chico Escuela.
  16. No babbling from some RTF student announcer is fine, but a current and informative graphic would be nice.
  17. I'm not sure that "need" is the proper term. They're just throwing out this optional alternative band red herring to gloss over the basic edict that, "Hey, the LHB, the By-God Showband of the Southwest, will play The fuckin' Eyes and if you don't like it, GTFO."
  18. To paraphrase Honest Abe, "You can please all of the people some of the time, some of the people all of the time, but you can't please Surly any time."
  19. Eight for me. I came to The 40 in '63 when we won it all. I thought it was going to be like that all the time. Then, some several years later, we got Charlie and I thought we'd never win another game, let alone another championship. Even with damn near 60 years of perspective to dampen my spirits, I'm thinking things are on the upswing. Let's beat those ou fuckers and see where we can go from there. (Pass the Kool Aid, will ya? I'm dry as a bone.)
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