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Everything posted by SWC

  1. Back to work. I'll be back after I go laugh at texags.
  2. Those are extreme examples.
  3. Maybe Herman has HC'd too many teams that have a disadvantage in recruiting. So much so, that he has created a system that does not lend to pulling the typical studs. His whole system seems to be using athletic tweeners to edge the competition.
  4. Best BBQ in Austin is Colter's and the best Mexican food is Trudy's.
  5. How do I attach pictures? I'll really pick up some fans.
  6. <-------- Nice, I like it. Pls more negatives.
  7. Well, there ya go. Still have to get the partial qualifier thing solved but it can be done. See UNC.
  8. Dbl post
  9. I need some more +'s by my name so that I don't have a - by my name.
  10. Ya ya, this too.
  11. Interesting. Still, a lot of white boys on that roster that were from flat farm country. They wouldn't be ranked in 247 today.
  12. Nebraska lost the farm hands and their walk on program when Farm Inc. bought all the farms. Their walk on program made them great. They don't have it anymore. Texas still has the best HS football in the nation and we are the premier school in that state. Act the part.
  13. It's true. Mack Brown rotted out program with outright laziness. Does not change our blue blood status and the fact that we can pull players.
  14. Honestly, while I try to do the right thing all the time, I have to agree with this. In the $ec, the MO is to always pay no matter what happens. If you get caught, keep paying, you are only a few players from prominence. No real penalties anymore. Is the NCAA are going to hurt Texas? Ya right..... Here's the issue. When we are dealing with the elite recruits, they are thinking 8 figures and how to get there.... 180k is peanuts. The scheme issue is important. We need to find players that will fit within our scheme. TO is still honing this system to flank the spread offenses. The plodders in the $ec are easy, they can't throw precision passes to the flats. Not one QB in that conference can do it. They have never needed to do it until we raped uga. Now they are on notice.... Can't wait for L$U.
  15. Man, good stuff. Remember orange slices and milk and cookies? Just win baby. I think we have an easier path than the bama path. The $ec is going to grind aggy into turd dust. If we can win the B12 1 out of 2 or 2 out 3 times consistently, we'll get what we want. I think our D scheme is excellent and very versatile but we do need the elite players on D line to make it to the top.
  16. Hal Mumme and Mike Leach
  17. I agree, keep trying. It will come.
  18. Come on, we roll out the best of the best for these guys. Patience, it's coming.
  19. You're talking to the drug addicted. The B12 is not going back to the FB dive. The new coaches coming in here are going to have to learn on the curve. Blowout alert's are on the horizon. They don't have the personnel to run that plodding crap against Tx, osu, & blou.
  20. On D-line yes, QB no..... Fromm (whatever his name is) is a piece of crap qb. He would be bottom 4 in B12. By the time JQJ is starting for us, we will be in the top 3 AP again. Texas is like a black hole. Once the winning starts, 95% of the blue chips from Texas want in. We are well on the way. Aggy is going to be irrelevent. Enjoy the wholesale meltdown that will be the 2019 aggy season.
  21. Ya, for sure we need them. Still, we beat the pups with a WWE wrestler at DE because the plodders have no answer to our elite DB's.
  22. Sure but our D is a flanking maneuver set up for air raid defense. We don't play against 2 yard and "a cloud of dust" teams. We match up well against the plodding $ec teams as long as their qb's can't get the ball to the flats. From was a key example of this. Go re-watch the sugar bowl. We killed jawja 27-7 with 6 mins left in the game. We matched up man on the outside and used speed to control the LOS. Large heavy defenses are going to be phasing out. Large agile d-lineman are in. Smaller hybrid lb's with larger hybrid db's. We are fine. Stop trying to fit into the $ec mold. It's outdated.
  23. Everything is going to go through the secondary in our defense. Single coverage lock down corners = an extra man in the box and in our case with extreme speed. Everything gets better with lock down corners. We are close. Keeping working.
  24. You think they get by Auburn and Mississippi St.? They haven't beat these teams in awhile. I think they lose a minimum of 6.
  25. Oh my wow, what are we doing at MAC? Who is Cort Jacquess? Ayodele is an injury waiting to happen and Floyd, well.
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