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Little Steven

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Everything posted by Little Steven

  1. That’s a GIDP waiting to happen.
  2. You’re welcome.
  3. What about when we wore the silver jerseys? Then you knew.
  4. It’s like the difference between laying pipe before eating a sandwich and laying pipe after.
  5. FUCK Strollin’ Nolan. And throw in Lee Mayberry and Todd Day. And that stupid fucking pig on their court while we’re at it.
  6. I’ve seen pretty much all of my teams win titles: Longhorn football, Longhorn baseball and the Astros. Thanks to Bud the Oilers will never win one and I no longer watch the NFL except to follow former Horns. The only good thing I have to say about Bud is that because of him at least we didn’t have to deal with the shitshow that is Jeff Fisher.
  7. He could have 2,000 yards receiving this season and he still won’t stay in Looch’s top 10. Maybe not even top 20.
  8. Because fuck Albert Pujols, that’s why
  9. You don’t want to know.
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